forcing them to go back, this is 4d genius
Yang's $12,000 a year will price out all the illegals
I could almost believe this would work in places like Seattle but wont they just move into cheaper areas?
1000 a month could build one of these ez.
I don't agree with op that 1000 a month will price out the illegals. It will however help out the american population that doesn't want to work a shit job for shit wages.
you had me at "comfy".
$1000 bucks a month will actually make more people invest in flyover states and buy cheap houses in those states basically for free. The mortgage will be like $500 bucks each month so if you make like $4000 a month you could afford 3 houses and rent 2 out. This will be a big boom for real estate and the economy and the flyover states. Shitholes like SF and LA and NYC however will just up their rents by $1000 however so those people would be the only ones getting screwed. But then again you could move out of those shitholes and colonize the underrated flyover states. In return if people move out of big cities, big cities have to be forced to be attractive again. So they have to clean their shit up.
Seriously though, when is anybody else going to talk about automation? Why is it that nobody but some asian cares and is willing to do something to help out?
it's a good thing that shit jobs are going to be automated away
I agree as does yang. We still need to figure out what well do about the displaced people though.
It also provides an incentive for every American to report illegals since they'd be threatening their $1000/month payout if they're allowed to stay
It costs more to put someone in jail than it does to give them 12k/year
> According to the Vera Institute of Justice, incarceration costs an average of more than $31,000 per inmate, per year, nationwide
>I don't know how inflation works
>We still need to figure out what well do about the displaced people though.
encourage low iq people to not breed, they can live off basic income
yang doesn't want automation cause it will cut out china
You have no proof of that and yang has stated that automation is good we just have to figure out what to do about the people.
Israel will still be funded so you need not worry zion don supporters. As Yang supports freedom he will allow you to donate your share directly to your local synagogue.
I agree that we should discourage breeding among those that can't afford it but the logistics of such a thing are pretty difficult to accomplish under the cost of 12k/year per person.
china is literally automating away 10s of millions of jobs right now themselves
desu i would be happier if it was $12,000 of tax credits a year
He says asians are "one generation away from falling into the same camps as the Jews" in a world where the "shrinking, insecure white majority that's losing their jobs" start taking up rifles and hunting poor innocent asians in the streets.
That would be nice. I think if we got rid of property tax then the people would be able to handle it a bit better though tax cuts doesn't exactly address the possibility of there being less jobs in the future. Sure, we might find more jobs to be done or we might be able to afford more scientists and engineers but the incentive to pay for a large number of them is difficult to assume without government programs hiring masses of people for the purpose of developing military weapons.
Well I'm glad someone else is going to stand up for our rights
Yeah that's totally equivalent to another faggot claiming, "white man bad". I'm over that stupid shit. If not for white men we would still be in the stone age.
If yang is pres and ubi is implemented, I will charge everyone who pays me rent a few hundred more in rent. just because I know they have the extra `1000 a month
>this would stop (((foreign aid)))
This user gets it.
How much does yang pay you faggots? IOU yang bucks?
except the illegals, who will be priced out
> Implying the illegals won't get $12k a month
yang will pay me, and you! $12,000 a year after he wins!
Good luck keeping all your tenants
I really wish it was this easy
You're right, it's worse because at least you can expect Yang to be consistent whereas Republicans will do whatever it takes to keep money flowing to their donors and Israel while saying we're too broke to help Americans
How's it gonna feel when your rentors move out? You think demand is gonna be on your side when there's already more vacant houses than there are homeless people?
They won't.
Yang literally says he's giving all illegals amnesty and stopping all deportations.
He also said he's giving ALL illegals free health care.
He's a dumb piece of shit.
The post.
lmao he even falsely paraphrased Yang from the video. Yang didn't even say asian churches.
Watch the first few minutes of the video, and you'll see what alt-lite Posobiec didn't want people to see.
Hint: racial demographical replacement
... he right you know.
Of course you will, and you should. His twitter actually has a fucking Monopoly metaphor. This amount of money will never lead to ownership; property taxes and upkeep costs will soar. Whenever you see the words VAT, try using google earth on the business districts of smaller cities in Europe, and look at the number of empty storefronts. Almost anything left is an ethnic food shop that fronts a drug operation. I know these are meme threads, but please don't indulge in this nonsense.
stop making shit up trump shill
he wants to give them a path forward to citizenship which is definitely the cheapest option. as for the healthcare I agree with you on a moral basis but logistically it's dumb or would cost american lives as well.
12000 x 327200000 = 3926400000000
Wow, this is so retarded. Do you idiots seriously expect him to give away 4 trillion dollars each year for no reason? There is no way that would not end up in disaster. Have fun with your hyperinflation, lol.
that's way less than what we give to the rich
The most pro-white if not the only pro-white in the race to include trumpy.
How many times are you people going to post this dumb FUD?
Deporting all the illegals is not only impossible, but fucking stupid for the local economies. He's proposing giving them citizenship after 18 years meaning they won't get UBI while everyone around them will. Not only will this make some of them fuck right off, it will promote better behavior from them.
He's also for stronger borders, why are you so misinformed?
He says how he will pay for it in detail here!
Have a good day uwu~
> empty storefronts
doesn't this just reinforce the idea that if you raise prices due to people having more money but without a legitimate increase in demand over supply that people will just go somewhere else?
