What killed the optimism of the 90s?

What killed the optimism of the 90s?

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trump lowering of interest rates kills our homeownership hopes

9/11, nigger

Neoliberalism working its magic.

September 11th, 2001 made the world seem suddenly much darker. I think that 1990s era optimism might well have continued throughout the 2000s, as long as no major catastrophes of terrorism had happened. Something relatively minor might not have been enough to disrupt that sensibility.


CIA engineered wave of SJWism after Occupy


America was white then, and America isn't white now.

Thinks like Challenger space shuttle, Titanic movie et al.
Shuttle explosion was broadcast into every elementary school in the states.

this. 9/11 killed america. bid laden got what he wanted. it's sad

this. fucking muslims and their "religion of peace"

It seemed more optimistic because you were younger then. Now you know.

man I just got hit with a sickening nostalgia. Gathering up a few bucks in quarters and going to the pizza parlor for a pack of Marlboro Reds and a few games. Seeing people you know there


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The end of the world

Not much longer now

It didn't exist retard, all over the MSM boomers were bitching about crime and Marylin Manson or whatever the fuck.


>bid laden

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The sheer annoyingness of 2000s millennials.

It's 2019 and mutts still don't know who runs the show. Pretty impressive to stay ignorant for that long.

King niggers recession

Gen Z here. There are two distinct eras I've lived through separated by only one day. Pre 9/11 and post 9/11.

Mass immigration started in the late 90s early 2000s. Since then everything went downhill.

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Retards, it was all mossad.

Neocons and Neoliberals, two sides of the same coin

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mk ultra type school programs for the (((gifted))) forced to sit in a dark ass room solving logic puzzles and listening to sounds with old ass headphones from the 80s

smart phones.
shit was fine when you couldnt type garbage on a tiny little device that everyone is glued to.

911/irag war/mass immigration.

Marxism is retarded and his gun policy is irrelevant since in every attempt to implement socialism the guns are taken.

Attached: true communism in all its glory.png (352x960, 140K)

>fed lowers interest rates
>mortgage rates are based on fed interest rate
It’s trumps fault I can’t afford a house!

You reddit faggots are coming in strong aren't you, fuck off.

Shut the fuck up boomer, you faggots always say dumb shit like this. 25 years ago you would've said it was fucking cable TV.

You just grew up and lost childhood nescience

If you're not building your own house at this point, you're getting jewed.

I think it wasn't 9/11 itself, it was the reaction to 9/11. War of Terror. PATRIOT Act. Iraq War. Practically transparent neocon maneuvering. Americans suddenly slurping military cock. When I think of popular 90s media I think of stuff like X-Files, The Matrix, Fight Club... with a "question reality" message. After 9/11 we got all these shows about terrorist hunters and soldiers and whatnot.
The actual event was bad, but 3000 deaths and a few buildings destroyed in a huge nation of 300 million is pretty minor damage relatively speaking. But the nation went into anaphylactic shock - encouraged by media and government - and elites exploited this for their own purposes.

>King niggers recession
>Lehman Brothers declares bankruptcy September 15, 2008
>Barack Obama takes office January 20, 2009, when the economy and the job market are already in the shitter

>King niggers recession
Dude the economic crisis began in 2007. Obama came in 2009.

>When I think of popular 90s media I think of stuff like X-Files, The Matrix, Fight Club... with a "question reality" message. After 9/11 we got all these shows about terrorist hunters and soldiers and whatnot.

This absolutely. In the 2000s, America became fascist. Obama continued it. Trump continues it. Nothing is allowed to subvert the ownership of the masses by the plutocrats.


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Humanity overestimated itself: we thought we would become some sci-fi civilization but the entire world became Brazil instead.

the resurgence of the Culture of despair through actual events and popular culture courtesy of the Globalist Kikery



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Morons like you are so fucking easily manipulated.

You'd blame bad weather on communists if some neo-con fuck told you it was the truth.

