Jow Forums tips to not be destroyed working in a female environment

I'm gonna start a new job, is pretty much administrative office working, but there's only woman and 2 more guys, the age's go from 20's-70's, how to Jow Forums knowlodge do I avoid being victim of female shenanigans and getting in #metoo situations?

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Not a good day to ask, next time I guess

Decline the job and go into a new field. I work with nothing but women. They will ALWAYS find a way to get out of having to do even the most basic tasks and will ALWAYS leave early or not show up at all. They "don't feel good" or "lit-trolley just can't even right now". You need the money but you need your sanity more.

I work in an all female office. This is what I suggest you do:

>shut the fuck up
>do your work
>do NOT form close ties to anyone in particular; keep it cool with everyone
>do NOT reveal anything from your personal life as it WILL be filtered.
>if possible, always be somewhere with cameras or other people when interacting with a woman.
>go home without making it a big deal
it is an absolute nightmare. They are walking black pill dispensaries, and they will forget you are there. You will see that ancient people, and to a lesser extent Jow Forums, have them figured out pretty well. They are a walking meme, and the conversations that you will overhear will make you respect them less with each passing day. Good luck man.

Look hot, create fake social moments as way to pass the time with them because they will never not leave you alone until they extract information about you they can use for gossip Im dead serious.

These are solid tips.
To add one more is to look at new jobs while working there to keep your moneyflow.

There's this problem of they not working as well
I imagined something like that, even more to the fact that I know personally that dating someone you work with is a bad idea so I wouldn't talk much to people
Most office jobs are full of woman though

If you browse here, you're not going to make it in that kind of environment. Eventually you will say something without thinking about it.

Never be in a meeting room alone with 1 woman.

Never talk personable about anyone

Do your work and get it done on time

Never go out for social gatherings outside of work

Keep talk to small talk. “what did you do this weekend user?” “Not much, had some much needed cleaning to be done at my house”

I have a good filter, never let any of this leave my mouth even when I'm drunk and angry
I wonder if I always finish my work in the last minutes I can avoid having to do their work

>I have a good filter, never let any of this leave my mouth even when I'm drunk and angry
Wish I had that super power. Found it was easier to just avoid social media in full and just shitpost here when I'm bored.
>I wonder if I always finish my work in the last minutes I can avoid having to do their work
What kind of work is it? Can you be last minute without it being obvious, or look like you are just fucking off until the deadline?

>What kind of work is it? Can you be last minute without it being obvious, or look like you are just fucking off until the deadline?
Administrative shit, running paper's around, doing some shitty excel, getting and delivering things, still don't know how can I delay it since I haven't started yet to know the extent of it

I had an older woman hit on me at work about a month ago. I'm mid-20s, she's early 50s, married, with a high school senior daughter. She sent me family pics on the work e-mail and I thought we were just being amicable by going on group walks outside occasionally.

One day, she steps into my cubicle
>*pointing to parking lot* "Hey, do you wanna step outside for a quick workout?"
"Uh, what?"
>"You know, just 10, 15 minutes. A workout."
*I realize what's going on* "Uh... Hahaaaaa... nope, sorry. Enjoy."
>"Oh, alright..."

And she didn't even go outside. She just went back to her cubicle.

She's cute for her age but I'm not a homewrecker. And I have a lot more to lose than she does: I'm salaried, she's hourly. Totally absurd.

This situations are a problem as I think that depending on the day I could probably accept it

Believe you me, I could have used it. My social awkwardness probably actually saved me in this situation. My best advice is to learn from my experience and never, ever, ever disclose anything personal about yourself: Relationship status, family, any of it. Because she and I talked about some of that stuff and she felt comfortable enough to make that move on me.

I made the mistake of talking too much in my former job, now I barely talk

should have just fucked her. Here in canada with the number of soys it can be extremely easy fucking office sloots. Not sure if the sexual harrassment hysteria is different in america, but i havent experienced anything similar here in canada.

Used to work with a gilf that looked like pic related: late 50s but bleach blonde hair, fake tits, and a turbo sloot.

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Chad reporting: fuck the boss and when you get bored file sexual harassment claim.

>they'll forget you're there.

