America is a sinking ship. I call on all white Americans to move back to Europe. I personally will be migrating to Finland next year.
Don't 56% up someone else's country
We (or our (((politicians)))) are already doing that to ourselves, don't worry.
Post your eye, chang.
I'm coming to help whiten up the country even if just a little bit.
I want to move to the UK.
You have enough space in America to create white ethno states or communities. Europe is overpopulated af. You can't even walk 5 minutes in the Forrest without seeing another human.
>I want to move to the UK.
Been to the UK, its a shithole.
What do the numbers look like if the power grid goes down for 6 straight months?
You're going to the wrong forests then lel
No thanks. I live next to a brit military officer (ret) who moved over here, became a citizen, and renounced his british citizenship because it's a shithole.
So Ill stick around here.
i will never leave my homestate whether it does get overrun by mexicans or the unthinkable happens and we fight back. Do you really think you'd be welcome if you just showed up in some european community and lived as you do now? you're a foreigner to them, you're not part of their nation and they don't want you.
I'm 29, I will be able to live peacefully where I live for a long time and I'm not saying where.
Why? That's literally the worst country you could have picked
.See above
I had that attitude a year ago, but it seems they're moving in on our gun rights, and trying to bring the scandinavian version of "socialism" here, basically taking away all the things that made America preferable to it's European counterparts. So if we're going to have the exact same system as Europeans, you bet your kraut ass I'm going to be moving to Europe and living among other white people and not spics and niggers.
I will learn the language and customs + I wouldn't go around telling everyone I was from America, besides 70% of them are already cucked "refugees welcome!" libs.
I am going to move to Asia instead.
This user is using his head.
America is literally the only place in the world where whites can save the white race. American whites are the only armed group. By encouraging whites to flee America, you're trying to weaken the last group that can realistically oppose the globalist kikes.
Da fuq you talking bout? America is doing great right now. Get out of here with that Russian propaganda, Pavel.
>whites can save the white race
>Whit gun
So fucking stupid, dammit.
>84.8 white
Then why is Maine so Democrat?
>Doing great
Defend America. Defend Europe. New Transatlantic Alliance.
You got it backwards nerd. Europeans should come here, shed their ancient hatreds, embrace their brothers and fulfill America's destiny of being the only white country on earth. Not german, not french, not finnish, not dutch. White.
The whole Planet is a sinking ship. The population bomb of niggers poos and hispanics will wipe out whites unless there are preserves like game preserves. The USA should be a world heritage Caucasian reserve. Instead jews are flooding us and Europe to destroy the clout and power of whites. The time to fight is near and it is vital. We take the country and change the direction or the future of the world is a brown stain not worth saving. Seriously Saving private Ryan time
>just get rid of your history and culture, goy
Shame on you.
They're coming for those gun rights, retard. That's the last straw and we should all move because of it.
>under 15s are 50% white
>"doing great, goy!"
This is your future if you don't wake up.
Either this is the generation that kickstarts it user, or it's over. If this generation doesn't do it, it'll be too late.
How else do you think you're going to stop it, you fucking retard? All political power flows forth from the barrel of a gun. Europeans already signed their death warrant. We haven't yet.
I guess ill go to blood home, as cucked as they are. At least I can stand where actual Germen men stood 80 years ago.
Texas has a Republican...
>Governor: Greg Abbott
>Lieutenant Gov: Dan Patrick
>Senators: John Cornyn and Ted Cruz
>House: 23 of the 36 House representatives
and yet the border is not secured and according to census data as reported is set to have Hispanics replace whites as majority
Republicans are giving Democrats Texas without a fight
"Hispanics Set to Replace Whites as Largest Group in Texas By 2022: Census"
"Texas gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every additional white resident last year"
No. Always remember your history. Always remember your culture. But at the same time, understand that Germany alone can't stand up to the brown hordes. Neither can Poland, or France, or Russia, or any other country in Europe. Here, we can. France and Germany have fought three wars in the last 200 years over literally the exact same thing, and the result is nothing but hundreds of millions of dead brothers. But german americans don't fight french americans. Polish americans don't fight russian americans. Hungarian americans don't fight romanian americans. Why? Because we are all Americans, just as the founders wanted. "Free white people of good character" and "The last, best hope of Earth."
We've just got a bit of cleaning up to do beforehand.
In the long run, something like this should be the plan. We must, however, make sure that Native Americans (as in native to the USA area) are given greater population boosts and political power so as to leave the country to those whom it belongs to, not us nor the hordes of Muslims, blacks, or Hispanics.
>Fight against the system
>Whit gun
Are u seriously things is gonna work?
Just study and make community.
europe will sink into the ocean due to the combined weight of all the amerilards
it's not even a meme how disgustingly obese americans have gotten, especially the women
Go fuck yourself redskin, and be happy that you are permitted to even exist.
this. America is like 5 Europes. If we give up now. America will become like 10 Europes. Incels need to stop being picky and indoctrinated by the hollywood jew and stop thinking they are gonna fuck supermodels. Fuck an average cutie or a below average cutie who will adore and cook for you. Super hot chicks are jaded anyway and will only give you a hard time until they hit the wall and rob you all of you alimony.
