Progression of Political Views Over Time

grew up in a very liberal household, pic posted has been my changing political views throughout the years. was wondering if you guys had similar experiences, and beyond that I'm just curious to see how it's been for other people who've wound up where i'm at.

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painfully obvious but for those who weren't sure: starts with the bottom left dot and goes from there

I started out thinking mexicans were dirty goblins then i almost got robbed 5 times by niggers now im here in this news/reseach center

i can relate. grew up around spics and niggers, went to schools where i was one of like 10-20 white kids and we all got bullied relentlessly, meanwhile our teachers/parents told us that "they're just bad apples and it has nothing to do with race".


been a wild ride

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interesting, is it safe to assume that you grew up in a pretty non-political household?

for me leftist talking points were common at the dinner table and i grew up knowing nothing else

>is it safe to assume that you grew up in a pretty non-political household?
yep pretty much, the only time i was in the left was high school because that's what my friends where, once i graduated and started work i immediately shot to the right and haven't been back since

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You're either really young, or really unstable.

Life is weird.

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Start is green square in case that wasn't obvious

i think thats a pretty common factor with young men. once the shell of the public education system has been cast aside, you can either choose to recognize the world for what it is or continue munching on blue pills if you choose to go through with college
This overarching N shape is pretty much why i made this thread
I'm in my early twenties, so yes obviously i'm not as seasoned as your typical genx/boomer lurker. Remember, I grew up in the californian NPR household. It's like growing up in Plato's cave.

Holy moly that is quite a ride. What made you go through a libertarian phase after going NatSoc?

start: 14 year old blue pilled boomer-esque cuckservative
mid: optimistic redditor ancap
end: blackpilled doomer natsoc

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I'm assuming you grew up in a conservative/rural household?

I thought this was going to be a good thread but the following compass maps didn't spell I G G E R so fuck this.

green to purple

also, just to reach out, don't go full blackpill. remember, your soul is eternal, as is your actions in this life. every good bit of output that you make is worth something, even if it seems infinitesimal
that made me chuckle, god bless

You had it right the third time

what's your reasoning to going libertarian/ancap from a liberal disposition

i do find it very interesting how we all seemed to be borderline ancaps before shooting up to the authoritarian right

I understand the ever present crawl towards authoritarianism, with how things are these days. But why move leftwards? Did you forget why socialism is shit or did you confuse yourself as ancaps but were actually half-fisted lolbertarians?
Hopefully, the endgame will be ancap. But we need another Pinochet to help us along.

I think I watched a video of Ron Paul talking about how the US isn't supposed to intervene in war and I idolized him and the movement for a while. Now I want to clarify I was still redpilled and wasn't a civic nationalist Libertarian but more of a Paleo-Conservative, it wasn't until I started learning more about Economics, studying how other countries have generous welfare systems and higher standards of living than the US that I started to realize that the idea the size of government is the issue is ridiculous, it's not the size it's the competency and the US is nothing but an incompetent, bureaucratic mess that can easily implement many policies already implemented around the world but only if we stopped importing people and focused on ourselves and at least made an attempt to deport non-whites or just end the country all together for a European state in America.

The left shift came after Trump bombed Assad, Charlottesville, and I started listening to Noam Chomsky.

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>started listening to Noam Chomsky.
Bait. Chomsky has good ideas but his ideas would only help the fat cats he hates with his open border and let every immigrant in mentality that would slowly waste away wages and wealth from the average American.

i would see it as our last bit of hope in terms of economic and personal freedom, before realizing that our species is not capable of governing itself.
the leftward movement is indicative of wanting an ethnostate that takes care of it's people. you're not wrong neccesarily, but i think it's a bit more than just "white socialism"

Eerily similar.


green square can't work in reality because people will always seek some form of control over each other and some kind of structure

it's impossible to have any kind of structure that's valid or works without giving into either an authoritarian structure (government) or an alternative (cash)

cash provides individuals with more power while government restricts too much. so it's just a common sense thing. i think green square is representative of an ideal, a utopia that's impossible to achieve and could never last due to human nature. when you apply reality you can only go from green to purple or green to red while maintaining some of your ideals within a system.

I think it's a better idea to let America burn and for us to try and reclaim europe in the coming decades

if the graph is +/- 10x10

then I went from (4, -4) to (2, 8.5)

time to keep that wound dilated, bro

He seems good at first but then there's shit like this, that shows his weaknesses.