This is happening with increasing frequency. Most trips I take are to all female staff offices. Ladies at the DMV were gossiping about how horrible their boyfriends/husband are right in front of me. Foul and shameless personal shit.

>Work in office, almost everybody is female
>Get ignored by all of the women in a romantic sense
>Get a girlfriend outside of work
>Some women in the office find out and start flirting with me
>Break up with girlfriend
>Flirting stops
It's fucking bizarre. Another tip is that it's easy to let your guard down and talk with women in the office about your personal life especially if they come across as friendly, but they will turn on you the minute there's a promotion on the line. Assume anything you say could be used against you in the future.

get rid of the memeflag.

I truly despise women that flirt with men who have gfs

bro wtf

>not fucking every woman in the office

how do you fuck them?

my office is mostly dudes rn, but id love to have a fling with a MILF from the office? what steps do you take, you have experience?

there is one woman beside me, married, but i do sense that she would be a great fuck and is probably bored of her beta hubby.

Enjoy being fired.

>sex is a crime

There's a difference between fucking women and fraternization with coworkers. And yes, in some cases it is illegal. It's certainly against workplace policy at every company I've ever worked for.

every place ive worked is a fuckin sausage fest so ive never even heard of not being allowed to fuck women from work LOL. since when can the company tell you who and who you can't fuck on personal time?

When they hire you they say fraternization is cause for release.

>I'm gonna start a new job, is pretty much administrative office working, but there's only woman and 2 more guys, the age's go from 20's-70's, how to Jow Forums knowlodge do I avoid being victim of female shenanigans and getting in #metoo situations?
Treat women like you would treat men
Unless you're gay, then do the opposite
Adn read the rational male

>Administrative shit, running paper's around, doing some shitty excel, getting and delivering things, still don't know how can I delay it since I haven't started yet to know the extent of it
Are you brazilian? Show flag

Disgusting and shameless woman. Had a woman who was my supervisor showing signs of interest while at the same time taking advantage of my hard work ethic. Eventually she acted more like she hated me, likely cause I'd act monotone quite often around her.

From my personal experience most women in the workplace I've encountered are really annoying and busybodies. So many times that I refused to share what I did on the weekends and personal stuff that my former supervisor would ask.

Just don't.
The pussy isn't worth the drama - don't shit where you eat.

I invited a female coworker to my wedding. I knew she had hit the wall couple years back but she was trying to grind on me in front of my new wife and in laws on the dance floor during the reception. I had to explain how the bitch was a slut but not of concern for my wife. Such an annoyance

How do you avoid disclosing such information when so many coworkers/managers ask those kinds of questions?

I've become more private but even then I sometimes get asked questions like where did you work before, do you have any siblings, what do you do for fun. Its like why do they want to know? It's not like I'm looking to befriend coworkers and most of these just end up telling others about it. The busybodies in workplaces really piss me off.

what if your a go-getter who wants to move up in the world. Seems kind of counterproductive to avoid office politics altogether



Jow Forums is a bunch of autistic virgins LARPing as if they have an actual job.

socialize with your colleagues just don't be naive, and if they hit you hit back x10. don't be a beta and your fine.

Be polite but civil and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Srsly don't tell them anything.

>inviting a coworker


I literally told coworkers once that if I got a wife or children that I wouldn't tell them. Not like they could get me fired but it sure seemed to piss them off hehe.

Then you get fired for being the creepy weirdo

I was a gogetter at a former job. It resulted in more work but my request for a promotion for more pay was denied. I was not given a better job title either even though I had several employees put in good words about me. I ended up quitting that office job without a 2 weeks notice hehe.

>Jow Forums is a bunch of autistic virgins LARPing as if they have an actual job.
Some of us do have jobs, but we don't work in an office full of Stacies. I don't even see other people in person, just do shit over the phone or email. I'd fucking lose it if I had to be in an office all day with a bunch of gossiping women doing nothing all day like they're at the DMV.

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...and this came to mind reading your post, fucking kek

You guys are doing it wrong. Don't be a total autist. You have to develop a radar for who is cool and who isn't. Just give out neutral and normie opinions or just sot of agree with people when they talk when you're new.

It may take you years to get to the point to where you can openly talk with coworkers. You have to learn the art of the subtle redpill by just asking the right innocent questions. You won't earn their trust or respect if you just vomit your opinions on them. Most other whites hate identity politics as much as you do but they're scared of the left attacking them or losing their jobs.

