Forgot to tell you lads >be me >out on /nightwalk/ >walking through park >decide to rest for abit to regain energy for the walk home >tired >earphones in, escaping the world, the cure blasting, feels >suddenly >this little fella appears from nowhere >sits on my lap >proceed to pet >he loves it >just what I needed, a friend
It lasted a good hour before he got up looked straight at me, meowed then walked off. Thanks fren. Pic related
Would you support a independence movement in the US?
Jayden Gray
Connor Robinson
>Hindu burger bar boss seduced Scottish lass, 14 A former takeaway has been jailed for four years after admitting having underage sex with a teenage girl and then stalking her. Ajay Varma (43) terrorised his victim and her family and used Facebook to show naked images of her. Varma ran Smokey Jay’s, an American-style burger joint in Laburnum Road, Viewpark, and appeared on STV Glasgow’s Riverside show where he boasted about his food and gave a demonstration of his cooking skills. Customers used social media to praise his food and ‘banter’ unaware that he was having sex with a girl aged just 14 after giving her a job in the burger bar. After the girl told him she didn’t want to see him anymore he kept watch on her, followed her and shouted abuse and threats. Varma, of Robslee Road, Giffnock, also created a fake Facebook account in the victim’s name and posted messages on it.
Look for the royal cousins, Prince Andrew jimmy saville, Epstein, maxwell and her fathers connections
Ian Robinson
Asher King
Why do they always have such a large quantity of photos? You never see an article where someone is caught with something like 3 photos.
Gabriel Russell
fucking disgusting
Owen Morris
Cont'd: Varma ran Smokey Jay's, an American-style burger joint in Uddingston, Lanarkshire, and appeared on STV Glasgow's Riverside show where he boasted about his food and gave a demonstration of his cooking skills. Ajay Varma appears on STV Glasgow's Riverside show to show off his cooking skills Customers used social media to praise his food and 'banter' unaware that he was having sex with a girl aged just 14 after giving her a job in the burger bar. After the girl told him she didn't want to see him any more he kept watch on her, followed her and shouted abuse and threats. Varma, of Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, also created a fake Facebook account in the victim's name and posted messages on it. He appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court where he admitted having sex with the girl at the takeaway and elsewhere on various occasions between when she was aged 14 and 15.
>A former takeaway has been jailed for four years after admitting having underage sex with a teenage girl and then stalking her. >Ajay Varma (43) terrorised his victim and her family and used Facebook to show naked images of her. >Varma ran Smokey Jay’s, an American-style burger joint in Laburnum Road, Viewpark, and appeared on STV Glasgow’s Riverside show where he boasted about his food and gave a demonstration of his cooking skills. >Customers used social media to praise his food and ‘banter’ unaware that he was having sex with a girl aged just 14 after giving her a job in the burger bar. >After the girl told him she didn’t want to see him anymore he kept watch on her, followed her and shouted abuse and threats. >Varma, of Robslee Road, Giffnock, also created a fake Facebook account in the victim’s name and posted messages on it. this is probably JUST the headline
Easton Thompson
This individual is still a director of Varma Retailers Ltd., which operates a convenience store at 652 Old Edinburgh Road in Uddingston.
.3 million years until the east african rift floods with sea water Actually it can speed up and slow down, plus major catastrophic events can cause major uplift. It has been theorised that west Africa was at sea level prior to the Greenland meteor impact ~10,000 years ago that ended the last ice age and potentially caused a massive amount of uplift.
Formally it has been: The Russian Empire The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic The Russian Federation
Matthew Howard
i liked that post you made. i think you're conflating orogenic land uplift with sea level drop, though relatively they are the same thing. You're right about geologic processes that take millions of years to come to fruition suddenly happening all at once, the English channel was formed by the collapse of an ice dam and a tsunami after a landslide in Norway. It was probably formed in under a week. To this day I'm salty about the loss of Doggerland.
I understand. I've never paid attention to that so I can't say. Russia and the Russian Federation can be used interchangeably but the latter is more formal.
>youre conflating orogenic land uplift I assume you mean organic land uplift? No, i'm not confusing it. I mentioned that organic land uplift can vary and the rest of the post talks about the theory that a major asteroid impact caused more uplift than usual in west Africa due to the impact on the north american plate. >with sea level drop Sea levels rose at the end of the last ice age by hundreds of feet.
Just a quick one from real mair , Ethans family gave me land , in Cumbriia , I made up an see this I was same inb4 borstal then
Christian Lopez
>UKIP: Dick Braine elected as party leader >Dick Brain
Aiden Davis
Got a komestead an wether you lot believe or not its a shithole an needs loads but others an women want to make it Based white land .. I Im to too old told his mummy . , But they want me to have prized land , helping him , he off Thialand with kids his own age ..
Carson Nelson
You’re a BAOR Walt nonce cunt mate
Aaron Johnson
>komestead Homestead farm falling to bits
I having issues with reddittor jannies bearing cunts here .. I will unleasch my crrasssszzzzzeee fans at there houses lets see that Brilliant do It Kill them all
he is literally transferring his white wealth privilege guilt onto people without white wealth privilege whilst keeping his white wealth privilege. very clever little fucker he is.