So as a history lesson for you guys most of King Nigger's recession recovery went to the liberal coasts and they just left the rust belt and interior of the country fend for themselves.

His behavior during the recession is a major factor in Trump's election.


jews, and the Clintons, then the bush family raped the corpse and they let a nigger toss it around for a bit. Now you live on a jewish plantation being flooded with niggers while they steal your money with a gun to your face.

People slowly discovered that it was all an illusion, sort of like Rap music videos featuring nice cars and big houses. Truth of the matter was that all that shit was rented. The optimism died as people discovered that they were being lied to. Mythbusters destroyed the action movie. After that the nature of the lies changed and sex was the target. An expanded definition of rape, a destruction of traditional sexual morality that only favored women, and ultimately the shift from requiring legality to acceptance to outright promotion. The lies are heavy and will get the liars destroyed.

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A lack of decent ecstasy

We started asking if we could and not if we should.

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everyone got blackpilled by the internet

But that is another issue. How he tried to solve the crisis. And he did well because at the end of his term the economy was recovering.

This ever since 1960s the US has been a shell of it's former self
Even 1913 was the fucking shot wound.

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Marx was in favor of the ownership of firearms during a revolution, not during peace of when a communist government was established. There was also propaganda for people to turn in weapons to the soviet forces, you are a blatant liar, fuck off, commie.

Pic is from the 80s, share blue.


We have to remember that the 1990's was full of conspiracy theory promoted by those who realized the lies of Vietnam. The ultimate redpill was that we fought the wrong enemy in WW2. Why else did after Operation Paperclip, did the US shift resolve to go against Communism? Too many (((coincidences))), but we were so subverted that it couldn't be plainly spoken. I believe that the Bush Family and the right was first blackmailed by the Businessmen Plot. After that the GOP became a shell party unable to defend itself. I just hope Trump changes that.

If we really could have stopped the Fed, we never would have had to face such a reality. WW2 would never have happened and Hitler might have not gotten created. Heck, without WW1, I doubt he ever gets promoted to power. I don't know, but I think that the WW2 killed the American Right conspiracy might actually be true.

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The 90s weren’t optimistic at all my uninformed millennial friend. They were the start of a great cynicism in America.

He didn't solve the issue. He just left the interior to die while shoveling money into the coasts. Eventually the economy "recovered" on its own.







>The actual event was bad, but 3000 deaths and a few buildings destroyed in a huge nation of 300 million is pretty minor damage relatively speaking. But the nation went into anaphylactic shock - encouraged by media and government - and elites exploited this for their own purposes.

You're saying this entirely from hindsight. 9/11 was an single event, but there was absolutely nothing at the time to suggest this. All we knew was that some enemy force on the other side of the world had declared war on us, that they were already in our country and are willing to kill 3000 of us and themselves. What was the next city that would be hit? Would they attack our infastructure next? Is the water safe to drink? Is the mail safe to open? Life suddenly went from being a breeze to becoming a total nightmare and the change happened over the course of a single afternoon.

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My cousin had this poster in his room. He died in a fire. This is spooky, man.

I’m 41, this poster was everywhere when I was a kid. The other poster is right, 9/11 did us in, whether by design or as a consequence.

Ahaha I had that poster!

Mass exposure to microwave radiation. Vaccines. Shitty food.

Your fucking retarded, gen Z is growing literal horns on the back of our heads from prolonged cell phone use. Fuckers are so glued to their cell phones it disgusting, same thing with sitting around all day watching TV, useless and mindless activities while browsing corprate brainwashing. Go take a fucking hike

Shitty european faggot sports cars.

>They've grown horn from the back of their necks
Holy fuck boomer, demons aren't real and they wouldn't get it from a fucking iPhone retard.