And for working with women you guys are also doing it wrong. Don't be a fucking creep and be nice to the women you work with and you can form a "harem." You can literally make friends with women and they will feed you all of the relevant news of what's going on in the workplace and will act as little secret agents helping you along in your career. They also know which women are the real fucking headcases and will warn you about them.

So yeah. Avoid the cucks and bitches and form your little kingdom within the workplace.

my office is mainly boomer men and a few boomer women who are fucking retarded. i think millenial women are worse but its close

women in general bring almost no value to a company and should all be fired immmediately. Exceptions are secretaries and certain co-ordinator positions.

Create a phony backstory, boring, non-threatening.

You WILL be grilled for info, and if you don't give it, or give "wrong" info, you will be targeted for petty shit.

I have a fictional family, photos and all. Boring as possible, but not so boring as to set off any "he's too normie must be a serial killer".

Declare your homosexuality

>hating identity politics

I love identity politics. White people need to start thinking in those terms.

Try to be as vague as possible, of course don't be afraid to give out non-threatening information like where you went to school or w/e. When I feel like someone is prying too much, I just waste their time and tell them a useless story while I look for a opportunity to exit the conversation.

> hey user, we are soo psyched here at HR that we have great LGBT workers like you :D

> we’ll make sure to put you in the loop with all the other “girls” *teehee*!! you wanna help out with some seminars during diversity day?

He asked for a method keep to the job, which does not necessarily means being happy :-P

Maybe I should clarify what I mean. Most white people are furious that they have to pay into a welfare system that then refuses to give them benefits if they need to access it.

You simply ask people why they are paying to feed other races and how well those races would treat them if the situation was reversed. You can also ask them why they are paying taxes to prop up a Jewish ethnostate but are attacked if they say they want to live in a white neighborhood.

It starts with the simple question. If other races are getting special privileges why aren't we?

Do your job?

My staff is 6 women, one man. I suprevise them all the same way. I only hired two of them, rest I inherited.

Single mom's take a lot of time off. That's the only thing I've noticed that is different. I also laterally supervise a lot of department heads as part of my job in executive management. Women are actually easier because they don't get into dick measuring contests with you (usually).

Biggest problem is brainlets of all denominations, and there are a lot.

are you autistic? You never worked around women before? Jesus fucking christ leave this board now you genetic dead end. YOU TREAT IT LIKE ANY OTHER WORKPLACE!!!

Have you never had a job before in general? Jesus fuck you raging idiot.

Sounds like a grade A plan to be a beta low level cuck forever.

You can't be management without talking to people and you can't get buy in without them liking you.

>just ignore the fact that women and minorities are promoted over you for diversity
>just ignore that you can be immediately fired if a woman doesn't like you

Announce you are transitioning and your new name is Tara.

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Befriend a group of women and if you are not rapy you will be protected.
That's what I did.

I work for a big city in a hyper liberal area, that isn't how it works. Big positions in a media spotlight might get more ID politics influence, but if you're getting passed over for low level or middle management positions for diversity, you were a totally marginal candidate.

t. has done the hiring and hiring policy on a few places.

Sort of like bitching about minorities taking school slots when you were never going to Princeton or Yale, or even Duke or Stanford anyhow.

No one fucking cares about gradation in low tier universities. If you weren't competitive for a top 10 school, AA probably didn't fuck your chances up, brainletism did.

And if undergrad work was ever "too hard," you can guarantee it was brainletism.

How do I not be rapey though

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>haha ignore systemic discrimination because you're just not good enough

>how do I avoid being victim of female shenanigans
Be ugly

It's not nearly enough descriminated to keep worthy people down.

I am sorry you are of marginal ability.

Same goes for the dating enviornment. Sucks for all the incels, but it's better that incels don't breed and that the inferior don't get work.

I find it hilarious when people fashion themselves warriors in their minds, but can't overcome AA. Lul.

Play it safe. Don't touch them how you would touch a normal female friend. Talk to them about your gf/wife/women fuck. They will know you are not gay and that you can behave decently but are fuckable on the other hand. Ability to have sex + self-restraint is the key to not appearing rapy

wow this is still going

Ah I see I'm talking to a woman.