My ideology as of now is hating chapo posters and wignats, nothing more.

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I've been paying attention to the N shape that some friends have gone through and that's why i've made this thread. I'm really trying to understand it fully

a government can only remain competent for so long, there's always change in the power structure over time. authoritarian large governments are only effective with an effective leader otherwise people are fucked. in that sense it's far better to go with limited government and using cash as a system of control.

voting is a pacification and division tool in most democratic systems, but in a world fueled by money where cash is your vote it's actually worth something and structures can be subject to change not based on the whims of those in power.

damn son this nigga out here on some real bullshit

Started lib right, now auth left. 8values says Im a fascist

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This freaks me out. Say we get the perfect leader who serves our interests in an authoritarian state and when he dies (either of natural causes or underhanded assassination) the entire regime is subverted? Are we truly damned as a species?

Wignat pride world wide faggot

Its because you are all basic bitch ass liberals and fascism is just capitalism without the sham democracy

going off of political tests isn't accurate but if you want to put all your eggs in that basket, you're a fuckin commie

Shit take

>the leftward movement is indicative of wanting an ethnostate that takes care of it's people.
I wouldn't say so; they wouldn't have to move leftward at all if that is all they wanted. You could be 100% ancap and want an ethnostate; it'll just be formed with free association in mind instead of under a state.
>but i think it's a bit more than just "white socialism"
In NatSoc's case, it quite literally is, unless they fell for the leftist "NatSoc is actually far-right (economically)" meme.
I see what you are saying, but I don't think that is the case with respects of how people understand what's what with the whole "race collectivism" thing.

Something roughly like this. Started out as a fairly normie evangelical youth. Went through rebellious period and flirted with the left a bit. Moved back right once I got a job and just started getting back into understanding the current political scape. Now I'm somewhere between a 1776er and a minarchist libertarian.

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>You could be 100% ancap and want an ethnostate
Not "ethnostate" per se, but "ethnic community."


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I see you like to stay at the edges as well. Good.

all systems are damned, particularly ones that are entirely dependent on how much power one individual maintains. i understand all the ways an authoritarian government can be good because democracy can be retarded given that not everyone's vote is actually equally valid and popular opinion is often shit. it saves on time and red tape, but you're ultimately too reliant on a small group of people and even if they start off good there's no guarantee it will stay that way.

systems are made to erode over time they don't last forever.

the thing with using cash for structure and having less rules placed on society through government is people will govern themselves, and cash will become votes. people who are incapable of survival on their own either through inability to acquire what they need through "underhanded" means or cash are left behind and can't make decisions for everyone else. however, because x amount of people will always have bleeding hearts charity is still likely, but not at the cost of people who don't want to help.

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Do you think human beings are capable of functioning within a society devoid of strong government/rulership? I think history is against you, friend.

Similar to yours but started in the top left so it made a u shape. Even when i was a leftist i was never sold on the anti white shit and ive not been a fan of jews for as long as i can remember. The anti white bullshit in college really pushed me to the right.

i find it interesting that you listed a "projected" point as being traditionalist. What's keeping you from going there now?

how does one start in the far left? like i said, i was politicized at a very young age so it's hard for me to understand

Updated version

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people naturally try to seize power and a good deal of people will fall in line to someone appealing, does that make it a good idea? no

historically all empires and societies crash and burn eventually.

I wasn't really into politics all that much. All I knew was that I didn't really like the lefts platforms all that much. It was only until I was 18 that I started to get extreme and it was only until I had experience with niggers and had the JQ in the back of my head that I started going authoritarian.

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In what timespan?

I started out as a pro-capitalism social liberal and transparency/privacy libertarian when i was a teenager and I'm basically still that 20 years later, except that now I lean towards more social safety nets and am concerned about immigration and demographic shifts.

I think a lot of stuff could be socialized and intervention in the economy would help but I hate niggers and jews and fags

>leaning towards social safety nets
>concerned about immigration
pick one

congrats on living in the little box they made for you

All our lives top right was forbidden. Ancap is a good faith agreement with liberals. Only when can forego the 'shame' do you cross the last line

I stay about 1/2 to the right, near the horizontal line. Blue or purple on a given day.

social safety nets don't have to be for immigrants, you can have well controlled borders and safety nets for citizens. the real issue with social safety nets is it's theft to force people to pay taxes and re-allocate their funds. that sort of thing should be done by charity. all those leftists who say they would gladly pay higher taxes if it gave more people health care would be forced to put their money where their mouths are and fund clinics or shut the fuck up in an ideal world.

