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Based Bernie
Nathaniel Hernandez
Aiden Barnes
Nah it's just that we don't want muh climate change to be number one priority
Tyler Butler
Kek he’s talking about climate change right now? Out of touch old Jew.
Christopher Sullivan
Hello fellow white
Dylan Martin
If the DNC doesn't fuck him over again, he's going to rape Trump. I'll put money on it: If any (ANY) other Dem candidate wins the nomination, Trump will win. If Bernie is the nominee, Trump will lose.
Austin Watson
>well we will conitue to get funding if we say climate change is a big problem
It's the same reason people didn't trust the studies funded by big tobacco that said cigarettes are safe.
Mason Richardson
This angry old kike just needs to have a stroke already.
Wyatt Phillips
Ian Gray
Trump would dog walk Bernie
Ryan Thompson
Not a chance.
Henry Butler
Trump just has to ask him how he plans to pay for any of his pipe dreams. Bernie will do the rest.
Cooper Wilson
Have any Dems besides AOC commented on Epstein?
Very telling how they won't even jump on the #TrumpBodyCount
Jeremiah Rodriguez
>climate change
>not a top one priority
Think about your great-great-great mixed-race grandchildren, gringoy.
Luis Butler
I listened to Bernie's appearance on JRE.He's in no position to call anyone an idiot.
Tyler Parker
this. when bernie says drugs cost 10x as much as the next first world country you cunts should listen. conservatives are being cucked in every way.
Noah Kelly
we love our senile jews, folks
Isaac Harris
He just as much called a ton of potential voters idiots great strategy Bernie.
Brayden Jackson
why can't i handle
all these bantz
Adrian Moore
Why does every proposed solution to address climate change involve consolidating power and wealth into the hands of the government? Maybe I would take it seriously if that weren’t the case. Until then, I’ll stick with “Give me liberty, or give me death.” I would rather die due to climate change than hand over my liberty or wealth to a central power.
In other words, fuck off commie Jew bitches.
Tyler Morgan
Our politicians are shit for what they post on twitter. Not one fucking adult in the room.
Parker Gray
imagine voting for someone named "bernie"
Carter Butler
Climates do ONE thing. THEY CHANGE!!
Parker Martinez
>Trump just has to ask him how he plans to pay for any of his pipe dreams. Bernie will do the rest.
Yeah, Americans will hate hearing that Bernie wants a speculation tax on Wall Street bankers. That will definitely make your average American run into Trump's arms.
Cameron Green
Donald Trump is an idiot
All we wanted was a fucking border control
Motherfucker unfollowed Ann Coulter
Anthony Harris
The Tribe is really struggling today. They did not coordinate well for Epstein's send off.
Jayden King
He didn’t even sound enthusiastic about his own ideas. He knows he blew it with the people. I mean, he did what his job was, which was to fuck over the progressives, but he’ll never see that energy level again.
Austin Howard
I am all for taking care of nature and using as small as a footprint as possible. I am with you with how this is nothing more than a power grab for them. And every fat woman driving an oversized car wearing tons of make up can go to hell.
Ayden Jones
>Climate change is real
>But mass migration is a hoax
Ryan Anderson
He's right.
We need more immigrants and more entitlements to help us solve this problem caused by overpopulation and overconsumption.
Ryder Lopez
Ironically, Trump is more of a servant to the Jews and Israel than Bernie a literal Jew. Riddle me that, MIGAshits.
Dylan Myers
no intelligent adult would shill for Bernie. only dumb college kids think his ideas have any merit
Lucas Walker
Your dumbass sure walked into this one:
William Phillips
>That will definitely make your average American run into Trump's arms.
It will, when the average gringo realizes that such a tax will crash the market and therefore completely eradicate their 401(k)s.
Gabriel Morgan
shits getting hotter but it isn't humans fault and not as drastically as the media says
Jaxon Rogers
Bro his co-tribalists are going to rein in any of his rhetoric that might hurt them, if he actually got the nomination. I think the Final Boss jews roll their eyes at Bernard quite a bit.
Anthony Nelson
I dont give a fuck if its real or not. Youre not gonna take food out of my kids mouths so you can supposedly fix it. And if politicians are involved its a lie
Connor Sullivan
Democrat science!
Landon Howard
perhaps. Bernie has had 1 message since the 80s though. I voted against hillary, but i honestly think bernie is the last hope ..jew or not. he's real.
Brody Perry
Bernie Sanders believes Frederick Banting 'invented' insulin. Bernie Sander is an idiot.
Benjamin Wright
My God invented it and embedded a free insulin pump into my DNA. Of course the Jews hate that possibility.
Gabriel Anderson
Canadians invented insulin. Ty leafs. Sold the patent to Uni of Toronto for 1 Canada dollar. fucking boss.
Nathan Russell
Like Trump hasnt been saying that also you dumb cuck
Nicholas Sanders
i believe Bernie No-Refunds Sanders is a hoax
Matthew Young
trump says whatever the fuck his jew writers write that his jew masters want him to say. fuck trump. trump is a fucking idiot.
Nathan Bailey
Gavin Campbell
I'll just leave this here.