Specifically this
$12,000 a year
White people spend it
Black people smoke it
Asian people invest it
Native people drink it
Jewish people loan it
Great for the economy, goys.
His plan is basically that all existing illegals within the country must sign on a pathway to citizenship or face deportation after that window along with any future illegals. Then they need to be crime-free for 18 years straight to get citizenship or face deportation.
Price out illegals? You mean businesses will be forced to hire illegals because their taxes are way higher and they have to cut labour costs.
Meanwhile they'll just buy social security numbers and get free chinkbucks
How to pay for it = Eliminate 90% of our un-necessarily large military and stop overpaying contractors for shit like toilet seats for B-1 bombers.
lets say 40% of the workforce gets autmoated and goes to jail because of the crimes theyll commit in order to survive.
> 1308800*31000 = 4.05728*10^12
much more expensive.
the chinese looks up to whites for inspiration, it would be a tragedy for them if all whites become goblinos
the AI will catch the fraud and deport them
So you're a Jew.
I'm not sure that would even be workable but let's take a look at what's happening right now
His statements show the libertarian thought process towards our military which would decrease it's spending but he addresses the social programs first and foremost since they're the largest cost of our government.
math looks pretty hard
I dont need too. People can afford my new high rent because they have 1000 more each month.
Those rich people run companies that generate their wealth. This is not the same thing as Yang pulling 4 trillion dollars out of his ass and giving it to you with no new value being created. In fact, 1000 dollars just essentially become worthless since anyone has them.
Almost none of that made any sense and doesn't explain how his retarded free 1000 dollars a month wouldn't cause hyperinflation.
40% of the workforce isn't going to get automated, so your hypothetical exempel is pointless. Even if it did, giving 1000 dollars to everyone wouldn't solve anything, it would just make the prices rise since literally everyone would have 1000 dollars, thus hyperinflation.
What the fuck is autmoated? Is that a type of automatic moat?
>1000 dollars just essentially become worthless since anyone has them.
it'll crush the illegals
Yeah, you sure showed those illegals by making your currency worthless and ruining your economy. Why not burn America down to the ground while you're at it? That'll crush illegals too.
our currency is already worthless because we are endlessly printing money and then giving it all to Israel.
I think it finally clicked in your head on why some people here support him. Only reason to support Yang is if you want this country to balkanize half way through his term
we won't let you in cuck
I mean, yes, but it's not like this is a greed-based increase. You have more money, but everything just went up in keeping with Yang's plan. If they say 10%, assume they'll match the 20% in Europe. Profit margins are already thin on consumer goods. Bezos is more or less staying his hand at this point. Selling at a loss to crush local retailers just ensures less money in a given area to spend at Amazon. Now that everyone has more money, the delicate balance of a local economy no longer plays a factor.
Welfare is already more compelling to most people than the sort of physical labour these people take on. They won't pay rent; users invest in block houses or old motels and stuff them with their workers. They won't reap the benefit, since people are actually shilling for a guy name Yang to send their money to China, but they won't be hurt by it either. Food is usually VAT exempt, and niceties of living are provided by church groups.
Smart people get more for each kid they do have.
Dumb people get more for each kid they don't have.
That seems to be the only logical reason anyone would support him.
>what is QE
I could just buy myself in with 1 krona after a few years of "freedom dividend", it would probably be worth like 100000 dollars in today's money. Not that I would want to.
Even if prices go up 20%, you still make money if you spend less than 5k/ month because you are getting the $1000.
Is everyone on pol spending 3k on their mortgages and 2k in car payments or some shit? Or are you guys just retarded?
>dollars just essentially become worthless since anyone has them
Wut? It does not. Doubtful inflation would increase over the baseline.
Exactly. Will be rough economically on regions but it will level out overtime to make urban/rural real estate prices on more even footing. Less extreme cost of living strech nationwide. Would suck for me in Ohio though.
Thats the cost of putting a portion of projected displaced workers into jail as they commit crimes to survive.
38% still vastly overcome the cost of his ubi.
>he thinks illegals won't get UBI
Illegals already get way more than that in food, housing, education and healthcare.
This is oneof my fetishes.
Im very famikiar with this companies videos. Truly brutal asians women choming me actually unconscious with their strong thighs.
you need help user
> wanting to get choked to unconsciousness by asian wahmen
> not wanting to fuck them into passing out
>blue checkmark
checks out
no matter how much you shills push yang it's never going to make a difference let alone will he make the nominee, it'd be nice to get some cushy neetbux though, that's a lot of chicken tendies.
>It will however help out the american population that doesn't want to work a shit job for shit wages.
Nobody is forcing anyone to work a shit job for shit wages. That's your choice and why should I pay for you fucking shitty choices?
> property taxes
> literally forces people to work for others
People are forcing us to work for others user.
AOC a shit
The capitalist meme is over. It was bound to happen.
Yang is the only candidate who gives me hope. Those $1000 a month can save so many people that it's crazy it hasn't been done before. We had a chance to have $2000 a month under Nixon, but the Senate blew it.
You don't have to quote yourself.
With lots of illegals in the country taking the menial jobs not taken over by automation, the white man can retire in luxury as the brown man works to the bone.
Much bigger issue are legal immigrants and the fact America is only 62% white and going fast down. Illegals still can technically be deported but those who already are citizens would get the 1000 a month and be able to shit out more children.