>I think history is against you, friend.
What a weak argument. There hasn't been many points in history, if at all, where there has been prolonged anarchism. If there has been, it was after some catastrophe, so society probably couldn't function, state or not.
Lets say we were talking about republicanism when it first came about? "Do you think human beings are capable of functioning within a society devoid of royalty/aristocracy?" You couldn't answer that because you wouldn't know yet.

Used to be a hippy little shit in elementary. Then went Ron Paul esque. Towards the end of high school I started realizing that most people are unable to hold themselves to morality when left to their own devices. Since about 2014 I've come back around to recognizing that private entities also need to be held in check.

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Yes actually it is a good idea
>hur dur all empires crash
What does this have to do with anything? Countries with strong dictators last much longer than democracies and other such countries.

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Now I don't even need to make one. This is me right here.

where's your political compass image my friend

by now I'm against the existence of the state, but if I keep the trend of the last years it wouldn't be surprised if I turn into hitler considering what the left is doing to my country

I'm concerned about immigration in the sense that I'm concerned there are too many low-quality people coming in

they only last so long because people are unable to gain power for themselves and often dissolve into tyranny prior to collapse. it's not that they last a long time because they're a good thing it's that when you keep people down it takes time and desperation for them to properly rebel and then it's at a cost whether or not they're successful.

it's only a good idea if you can have absolute faith in other human beings who have power over you, and the reality is you can't. even if those systems start out good they change over time.

longevity and success are different.

it's at a cost and still dependent on whether or not they're successful*

>where's your political compass image my friend

I remember that the cologne rapes were the event that snapped me out of my big brained rational humanist phase.

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conservative but urban
absolute, unrestricted capitalism is retarded and is 1 of the many ways elites slowly obtain control of society in the first place
im 24 now

why would you want the big brother taking control of society?

I don’t know... I have met people got more retarded overtime


Green: The beginning

Red: Current YEAR

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Why do people respond to these stupid fucking datamine threads


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from radical-centrist-athiest-humanist, the pure utilitarianism of that led straight to communism, realized how absurdly evil that was and wound up at stirner, got black pilled about technology and the soulless direction of humanity in a period that was very fatalistic, was reading a lot of Land at the time, became very critical and wound up rejecting modernity and technology in favor of the realizability of authoritarianism, then I realized technology and the general direction of humanity is actually amazingly positive and became completely white-pilled and optimistic about the future and the ability for technology to lead to decentralization and self-actualization of the individual, and for similar minded groups to find one another and actualize their goals, and wound up here at ancap/techno-anarchist

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Political views of my parents are either nationalistic or ethno-nationalistic, so I got a starting advantage

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it's been a ride

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The political compass is one, if not the worst political test out there. The chart is nice but the test is absolute dogshit.

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I think this image portrays alot of us

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The amount of buzzwords and retarded graphs being thrown around today is proof you fucking morons don't know anything about traditional politics.
Overton Window has shifted so far to the left I don't think any of you dumb mother fuckers know or care what the right is.
Just because its still summer doesn't mean you have to act like a summerfag.

No the chart is also absolute dogshit.

I knock out racists

Yeah, you're right

During the last 8 years This happened:

PS: I dont remember if I went from A to H, from B to H or from C to H, but I know that I was at least C at some point of time.

PS2: Became H at the second half of last year.

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The thing I see from this thread is none of you were ever sure of your political beliefs. Fucking stupid cunts.

grew up in a conservative house
went towards hippy libertarian ideas as I grew up
saw burnt out wooks never contribute and have no organization
rejected a lot of leftest ideas but never felt the need to enforce them
now I feel leftests are malicious and need to be stopped, what's legal (abortion, child sex change hormones, and other shit) is dangerous and we need someone to stop them

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Those results they do based at politicians and parties are shit because they do not based at what politicians want to happen, but based at what they say that believe.

As some example one question ask if you believe in astrology, if some politician say he dont JUST not not look like a crazy person, the site owners will answer the question saying that he dont believe at it.

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