The OSS became CIA/Mossad. Always been the same thing
Liam Hall
Trump retweets Epstein conspiracy theory, claiming Clinton connection >The president retweeted a conspiracy theory on Saturday that suggested a connection between former President Bill Clinton and the death of the wealthy financier and accused sex trafficker.
what did Trump say a couple of years ago "sometimes a friend turns on you" or something like that?
Daniel Brooks
>feel bad for him only for the fact that in spite of how powerful he thought he was, he was just a pawn in the game. idk. i kind of like it. i'm just salty that he died with his information, but if we were lucky, we'll have gotten some good documents
Carson Perry
He was calling out zionists after the Mandalay Bay shooting. Pieczenik is a panderer to Q-tier boomers. He also makes a good chunk of his income selling nutritional supplements.
Mason Brown
>[Dr Steve Pieczenik - Counter Coup Underway In The US (02NOV16)] 2016... So, either the coup was unsuccessful, Trump subverted, or everything is essentially stalemate.
Liked, shared and subscribed. Also I clicked the little bell so I'll be notified of future videos.
Michael Reed
I'm gonna go with the stalemate, and "muh american empire comes first" bullshit.
Jackson Scott
CIA took de facto control of the government in 1963. They've been tied in closely to Mossad since then. The real government of the US is CIA/Mossad, and Epstein was one of their ops.
Don't believe this faggot boomer when he claims US military intelligence isn't tied into the CIA/Mossad group. That's the line they're trying to sell you now.
Christian Rodriguez
>STEVE PIECZENIK >SPECIALIST IN PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE He (with help from FBI) created pizzagate to divert digging anons away from wikileaks at a time when political corruption was being exposed. This video was released at the same time as the counter coup one He's worked with Tom Clancy to create movie stories. ie believable fiction
The narrative being pushed here was >we at the FBI want to take down Clinton too, but we need user's help, so start requesting docs(redacted) to help us FBI twitter document vault went live the next morning after Pieczenik's videos on nov 1 2016 which gave the psy-op credibility . search: "FBI investigating itself twitter" for more info They built up anticipation before then with cryptic posts similar to Q This was also around that Rubio was saying that we don't want to use wikileaks against the democtats because we could be next.
Again the timing was to dilute wikileak diggers finding political corruption such as giving Clinton the debate questions ahead of time, SA funding terrorists and wars serving Israel.
I was all over pizzagate from day one and I remember that period of 2016 very well. Seems like you're taking some legit facts and misusing them to serve a preformed conclusion. You're fake news.
Elijah James
Do you boomers not know about video encoding and webcam equipment?
Caleb Morgan
I just wish for once you jews told the truth instead of always covering up and deflecting, you have no shame and seemingly want nothing else but hell.
Jonathan Green
fuck off shill as soon as he metions jewish americans the video freezes this is just a coincidence as jeffrey epstein who suicided himself under suicide watch with a camera in his room and then camera had a malfunction
Why would they want to censor some boomer who can't even function a camera properly? lol
Brody Watson
wow so many angry pedo kikes ITT
Gavin Bailey
Fucking this.
Adam Harris
Always wondered why we have nothing about Epstein growing up, high school year books, friends who knew him, childhood home, etc. reminds me of Obama’s past or lack there of.
Jacob Reyes
based and boomerpilled
Chase Thomas
Jew explains shit about another jew. I'm tired of jew opinions....fuck all jews
The only thing I ever want to hear from a jew ever again in my life is the last breath they take before they get a bullet in the base of their skull and fall into a pit
Dylan Thomas
so @ 1.13 where he mentions “jewish american’s” the audio cuts out and coincidentally returns after he finishes the sentence.
Yes the wikileaks conclusion is my own Do you also remember how pizzagate changed/diluted/pol/ form fingding actual documented wrong doing to conspiracy type speculation and seeing wrong doing in every mention of pizza in the Podesta emails like reading tea leaves?
Pieczenik is a jewish american
Noah Baker
No, I remember when the desperate David Brock shill went into overdrive once Epstein came back into focus and have been on a 24/7 pants-shitting contest ever since.
Benjamin Mitchell
NOW I get it. The CIA and Mossad orchestrated this entire pedo operation and involved as many high profile people as possible, under the guise of rich people conducting blackmail transactions, or just partying. It's global, not just the US.
The reason they did this was so they'd have dirt on everyone and be able to puppet the globe. Think about it; want dirt on some leader? Get it from any who was there. Want to really fuck with a nation? Blackmail key leaders.
This explanation fits way better with how intel works rather than some rich guy's idea. Also consider the motives; Mossad to protect the jewish state, cia to protect our own global dominance. Everything makes absolute complete sense. Even the part where, in typical government work fashion, they just completely fucked it up.
Worst case scenario tonight; a silent coup by intelligence services, and possible trump assassination. Best case, cia and mossad scatters back into the shadows, we punish the leaders who were traitors to our nation, and we break up what needs to be broke up in order to resecure our media apparatuses and restore free, uninfluenced speech for the people of the United States.
Woooow and you got it now? Burgers are so fucking slow and stupid
Adrian Reyes
>Do you also remember how pizzagate changed/diluted/pol/ form fingding actual documented wrong doing to conspiracy type speculation and seeing wrong doing in every mention of pizza in the Podesta emails like reading tea leaves? This never fucking happened. The shit in the podesta emails is real. /pol was fucking /pol and most of the pizzagate shit settled on voat. And then on infinity. Of course /pol still generated a lot of the shit. But not to the exclusion of other interests. Fuck off and kys.
Hudson Powell
How do you say woooooow in Polish? Is it something lie zgrzhylzckmykzewiski?
Nicholas Foster
You’re forgetting mi6. They’re a part of this, and london crown aristocrats are probably at the tippy top
Uttering the word Jew causes electrical disruptions. Learn2currentstate.
David Hernandez
I was trying for a phonetic spelling. I see this is Simplified Polish.
Adrian Cox
He was referring to all those who loved him when he was a democrat.
Lucas Barnes
Exactly, user.
Sebastian Miller
I'm not going to screencap anything from someone behind the curve. Congrats on getting up to speed, though.
Alexander Robinson
The coupe is over. How it’s in the next phase. We have at least 2 years to get the information out to public. The actors are talking trying to say their asses.
>I'm gonna go with the stalemate, and "muh american empire comes first" bullshit. There was a post awhile back, titled something like "Whatever happened to Make America Great Again -- A theory of corruption" which basically said that Trump acts as if "America = the economy", and that would include the huge multinational corporations which while being "American" simply aren't and have no loyalty toward or culture shared with the people of the US.
Cooper Bailey
>Trump is the counter coup. Which is precisely where the "trump was subverted" option lands.
Henry Mitchell
That's odd... Ant usually defends Trump quite a bit. I agree with Trump though, Ant is only in the 'media' now because he was around the WH for a while. He should stay focused on his hedge fund and restaurant.
John Hall
You fucking faggots are beyond obvious. The schizos are all posting on /x/ about succubi and hauntings. Everyone here knows this. Kys
Julian Lewis
It’s out there just not in high tech.
Robert Miller
succubi and hauntings are real though, but yeah is a stalwart poster.