Fuck a mediocre chick now! It's comfy and not as bad as you think user.
Keep in mind. High maintence chicks are expensive and always moody and miserable because the jew promised them stardom. Just as the jew promised you to be a rockstar.
Statistically it's unlikely. You could be happier just being an average Joe doing average things. Sure you could max your credit cards and pretend to be a well travelled and sophisticated fake fuck but in the end no one is going to care. Just stay home... build a nice home with your own bare hands and raise an average family.
The political situation is such that such a move is not exactly the solution right now. For now, enclave.
BTW, Washington State here. There are WAY too many nonwhites, but they are concentrated in Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, and Indian Rezes. The rural areas are still white for now. Move here fellow white men; we need you now more than ever.
Yes, of course. All the studying in the world isn't worth a .75c bullet. Though speaking of study you should probably work on your English, Mario.
nah, i say we force them to take us down. leaving is cowardly. going down swinging is what men do.
There are better places than WA. If you want to control the wealth and power of the United States, you need the Mississippi river valley more than anything else.
Average is the new stardom.
>Leave America
>Miss the boogaloo
I've been waiting all this time and you think I'm going to just leave?
And luckily, we've still got it by the numbers, and will for a long time.
Stupid incel.
I know it’s a shit hole but they are my blood.
>While the destroying the non-whites who living here first, because fuck them.
If I went anywhere it'd probably be the Bahamas or the Caymans. Somewhere nobody cares about. I'll find a small neighborhood of retired white folk to move to. Europe is far too cucked.
youre not going anywhere you fat faggot
Why the fuck would you want to move to Finland?! I just spent upwards of 10 years on becoming a naturalized burger so I could rescind my Finnish citizenship. They're racing down the toilet right alongside Sweden. If you ask inconvenient questions about government policies or question their hysterical climate policies (but they tax electric car chargers as a "taxable job benefit"), you'll be a social pariah, and likely get to talk to the police about your recent "hate speech" crimes.
>I will learn the language and customs + I wouldn't go around telling everyone I was from America
Finnish is one of the 5 hardest languages on the planet for native English speakers to learn. I'm giving up on trying to teach my half American kids Finnish at this rate. You'll always have an accent, and be identified as foreign, and they'll be able to tell from your accent, mannerisms, and dress, that you're an Amerimutt, and as such, their religious sauce of all evils.
The income level and standard of living in most European countries is so low, that an average American middle class traveler will be god tier rich when visiting. They won't be happy about you being perceived as "wealthy". Unless you have an MD, or PhD and speak fluent Finnish (AND Swedish if you want a bilingual tenured gubmint job!), or have a tech job and an employer already lined up, you'll be making $40k a year working an hourly, rather than salaried job, give or take. Every job is so heavily regulated by unions that most people make about 10 euros minimum wage. 2 euros more on evenings and Saturdays, double pay on Sundays.
The healthcare sucks for everyone, but everyone gets care. Emergency care if you get a heart attack or bust your spine in a freak accident is top class. If you've got a suspected chronic illness, chances are you won't survive the waiting list, burger-VA style.
Canada is even less white now
Who will except me back into Europe? no one.
>look america is ruined by migration
>now you should migrate and ruin a bunch of nations the same way
Kill yourself mutt.
This is a good thing my dude. You're not Irish. You're not German. You're not British. You are white. Know it, embrace it, fight for it.
I have Romanian citizenship. I’d consider moving back in my midlife after I accumulate some shekels in America. The problem is that if America falls to the hordes of shitskins, Jews will send them to invade the last white areas to end “white supremacy.” You can only run for so long...
America's damage is 100% self-inflicted.
Why should Hispanics be counted as a separate group? Just because someone is from Spain or Argentina doesn't make them "not white". We should take Hispanic off the census that the US will remain 85% WHITE
Then we better add mestizos and other midget races of "latinx" to the census, because that's 99% of the "hispanics" I see around here.
>whitoid trying to expand the white categorization to mestizos
if John McAfee ever starts a country somewhere thats where Im moving to.
Cope harder. I've already met a blue eyed blonde finnish QT and am going to live with her next year. Right now I'm learning the language.
Are you serious or LARPing?
I'm migrating back to my homeland though, spic.
Youll have to fuck up your teeth first and bash your esteem into absolute cuckoldry first. Mandatory.
Youre an idiot. Your ideaolgy will create the exact same problem. And already has.
I am working on 'the warriors heart' right now. Nam' fucked up our people. Payback time.
>we're being flooded by shitskins, let's move to Europe
Yep. And think green means war on countries that deforest and masdively pollute. Necessary nowadays.