One of my only recurring sexual fantasies anymore:

> be an office drone with a bit of clout and my own office (ususally middle management), the workplace is women, betas, and a lowkey bi guy
> I start to hate my life and other people because of constantly defending myself from feminine intrigue like Jow Forums talks about and from the betas’ self hating bullshit
> as I distrust the people under me, I realize I can work better with bi guy because he does his own thing and shuts up, we have a good working relationship
> as my lack of social life and human contact starts to erode my sanity, I start to become attracted to bi guy, who looks as good or better than most the office people
> he’s attracted to me, I find out he CDs in his spare time after research, sexual tension becomes unbearable as months go by
> I snap one day when we go in the closet to get inventory, grope him with the force of a thousand suns
> I buy professional women’s clothes for him, we fuck in my office with passion
> he declares himself trans (he’s not though), I make him my secretary, replacing mine
> we help each other get work done, my hatred lifts, the bosses love my progress and his
> women are seething because they have no power over me, can’t rat me and bi guy out cuz muh transphobia
> betas secretly want bi guy as theirs
> we piss them off more by giving each other looks during meetings and doing subtle pda at the vending machine
> I get a bj every day and a fuck a few times a week with gusto from my trap secretary

What’s wrong with me, I just wanted a wife and kids when I first started working... I’m just a lowly rent a cop frends, how did my mind contrive this

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Never be in a room alone with a woman
Record all private conversations if forced to be alone with women
Dont comment on a woman's apperience, scenr, or other nonprofessional topics
Don't joke around with women
Don't talk to women
Don't even look at women
NEVER have sex with a woman
Best just be gay, and pretend women will give you a virus if you get to close

No dude, you're talking to a white male who is third in management of a $780 million a year operation at 29.

I did this with all the "oppression" and being Jewish.

Also have a wife and three sons.

You betas just suck. I'd ignore you, but you've turned to gunning down women and children despite objectively still having some of the highest living standards in human history.

I don't care about identity politics. I just loathe betas and sub 115 IQ goyim.

that's probably be the best answer or this

Make sure to pay taxes so i can neet it up on YOUR. Money

>hello fellow white males
>as a jewish man, i didn't face any affirmative action!

shut the fuck up kike

Follow them home, they will start having sexual fantasies about you

Take personal responsibility.

>Thinking slurs have any effect on a proud people who are proud of who they are.

In capitalist systems we always end up as 20-30% of billionaires despite being 1% of the population. Slur all you like, we win every competition.

trust me, I'm doing fine

but you're still a dirty Jew. you don't fool most of us anymore. i'm just sick of your bullshit and calling it out


I would suggest reading Culture of Critique, to better understand the dirty tricks the Jews use on the "goyim". Remember, Jews view all non-Jews as cattle, and especially have a hatred for White Europeans.

I have worked around women my whole life. What you do is the following:
>keep a low profile
>when in trouble play the victim card
>always have some personal goal to work on that is bullshit as a shield
>do not befriend them
>do not share personal information
>mark the crazy ones and avoid them at all cost
>get into a promotion as soon as possible and fuck them all

>Thinking slurs have any effect on a proud people who are proud of who they are.

In capitalist systems we always end up as 20-30% of billionaires despite being 1% of the population. Slur all you like, we win every competition.

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You come off as an insufferable idiot. Do you speak that way in real life, too? I mean, christ, you're in some middle management position and acting like you're a prodigy. I cant stand arrogant fags who try and flaunt themselves off like you do.
>inb4 you say I'm a neet/incel/genetic dead end/beta/whatever flavor of the month insult you want to use

I am younger than you and probably have a more prosperous career. I also have an intact penis, something you, as a jew, will never experience.

The bundas don’t lie mang, no matter what’s installed in front of them

Fuck thats hot

Aw fuck, I just got banned for that, didn’t I?

Dont think so but i wish i was you

I work in early education, literally the only male at work. It fucking sucks

Anyone claiming to be a Jew on Jow Forums is likely trolling you absolute fucking cretin

Wouldn't bet and rely on it. At some point, it will come out. Even if it's just something seemingly innocent. And then all those years of hiding are for nothing.

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> ... and being Jewish.

That doesn’t help your case here, brainlet.