Unpopular opinions

Hello Anons everyone has an unpopular opinion, whats your unpopular opinion?

My opinions is:
>The republican party is based and their message of earning what you eat is fundamentally healthy.

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plebbit threads belong on plebbit

that message is fine but none of their actions support the message

The message is good but they for sure as fuck ain't based because being based means one is true to oneself without cowering behind lies or lacking the spine to enforce and defend one's ideals.
Republicans aren't based.

My unpopular idea is that the we shouldn't get rid of people or at least neuter people based on race. Though, I do believe in the concept of race. Instead we should base it on a matrix of Intellect, Honest and Work Ethic.

Also, my German friend. I think part of what is wrong with your country currently is the Nazi Eugenics and the natural eugenics of war, reduced the aggressive genes in the gene pool. I think Sweden (Where all my genes come from) is much the same where Phrenology or the measuring of head bumps was used (At least in the early on). We know that features that make people look cute or friendly also indicate a lack of aggressive hormones and thus genes. The Russian fox domestication experiment revealed this because the fox got cuter as they got less aggressive despite appearance not being a selection criteria.

While I don't know about Germany's Eugenics. I do believe that Sweden selected against aggressive genes.

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the republican party is just a dog on a leash being dragged 5 years behind the democrat party. republicans need to hang.

Atheism is the height of garbage. Depth of garbage? Anyway, it's dog shit.

Late Stage capitalism is the reason why there is a depression epidemic in the Millenial generation. There is no hope in a world where you can never be anything but a corporate slave

you are fucking naive if you think that both parties are not bent as fuck....as they are.

Far right Christians will inevitably be stabbed in the back by stormfags and cooperation with them is foolish even if we currently share a space and quite a few strategic goals. Stormfags will never accept ideological differences, even slight ones, and won't tolerate the existence of a large organization outside of state control that both opposes abortion and sterilization (muh eugenics) and supports a metaphysical world view distinct from their own. The fate of the German Zentrum and the Brazilian Integralists proves the historical pattern, and stormfags are hardly worth a damn anyway.

Communism has existed, worked and should exist again.

1) the implementation of a nationwide (and eventually worldwide) Eugenics program, starting off with positive eugenics (tax breaks/free shit to encourage high IQ individuals to reproduce; exponentially higher incentives based on # of children) and eventually, negative eugenics (cash incentives for low IQ people to have vasectomies/tubal ligations; $500-$1,000 bonus for each IQ point below ~85)

2) Repealing the 19th Amendment; make voting a right, not a privilege, reserved only for land-owning males with an IQ of ~105+

3) Removal of all Jews from the political process; No duel-citizenship

4) Deportation of all illegal immigrants; No sanctuary cities

5) Removing all Jewish double-speak from the laws, making it easier to prosecute officials for treason/sedition and anyone found guilty of said crimes should first be tar and feathered, then executed.

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Andrew Anglin and the skinhead movement in general ruins the name of the far-right and specifically Jow Forums. I hate migrants, I hate the mainstream media, I hate commies, I hate Denis Prager, I hate trannies, I hate Jannie's, but I almost equally hate these idiots.

Basically anything the jews and jewish idol worshipping (not the people, the act, they don't know better and are a victim because of their stupidity).

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Anything they're for since it leads to nation destruction through stagnation.

Basically if I had to tl:dr.

My unpopular opinion is the truth.

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Pedophiles should have their own loli brothels so that they won't molest, fuck or endanger any non-prostitute young girl

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Get out of my homeland ,ahmed.

The south should rise again.

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my opinion is that jews don't run the world and the bigger the government the better

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Or a deported jew, either works

without the enhancement of all races, the efforts going into the enhancement of one will fall flat


If they leave the planet.

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Finns are white, and usually much whiter than the people calling them non-white.

The republican party is built on defending whatever the democrats accuse them of. And day after day people waste time arguing. Call the democrats gay pedophiles and they'll own that shit. There's no argument at all. Why does the right wing always have to be on the back foot?

That's how Israel happened.

Women who show cleavage or butts in public are mentally ill.
Feeling privacy for your body is natural. The only time you want to show your boobs or butt is for sex. So either these women want to have sex with every guy they see (mentally ill) or they have shut off the natural feeling in their brain of wanting bodily privacy (mentally ill) or a combination of both where they want lots of public sexual attention from guys and they shut off their privacy tendency towards all the guys they don't want to have sex with who they see in public in public (which is the most likely scenario and doubly mentally ill).

take out the second in public, typo

we can't just kill em all off, they need to be put somewhere. Israel or madagascar works, no?

Why can't we?

Also studies show women get turned on by displaying boobs/butt and letting a guy see them if she likes the guy and wants sex with him.
So either she's turned on in public, or she's not turned on by it anymore because she desensitized herself and she is ruining her own sexual fun by not saving it for the bedroom.

I think Israel should exist and only and all Jews should live there.

That doesn't really need a study I'm just trying to be objective here. Common sense. And women aren't getting turned on in public. They desensitized themselves and are ruining their personal enjoyment by being thots.

Being LGBT is fine among consenting adults in private. Keep that shit away from children though.

As long as all financial aid and reparations cease.

Not T though. That shits fucked


other than "muh genocide is bad", a global crusade ending in the deaths of tens of millions of jews is not only unrealistic but would be unfathomably costly and devastating to local regions, along with the international consequense.

i agree

My cock is raising again, just ask you mom

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You can't measure honesty, that too by race.