I prefer to go to Australia when shtf
I say take a chance with me. I lived the german root a lot of my life. But. The more i live, the more i realize that soil changes blood. I am a blood wolf and a blood boar. But now more than ever, i sm a blood born American. The REAL AMERICAN. And since i am, i know i cannot do such a cowardly thing as 'run away ' and deny my true blood.
Youre forgetting the law of nature in conquest. We took it by force. It is ours until someone csn wrest it from us. Psychological warfare is warfare. Whats in your head? Sounds like someone got in there.... The world doesn't run on hippy douche morality.
what about the great lakes?
It's not the water itself that's important, it's the fact that the river system is navigable, flows out to the ocean, and overlays america's agricultural and industrial heartland.
Floating goods down a river is cheaper than moving it by rail, and much, much cheaper than moving it by road. Navigable waterways are what allow countries to generate the capital necessary to fund development and invest in things like infrastructure and the national defense.
I started to think about moving to south island New Zealand - is it viable? Is it pozzed? Just wanna live in a country and attend to my garage, nothing else interest me, my blackpill forces me to not care.
>I'm migrating back to my homeland
I'm never leaving Michigan.
Just move to West Virginia then. Much easier than trying to get a work visa and integrating into a new culture. Inb4 shithole, others say they want to move to eastern europe which is an even worse shithole
hi Borzoi
>Inb4 shithole, others say they want to move to eastern europe which is an even worse shithole
It's actually not. Moved here 6 months ago and it's great. Sure it's not the wealthiest place around, but the people are nice, and I literally haven't seen a minorty, save for the occasional nog and the one chinese woman that runs the chinese restaurant, in months.
>eastern europe which is an even worse shithole
You are delusional.
OOOPS no I mean you're right! We're fuckin TRASH!
Europe has already been conquered by Africans and mudslimes. White people don't have a homeland yet.
I’ll take my stand in central Texas. Feel free to be a faggot and run if that suits you. I’ll fight for what’s mine.
Michigan is the most easily defendable territory in the US. Michigan already has it's own coast guard with a fleet of battleships in the great lakes. But if Michigan were to build a few aircraft carriers with anti air capabilities the great lakes would be impenetrable. Any ground invasion would be extremely easy to stop with a wall on Michigan's southern boarder and a wall on it's western boarder for the UP.
when white number really start dwindling, Michigan is where we should make our last stand.
>coast guard with a fleet of battleships in the great lakes.
No it doesn't, the battleship was made obsolete fully a century ago.
What the fuck do you think you're going to do with a fleet in a landlocked lake system anyways? Deter Canadian Aggression? you've got to be kidding.
The absolute STATE of t*Xas
I larped with my wife few days ago about "moving"...apart from my NZ fantasies, I always had a weird yearning towards Montana.
Is it the America As It Once Was (c) ?
I can already picture us...small house...small town...we all know each and pop shop...I'd drive a shitty Chevy pickup truck, have a bike in my garage that I would obsessively re-assemble and clean every month and only take it for a ride once every 6 playing in the front shootin hoops...jogging by the lake...
If you're not Finnish then you're not welcome in Finland. European countries are meant to be nation states, not vague "white" states. Good luck learning the language too.
fuck off. we're full.
We're full
>giving up on your homeland
Good, fuck out of here
You're not from Montana so you have no right to fuck me off - FAGGOT.
The great lakes aren't land locked retard. There are rivers from the ocean that ships come to the great lakes through. and if you've lived near the great lakes you'd know that shipping still happens through the great lakes.
Bitch I lived in Europe, it's a fucking shithole. 100% a vapid culture of snobby social image, which is bizarre becasue they all dress like US trailer park queen. All of the UK is a giant walmart of trashy white people, it's going to west Virginia if it had 1000 years of inbreeding. Spain is africa now. Germany is dirty and full of nigs & mudslides. The rest of europe only gets worse from there. Honestly getting raped into Islam is the best that can happen for those people, they're the whites we DO NOT want. Illegals need to go, jews need to go, illegal spics have to go and I dont give a shit what this place says the nigs can stay, but the ghettos get culled.
If you need to ask that, maybe your "blue eyed blond Finnish QT" isn't redpilled enough yet to be worthy.
After larping about Montana, I googled whats the most CATHOLIC section or region in Jewmerica.
Funny what I found. It's a city of - pic related! No wonder he's my #1 e celeb, a visionary and a hero.
I yearn for old America.
Montana has most of America's nukes. I'll be staying right where I'm at. If America collapses, Europe will be doomed next. Without America as an ally, Europe will be attacked by Russia and China.
The Mestizo already checks the white box on the census. There's a sizeable amount of "Latinos" that are Spanish castizo like the Cubans and Puerto Rican. It's the Mexicans, Latin Americans and Northern South Americans. That are the gargoyle looking creatures.
I imagine myself as train engineer going across scenic valleys on old wooden bridges and through small towns.
Later nigger.