Daniel Murphy
..and i voted for that idiot over hillary. ...fucking hate hillary. at least trump is honest about his lying.
Nathaniel Jones
What do you think Social marxist Bernie would do if he were president? To crumble America for Israel you cucked Britishstani cunt
Nolan Adams
>Canadians invented insulin.
>Global warming is man made!
Yep, you're right up there with Bernie!
Samuel Nguyen
Thank you, you're the first person that I've seen that's intelligent enough to get it.
Ryan Gray
>I'll put money on it
>lets give more power into the "people" by growing the size of centralized government! don't pay attention that these organizations are run by the elite!
>pay attention to the jingly keys and nigger-logic of me giving you free stuff! CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME
lol, great plan there gramps.
Adrian Wood
No shit. Fuck Trump. But dual Israeli citizen Bernie isnt the answer. He would fuck shit up worse than Trump
David Clark
how dafuq is that even measured. Graph has 9000 years. Memlogic detected.
Robert Phillips
when can we actually have a conversation on transitioning off of oil? instead of promoting apocalypse hysteria maybe some solutions? im in favor of removing all income from oil kikes and sand niggers till they invent a new practical power source.
Easton Bennett
>its from today
Nobody cares, we're talking about Epstein and high-level conspiracies right now, old timer.
Ryder Myers
>oh yeah cause you're a real tough guy Jeb
Trump will take Sanders soul
Hudson Torres
Bernie money got funned to Hillary. Guy just laid down and licked boots.
That's where your MATCH ME money went.
Ethan Nguyen
Grow hemp and use hemp oil in Otto von Diesel engines as Diesel wanted. It's a future growth industry, and I can assure you that hemp is very green in color.
Gavin Morales
Because comrade colonel sanders is the authority on anything.
Sebastian Butler
russian/republican bots on this board don't like that
Jayden Sanchez
2016 id have believed it
2020 even the bernie or bust crowd has split into 6 different camps that hate each other and wont vote for their candidates.
not to mention the one or two that will split even more votes by running independent.
btw wheres 2020s Jill Stein?
Isaiah Cooper
How will le orang Dongald Drumb ever recover?
Lucas Foster
The MSM forced agenda on climate change is a hoax
Joshua Ramirez
Only if it is Bernier
Brayden King
Elizabeth "The Chief" Warren will finish off Bernetty for good
Bentley Butler
Gabriel Bennett
I believe she'd be a good pres. But she isn't strong enough in debates to take trump. The whole Pocahontas this killed any chance she had.
Jose Foster
Grayson Foster
>1 post by this ID
Carson Garcia
>btw wheres 2020s Jill Stein?
She'll run and raise money for another 'recount'. Suckers tend not learn.
Jaxon Butler
I just want to stay relevant...
Angel Rodriguez
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
>Epstein. Prince Andrew. Bill Clinton.
Luis Cox
fuck off. there are 1000 epstein posts. go away.
Joshua Morgan
KYS is you think Warren would be a good President. Reparations and gun grabbing with a flux migration of shitskins into your neighborhood would be her first moves
Robert Sanchez
Jace Ortiz
Noah Foster
gotta admit. don't like her gun stance. Reparations is bullshit she never had that stance. Thats a red talking point. She is for breaking up monopolies ..main reason why i like her.
Bentley Murphy
>biggest happening in years today
>muh climate change!
What a fucking joke
Robert Sanchez
Henry Campbell
Climate change is definitely being used to fuel hoaxes and scams. Even businesses are cashing in on the fearmongering.
Camden Collins
When did global warming become climate change?
Henry Morris
Sorry, Bernie Dumbfuck. Finnish researchers found otherwise, sorry.
Ayden Miller
Fast response
Temperate change the increase or decrease rate of some marine shit,
The ground of the sea grow with time.
In fonction of how much deeper you take the groud you can know which century it correspond.
You can analyse the percentage of shit in the ground and know the temperature
Chase Morales
How do you call people outplayed by the idiot?
Brayden King
That's it, I'm a Berniebro now.
Aaron Hill
When the globe started cooling too much for the scientists to cover up and they needed to make up a new name for it.
Charles Perez
climate change is real. learn to science.
Logan Rodriguez
k. im game.
Adam Torres
Not to mention reducing the temperatures of past data, putting sensors in asphalt parking lots and near highways and on black rooftops near air conditioning exhausts.....
Lincoln Sanchez
Easton Garcia
Climate change sure does change over the years.
Chase Kelly
Ryder Morales
Lucas Jenkins
Notice not one word from the Bern on the Epstein situation ?
He's the original blackmail specialist that has had Leahy and a bunch of Vermont pedos on his own black book registry for some time.
Thomas Reed
Asher Campbell
Lucas Harris
not to mention 5 inch rise in sea level off of miami.
Common fellas. the data is there.
Parker Bailey
Andrew King
There's that, too, but often when I read the papers the kind of models they publish are so ridiculous I can't understand how something so rigged could possibly pass peer review. It's so bad that the science of it has morphed from making interesting observations or conjecture about the environment into a contest of who can make up the best excuses for how to re-jigger the data to fit the models.
Angel Gomez
What's Jow Forums's take on climate change? I never bothered to ask cause I'm conflicted