I think abortion is murder and even niggers deserve a chance to live.

Hitler tried that. Look how it turned out. They literally have the masses believing that they wanted to exterminate an entire people, whilst they have been doing themselves to this day through passive means like race mixing, and they got a country out of it. They haven't been kicked out of countless countries in the past because they're some weak good neighborhood kid, they get kicked out because they get discovered and everytime they return to their tactics. You can't coexist with something that always wants to kill you and when they manage to get into a position of power and influence they systematically and continually lie to the public in order to further their agendas whose ultimate outcome some of their own even claim is jewish supremacy.

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This, but only to turn it into one very large concentration camp, which will be subsequently nuked at the slightest provocation.

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I've never seen Game of Thrones, and I think it's gay.

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I fully support this. And the State of Jefferson should rise as well.

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Amen. I hate the name calling and generalizing based on skin. Trash comes in every color

Jewish people purposefully race mix so that natural identification cannot occur. Then they push the rest to mix. Gonna have to have blood samples now. Science will sort it out.

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my unpopular opinion:
war is not only natural to humans but actualy a
requirement for a healthy society.

it gets rid of less capable people, destroys
dangerous ideologies, unifies people,
strengthens the bond to the country, it grows a
strong and responsible generation, and delivers
peace and prosperety for the generations to

untill the next war has its date.

in todays society war is seen as bad, which
has prevented a few vital wars over the last 100
years, which ultimately lead to a corupt, weak
and degenerate society.

infact the nuclear bomb as an idea is one of the worst things man has ever invented, not for its
effects in use but for its effects out of use.

this world needs a few healthy wars to grow
back to its former strength and we can see that
by people taking the simplest of reasons to
enter armed conflict. for example all the
schoolshootings that lately became more and
more common.

a heathy war is a war where both sides have
equal chance, equal equpment and equal

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Not even doom guy would want that. People can get strong during times of peace, but those times cannot be guided by jewish ideas.

The demons are the jews user.

I agree with the second half of your statement, but republican party needs to die
anyone who doesn't support the complete abolition of alphabet agencies and all branches of military aside from nat guard are kike shills

for all i have seen, as soon as either war or peace outweighs the other the civilisation tends to suffer from that. in general modern warfare is "unhealthy" war. since there is no real chalange to it. its more of a "be the first idiot to be hit or dont" an that doesnt fulfill the effects a healthy war should come with. i think everything up to the end of worldwar one could be considered mostly healthy warfare although, on many occasions it got out of hand (for example the 30year war) on the other hand, civilisations, that are to big to properly engage in warfare slowly fall to degenercy and sooner or later will colapse. (for example the roman empire) of course constant war is just as unhealthy infact even a bit more, the people would get numb in their senses and cold in their hearts. but war is necesasary for a society to prosper, and restricting people from having war has let in any case i could think of to a country either falling into degeneracy or braking apart. war is vital just as peace, and we need to have a healthy balance between healthy war and natural peace (forced peace is just as destructive as an unhealthy or forced war)

dolphin pussy is best pussy


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Go back to plebbit you furfag

The whole pedophile ring conspiracy boomers here talk about is a literal nonissue. Age of consent laws is modernist, feminist bullshit that didn't even exist until barely a hundred years ago. Elites can indulge in young puss and we can't, that's the real issue here.

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Jow Forums needs updoots.

kys kike, you will be hung soon enough

Guns should be banned

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My opinions is:
Left and Right are both infiltrated and are just here to control the mass of sheeple that are just brain dead faggots.

You can get out of this shithole by working hard against EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

Fuck whoever tells you it's hard or you won't make it: Watch me retard.

Satan is the ultimate symbol of Adversity
If you pass His trials of suffering and turmoil then you will be able to enter the next stage of existence

slavery should make a comeback

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genetic programming will solve all of this kvetching about race
people who concern themselves with race war this and demographics that on here are wasting their time they could be having fun and making relationships

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All government activity is immoral.

Interactions between individuals is the true nature of society, and political authority does not exist.

>All we have seen is a world with the jew.


14-year old Jewish cunny is made for pumping out babies

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>Then they wonder how their country got subverted.

>he doesn't want to see a 15 year old Jewish qt squeal with a mixture of pain and joy as she births his baby

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americans are fat vermin

i mean...

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A bullet to the head is the most efficient form of extermination, but...

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Yet, there is no evidence...

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Much like judaic root religions. No evidence.

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You love lies and the icon of sin.

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>the sheer level of schizophrenia of these replies


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i hate you and your country
you are a disgrace to your country and race

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>whats your unpopular opinion?
I'm actually NOT a massive shit eating faggot?

I don't hate all Jews, just Jew supremacists, which is at least 33.9% of Jews.

Andrew Yang will make America into a Utopia.

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And yet, the spell takes its toll. Your reactions prove that much. The less it makes sense, the deeper it hits. After all, you all still can't come to a definitive agreement even in your religion, which is stacked with lies. At least my rants contain truth.

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So he wants to make it into a nowhere?

Thats hardly an unpopular opininion.

republicans support mass immigration because all they care about is money

>earning what you eat is fundamentally healthy.
Then why shouldn’t savage niggers kick in your door, rape your wife and steal all of the food out of your fridge since you believe in this primitive idea?

Why should we have a civilized society in which it’s citizens collectively takes care of each other and look out for each other’s best interests if we can just regress into cavemen whose sole goal in life is to “eat what they earn (as acquired by force)”?

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