It was a consequence. We had a bipartisan effort on Iraq, until the dems needed an issue to run on in 2004. Israel needed the war, but did not want our nation to succeed. This is where W was betrayed. They hammered on Iraq's progress as a failure until they could get Obama in. W warned about premature withdrawal. He was worried that Iraq wouldn't be ready to stand on its own. He worried that a power vacuum could result in Islamist militants taking over.

Voting for Obama for a lot of whites was an attempt to wash the white guilt that they were conditioned to accept. The worst part is that John McCain threw the election intentionally. He was so bad, that Sara Palin brought excitement to his base, similar to Paul Ryan joining Romney. By 2016 the continued soft conservative strategy was done. The voters were so angry that they'd accept the likes of Trump winning the party nomination. Now here we are, our last chance.

No, I was in college when it happened, I remember it well. Some people were probably afraid that day around me even though we were far from NY, but I didn't see anyone who seemed afraid - I saw people who looked sad or shocked, but not afraid. I was neither. I had expected something like 9/11 to happen eventually as blowback for US foreign policy, so while I was of course surprised I wasn't shocked. I'm sure some people actually were afraid that day, but had I run across any I would probably have thought that they were being irrational. I thought maybe there would be a few more targets hit, but that's it. The thing is, an adversary strong enough to be capable of sustaining a continued major assault against the US wouldn't use improvised weapons like planes. I'm not sure if I consciously thought this at the time, but I was a big history and military buff and my gut feeling was strongly telling me that there was very little reason for me to fear. And I was right. Sure, probably some people panicked, but I think people who are not ignorant about military affairs and politics felt like I did. Unfortunately Americans are mostly ignorant of those things and the media added to the fire while the government exploited the population's feelings to the hilt for their own purposes.
I felt zero fear that day. Not because I am brave, but because there was no rational reason to fear a really major attack.

In more recent history, in 2009, the Large Hadron Collider became operative. Stranger Things season 3 is obviously a nod to the LHC and it opening a dimensional gateway. This is probably a big part of why there is so much hate these days. Interdimensional beings are poisoning us and making us behave in ways, both to ourselves and others, we wouldn't normally do.

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Holy shit i remember that poster.

Optimism is for cows and people of faith. Realism is where it’s at user.

It also makes one wonder, considering the shows time period, if something like the LHC already existed in the 80s.

Then you have people like Crowley who supposedly succeeded at opening interdimensional gateways for entities. Some theorize this is why aliens are a mostly American phenomenon. Crowley, Jack Parsons, etc. did their workings in the US.

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Yeah, those radical Iranian/Iraqi/Afghanistani Al Qaeda affiliates that turned out to be from Saudi Arabia. Fucking (((Muslims))) amirite? Kike shill

Nobody cares about your Toyota Corolla, don't take your poor taste in cars out on others Tim.

People were lied to
Then the lies came out
Then terrorism came about
Then there was nothing to turn to

This. Even without 9/11, the middle class would still have been gutted by free trade, visa programs, and immigration. It didn’t help and the death of optimism would have been a slower decline rather than something we can pinpoint

MTV’s The Real World

Stop spreading the measles faggot

>Mass immigration on unprecedented levels
>Blasphemy laws in Europe
>Blurring of lines between race and religion to prevent heresy
>Voting blocks in Europe changing everything for the worse
>Mass censorship of political opinion in Europe.

The thing no one wants to admit is the terrorists won. They won in Iraq, they won in Afghanistan, they won on our soil. Every single fucking thing they wanted happened, all of it.
Trump isn't the saviour we all wanted, but he is a sign that we have noticed and that real change is coming.

It was recovering because there was an incoming Republican promising to cut taxes. A massive amount of capital that was being held got dumped into the market as soon as Trump won and we're just now losing the wave


>what killed optimism

a flood of more than 150 million spics/poos/chinks invaded and pushed Whites out of houses/jobs and shoved the Whites into the streets. 20 million homeless dead whites from opioid/suicide since year 2000

McCain was going to win that election until he brought Palin on, she completely delegitimized him as a centrist and lost him the moderate vote. It was the one of the worst vp picks in history but it really doesn't matter that much because McCain was controlled by the same people as obungle

I had that poster in my room next to my sr71 and my snowboarder poster.

