>china is about to collapse!
Why do Americans say this so often?
China is about to collapse!
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Burgers think they are hot shit and cant except being challenged
Cope because it's literally happening to their country
Stop sebding your fat ugly women here to get useless meme degrees you filthy third world monkey
Leafs love sucking cock
Says the leaftard whose whole country has become a vassal state of China
Cause China's banks are in insolvency and their entire economic system is built off bailout gibs from the Britbongs?
I think it could if sanctions and a trade ban were put in place. 5% of chinas farmable land is polluted and unusable. They rely on food imports to feed everyone.
It's the longest surviving continual civilization on the planet. They have pyramids that are so old they are giant dirt mounts covered with soil. Say what you want about China, but they will be here long after western civilization. Even if you nuked them to hell there are entire cities far underground. The US has those, but they are very tiny in comparison and meant to contain the few precious jew parasites they want to preserve.
>currency is artificially manipulated to devalue it to prop up exports
>building empty ghost cities to artificially keep economy alive
>1/3rd of all Chinese rich have begun moving their assets to foreign nations to protect against the coming collapse they know is coming
>thousands of rich Chinese are quietly fleeing the country and seeking asylum in Western nations
>workers in manufacturing plants like Foxconn committing mass suicide because of collapsing economy and lack of jobs
Sounds great. China strong.
cuz theyre commies
They are probably referring to chinas escalators
It's not a continual civilization. It's many different ethnic groups who conquer each other, collapse, rebuild, and repeat the cycle for thousands of years.
they have low iq
They're mad because the jews have no power there
Paper dildo who flooded the west with meth and synthetics. Fuck them. Tiananmen square. Free honk kong.
The Chinese are subhuman niggers.
Because they are leveraged to fuck at 3x the debt of the 2008 crash
>cant except
Except what?
China is undermining US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean by exploiting the liberal immigration and overseas student visa policies of its allies in the Pacific Ocean, specifically, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and China is colonising the strategic coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne amd Auckland via the unregulated student program so as to demographically replace the white European population. In 2016 550,000 overseas students arrived in Australia and in 2017 624,000 overseas students arrived in Australia, thd majority from mainland China. The major political parties of Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been infiltrated by Manchurian candidates in the employ of the Chinese Government and if one wants to talk about foreign meddling in US affairs one doesn’t need to look further than China.
cause the usa is dying
>in the world
huewai is building a factory in brazil
US hegemony fucked as the company reveled that its new OS will be open source HAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAH
fuck the usa
Because China does have a history of collapsing into warlord states. And communism doesn't work. The centralization of power around Xi Jinping could very well lead to a power struggle after he goes.
because china is a fucking joke
we could slap on 100% tariffs and destroy your export based country in a single day
you're already at the brink and we haven't even finished slow walking to 25% yet
Because it is.
I don't like America but you have to be a retard to think China is going to keep up their charade much longer. There will be a market crash and live recovery
still beats living with my parents
Whose side will you take in the coming Chinese civil war? I'm with Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Hong kong and taiwan are original chinese culture that escaped the pogrom of Mao.
Mainlanders are nothing but zerg bots.
Same here, though I pray that Hong Kong isn't a smouldering ruin by the time the new warlord era comes. Then again, I have always been fascinated with Mongolia and East Turkestan, and I might even volunteer for the horsebound life in that instance.
All the major powers of the world are on very wobbly legs. I'm pretty sure at this point it's just a contest to see who holds out the longest. Literally everything is overextended.
Its worse then that, the villiage chink not only poos in the street, but pees too.
Just look at the numbers Trumps tariffs are doing on China.
Damage to US due to Trumps tariffs: $3.4 billion or so (this is lost business etc)
Tariffs collected on Chinese goods: About $30 billion
Damage to China (we know of): Over $200 billion this year
I mean, the numbers speak for themselves. China is a joke of a country who is trying to act strong but is seriously fucked right now. Not only are they taking huge losses economically, but the world is turning against them due to human rights violations, Chinas aggressiveness and willingness to steal everything they can.
Also for a little giggle. Everyone trying to act like China has this awesome military force and could dominate any country. Just a few days ago the Vietnam navy sent the Chinese navy fleeing.
I didn't even know Vietnam had a fucking navy but they do and apparently it's enough that China don't want to fuck with it.
Nigger the communist government
Trump is irrelevant in the long run, hell be gone in 4 years max while the Chinese leadership will be there for life, even if millions of Chinese people starve to death they will recover. The US has no long term plan due to its democratic nature of un-doing things by past governments
Also 200 billions sounds like literally nothing to them. They can take a hit, this will cause nothing but the Chinese looking to do even more business with other countries
4 years is all it takes. Although realistically, anyone elected to replace Trump will keep being hard on China until they cave. No one likes China and Trumps actions on China are one of the few things even democrats have praised him for. China doesn't seem to understand it's not a Trump thing, it's an American thing (and quickly becoming a global thing).
Also China can't keep taking the hit. They're injecting money into absolutely everything to prevent it from collapsing. A massive chunk of their industry is currently being propped up with government money because it would have collapsed already if they didn't. Problem is, this isn't sustainable, eventually they will have to find a solution or a collapse will happen, but it'll be significantly worse since they wasted many billions trying to delay it.
And hilariously chinks think they are the only civilised people.
You're right OP, something can't collapse if it was never established anyway.
Maybe people say this because there are countless videos/images/articles about numerous people dying in collapsed infrastructure caused by corruption. It tyrannical government combats dissent with materialism and overtly punitive measures. I taught and lived in China and I observed little in the way of creative or critical thinking. Why? Because if you can't speak freely, you can't think freely.
wishful thinking
Vietnam fucking hates China, too. That's another thing working against them, they've pissed off all of their neighbors. The countries around them used to like them because they hated Japan and memories of WWII were still fresh, but that's all gone now. Indonesia hates China. Vietnam hates China. India hates China. South Korea hates China. They see China trying to bully them and they're not going to take it. And Japan has ALWAYS hated China. The Chinese don't really have a friend in their region except for North Korea.
because china is a cartoon country.
why is that so hard to believe?
Literally collapsing