So, is this the guy behind it all? Or is there someone above him?
Jacob Rothschild
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Payseurs and Plantagenets rank higher up the Pyramid of Transnational Toddler Gobblers. Rothschilds are a front for higher powers, just like Epstein.
Pretty sure the one in your pic is dead.
Everyone has a boss.
Rothchilds are overhyped, they have old money but huge doubts they are the most powerful people now. You can see a huge list of people that beat them in money now
b-but who their boss?
the royal family, and behind that is satan. probably
>Rothchilds are overhyped,
Chinese families are at the top obviously
in the physical realm it ends at Israel all of it no matter which point you start from
Black nobility are higher than him.
This guy is really callin the shots.
You've never seen those that are behind it all
these are just pawns
who knows
That's not Jacob, that's Evelyn.
Those that can trace their lineage directly to Cain are the final bosses before the serpent himself.
Probably this T B H
Mossad is behind it all you faggot, the rich Jews support Israel and ensure they use their financial and media power to ensure Israel’s existence.
My theory is that in the 1800s, the royal family which ruled the Empire of Britain that was the greatest power to ever be and super wealthy from the industrial revolution like Rothschilds all formed together an created a seat of power that remains to this day. Reminder Jimmy Saville was close to the royal family, almost Harry’s godfather. Reminder Diana was killed. Reminder the nurse who spilled beans on the royal baby killed herself. Reminder Harry was in with Epstein.
serves Payseur
Andrew was in with Epstein*, which makes two royals directly tied to elite super pedophiles
I don't know why that grey dude is messin with the reptile. He could just get it from Alex Jones.
Bruh...I put Payseur into Jewgle and look what popped up...
Wasn't their line wiped out by the war of the roses and they became the house of Tudor?
Who is the other royal?
For the last 300 years, yes.
Mossad , fbi, criminal corporate elite
fUCKING RETARD! all that shit about hitler is nonsense.
>the bogpill
>the only pill
They, and others, are above your paltry list pleb
Jesuits in the Vatican
I'm not surprised every one of niggerfaggots got it wrong, this is why you're called animals
What's the answer then, leaf?
why is he poking that guy on the left?
are you kidding me?
did you not see the post above the one you replied to?
Nobody knows.
Because hes in charge.
>Jesuits in the vatican
Foot soldiers, at best. They dont even have the weight or political capital that Israelis do, let alone fucking rothschild and his servant families.
Who owns all the central banks
Real question
Aren't the Rothschilds sort of "fading" because of too many female heirs?
Who could have predicted this?
Thatd be rothschilds, unless you count pic related
I mean is there any source to their precise holdings
Exactly how much in actives they have in each country
I think if you heard there names and seen their faces there's someone bigger at work
This is just it? How the fuck do I dig into something like this?
There are players above them. You haven't even heard their names.
exactly, this is some boomer tier schizophrenia.
there are anglo + chinese + indian + whatever the fuck hedge fund and private equity managers with money and power that makes the rothschilds look like plebs lol
This list specifically days it doesnt count nobility, or dictators, which is why you dont see queen Elizabeth in this list, who is worth way more than Bezos. Rothschild is worth any where from 350 billion to almost 2 trillion depending on the source.