There was no optimism in the 90's. There was just rave, heroin and black metal. You must be thinking of the 80's?

This. 9/11 was the dark satanic ritual cast upon the world. Its when darkness smothered out the blinding light of 90s optimism.

You need to understand that 9/11 was the functional end of the world, and the fumes of the "end of history" ran out by the middle of the 2000's. What this means is that the inertia of Western Civilization finally ran out and uncoincidentally this is right when shit like gay marriage triumphed. The reason everything feels like utter shit is because the world has lost its center. We've fully become swallowed by nihilism and things that once gave society direction and purpose like religion no longer influence enough people to matter. The spirit of gravity is drowning us and we'll die if we don't do something about that.

Western civilization is dead. Our only purpose now is to avenge it and ensure something better than this jewish modernist hellscape replaces it.

Before 9/11 the world had dystopian nightmares that some feared we were marching towards. After 9/11 it all came true and it was too late.
(9/11 was the real millenium, there was no year zero we started a.d. at 1A.D so by the Jewish Callander the millennium was between the 10th and 14th September 2001)

it was a mega-sacrifice ritual to bring us into the messianic age.

9/11 was a ritual marking the death of west and rise of sjitskins. the globalists/nwo calculated and coordinated the rise of eurabia which is just a small part in this messianic moloch ritual.

people need to understand that all this islam/rapefugee/open border globalist death spiral is all pre-planned and part of the ongoing 9/11 megaritual

a lot of you have said 9/11, and yes, that is the answer. But why was it 9/11? it's not because we lost our innocence or because people became scared and pessimistic. the lasting effect of 9/11 is that it turned a very large number of americans - especially nationalistic, patriotic, conservative white americans (like myself) - into neocons. we lost YEARS defending bush and wars we never should have gotten into and lost sight of the real threat we faced. we eventually came around, but now it's too late.

Lol brown people can not keep getting away with their shit

The optimism of the 90s didn't die all at once
various movements sought to attack western culture from feminists and communists to uncultured city folk and politicians but we were too powerful

but 9/11 was the first major successful attack against western civilization and from there, our enemies had a wound to infect
the politicians being the ones responsible for allowing this to happen acted first, starting another pointless war to weigh down on society
the city folk dragged society into their despair spiral as they attacked anyone who tried to be hopeful in those troubling times
the feminists took advantage of the terror and weakness to spread their ideology of sexual liberation and emotional slavery
the communists blamed capitalism for the terror instilled by the attacks and began to work to undermine the fabric of society

And then when the Great Recession hit, the optimism of the 90s was all but gone, and we had 1 last chance. The 2008 election.
Ron Paul offered us a way to go back, to end the failed institutions and give power and hope back to the people
Barack Obama offered hope and change, promises to end the Bush failures and make some meaningful changes but with the rhetoric of a communist and the sketchiness of a career politician

And when Barack Obama won, he dealt the killing blow to western culture and the optimism of the 90s almost effortlessly.
He didn't have to make any big change to do it, all he had to do was let the country down and not fulfill those promises that the people hoped for the most.
The death was confirmed when in 2012 Obama had no real competition, just a Mormon politician nobody liked, and he secured his second term.

Trump's not the best president, but he's the only one who could've won against the establishment in 2016 because he's the only one with the tenacity to face off against the establishment and keep smiling.
Trump is almost like a personification of the optimism of the 90s and I thank God for sending him.

Ha HA!! I remember seeing that poster hanging in a JEW RUN trinket shop in NJ back in 1993.

Wouldn't be surprised if epstine's cousin owned the place!

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>optimism of the 90s?
It's so obvious to me that you weren't alive (or just a small child) in that time period.

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$150k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$190k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites