Why are women so fucking stupid?
Why are women so fucking stupid?
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be nice.
Because you simpering blue pulled cuckolds refuse to hold them to even the lowest of standard.
ASMR Darling is a wholesome, sweet middle-class white girl who loves Chick Fil-A. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Women live longer lives and almost all of them reproduce. They work less hours at less strenuous tasks.
white knight cope lmao, holes are disgusting subhuman creatures by default, jew propaganda is a meme
we raised them that way, gave them the girl separate standard treatment but also gave them full rights, we should have been beating and berating them the way we do boys.
I miss 8ch /asmr board.
Seethe harder
because their natural job is not to think, but to create and care for offspring
Smart people do the math. Do you do math?
No children should be beaten. A smack for doing something seriously wrong is fine, but beating children constantly causes serious psychological damage that inhibits their ability to be fully functioning adults.
>From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth — her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance and beauty.
~ Nietzsche
>Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.
~ Schopenhauer
>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.
~ Weininger
>Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy and certain forms of artistic production... Women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
~ Hegel
>The female is as it were a deformed male. The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject.
~ Aristotle
>“The Messenger of Allah went out to the musalla on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.’ They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?’ He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’”
I may be stupid compared to a white man but at least I’m smarter than nigs spics & Jews
unironically this
awesome thread, someone tell me when summer is over. no bump!
wow that bitch has perfect symmetry. Sauce?
ROLCON check.
leave her alone, jerk. she's done nothing but make people relaxed and happy with asmr.
I always find ironic for women to be born with a brain and still have no sense.
Most of them say they only want to experience life to the fullest only to do the same things over and over again until they get fucked over figuratively and literally over and over until age or disease claims their looks
At work some girls were yapping at a table and I heard one say “I have some friends I’d like to invite but they don’t NEED to be invited”
One look at Schopenhauer pretty much sums up why he hated women.
If women were smart we would never be able to fuck. See this as why they push girls into college and educate them for 4 or 6 years to hate themselves.
You're just now realizing that the jews did women's liberation simply to fuck with us and weigh us down with the opinions of people who are too stupid to even know what's good for them.
Wouldnt you rather have a low T femboy that you can pump full of estrogen and smack if he gets too emotional
Is the General Intelligence score basically the Z score of their distribution?
I noticed that women that actually have a Master degree not in bullshit science, are pretty smart and it's a pleasure to be around them.
When you talk they listen and can bring critical thinking into the conversation.
Fuck degenerate unedecuated hoes.
Kill yourself, jew.
Because they think they wouldnt be happier raising kids and staying in the kitchen
Whoa dude that is a WOMAN not a bitch. Seriously, have sex.
Bullshit science? Wtf are you on about kike.
Women aren’t born to think
They’ born to breed
some aren't
>replying to shills and slide threads
This is why they didn't care to take out 4/pol/
>what happens when reddit invades?
Nigger did you even see 8ch in its last days?
>why are women so stupid
>uses an asmr artist making a living talking into a microphone at home
Horrible example. Stupid is not using your looks and temporary young age to your advantage
>what happens when MODS = FAGS
Replying to 30 people replying to a kike, kys.
They can be this intelligent but still turn around and do something completely whoreish and illogical. We are still smarter.
Newsflash idiot, the jews decided to own imageboards several years ago.
I just used the first image of a woman I saw. I can come up with a better pic related, though, if you like.
Nature isnt wasteful. Theres no need for them to be very smart.
They're not stupid. Their evolutionary strategy is just wildly different from men's. In the jungle, the strongest man gets all the women. The problem with this is that other men will try to kill that man at every opportunity to claim the women for himself. The solution to this problem is the society: all men get exactly one woman, and all are decently happy. In either case, the woman gets by just fine. In fact, she probably prefers the jungle, because there she's guaranteed to have the man with the strongest genes.
So you might think women stupid or crazy for basically destroying the west, but does it not just make evolutionary sense for them to do so? The society is far more valuable to men than to women.
Please kill yourself.
Because that's what your male ancestors liked and fucked. While the women would have a slightly higher standard for guys.
So, with that said; put your money where your mouth is and stop sleeping with stupid women for the sake of getting your dick wet.
They don't live longer. Men die more often in their late teens and early 20s, which brings down the average.
Here’s a good video on the value of monogamy: youtu.be
didnt she fall in love with some loser wannabe chad and gave him her youtube account details and then he posted some weird video when he pumped and dumped her??
>tfw ur not chad pumping and dumping qt asmr grills
Thank you
I had a nice 4 month hiatus from Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general, but was just slipping back into the habit today. But thanks to this post my hiatus shall begin again, perhaps for good this time. God bless, I am one step closer to being a normie again.
Men didn't select them for brains.
They selected them for eggs and hips.
And yet they still make pets out of us.
for a rib
they are quite clever
maybe not mcrib clever
but still
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Gahdamn. That seems cheesy at first glance but like most memes it percolates.
I dont think he pump and dumped he seemed like a stalker in that video
Or, trust that your ancestors knew what they were doing. fucking leaf
iq does not equal actual intelligence, iq is a measure of how quickly you can find patterns and learn a subject. you can still be fucking retarded.
i should know. good part of phds are retarded outside of their field, including me.
If you're offended or triggered by what I said, perhaps you could explain why instead of posting whatever the hell that is. Maybe it is for the best that you leave.
So how does one measure actual intelligence?
He didnt hate women, he thought the best women had better potential for men
there's no objective measure for it. just don't win a darwin award.
hoe got chunky
Enablement by men. I mean, you're posting a picture of a girl that's allowed to earn six figures for whispering into a microphone because sad, lonely men demand it.
Genetically evolved and developed to protect self, assets, and means of living at all costs, even if it should mean complete betrayal of one's own loyalty, friends, family, or even one's self.
Basically women are Jews.
Checked and truth.
Women are genetically predisposed to being a NPC. They are meant to conform to their environment. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Conformity is important for the social cohesion of a nation. Under normal patriarchal rule our women were brought up to be wholesome housewife’s as this was the rule that best served our people. The problem we have nowadays is that Jews run the world. Jews have created a terrible clown world society and women being npc’s always conform to their environment and that being our modern Weimar. The only way we can prevent our women from falling down the dark path the juden has laid out for her is to be strong men, so long as we are a stronger force them the Weimar poz they’ll adapt to our ideals.
Women are the way they are because of nature, it is great when we are in charge and absolutely terrible when somebody else is and takes advantage of their nature and make them conform to degeneracy.
This. I can solve problems and get shit done, but patterns confuse me a bit.
Retard detected.
You are absolutely wrong. Back in the caveman days men worked as a tribe. Women needed man to provide as she is incapable of surviving on her own. Women had to follow the rules men demanded them to follow otherwise they would banish them which meant certain death. Men would never tolerate living in a tribe in which only one tribe’s men got all the women, and would never provide for the hundreds of children that came from said alpha. Men only would tolerate living with each other as a tribe if it meant that they all had a good chance at continuing their bloodline. It’s in our nature, like you said if there was a man who tried to hog all the women for himself he’d be killed. Every man had a women and each had children and all worked togeather for the common good of the tribe. It’s the only way the tribe/caveman society would’ve worked. The society you described is akin to beast tier societies like apes for example. Apes fight off other males and the alpha gets the harem of females. We were like this maybe if evolution was true when we were retarded apes but not when we were capable of building tools and communicating with each other to take down mammoth.
It is incredibly retarded to believe it’s in our genetic interest to only allow alphas to breed while all beta cucks have to provide for the alpha, his children and harmem of women. No way in hell that would ever work, we’d revert back to apes beneath the caveman in this scenario.
I can do both. But I’m the least creative person I’ve ever met. Though I can greatly appreciate beauty, I can’t create it to save my life.
If your IQ is high, you really can't be retarded. G-factor is what people typically consider intelligence, and IQ-tests are the most G-loaded tests we have. If you are intelligent, you will do well in an IQ test. If you do well in an IQ test, you're likely intelligent.
>good part of phds are retarded outside of their field,
A good part of phds are retarded even within their fields. Success in education is indeed G-loaded as well, but not too strongly. In some fields almost not at all.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS LIberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
>You are absolutely wrong.
You're a leaf, and you argue against things I've never said or even implied.
>ack in the caveman days men worked as a tribe
A tribe is a society.
>Women needed man to provide as she is incapable of surviving on her own.
Irrelevant to what I've said.
>would banish them
Why the fuck would you banish a woman? They're the most important resource you can have. Something like that would have almost never happened.
>Men would never tolerate living in a tribe in which only one tribe’s men got all the women
It's almost like I said that in such a situation the men would try to kill the "alpha".
I don't even bother reading the rest of your message, since it clearly has nothing to do with what I said. You're arguing against your own imagination. It's ridiculously tiresome.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
The truth is we are nature, Mother Nature is a kike lie, we as men are the strongest we dictate the course of humanity. We know what’s best for the evolution of our people as a whole and we ensure our women are put in place to perform their natural roles to ensure our prosperity and evolution. If they are to go against our wishes they are to be ostracized, slut-shamed and banished from our civilization as they are not naturally fit to be a part of our race. This is how we used to be in patriarchal societies, this is what we are under normal natural law. We have forgotten the obvious things and fell for kike subversion and is the only reason why things are bad. If we truly start abiding by the rules of nature and stop being loser cucks who slave for Jews and allow women to have power over us then we will rise and create beautiful societies a million times better then Ancient Rome. It is up to us, if we fail then we have not adapted to a natural threat (jews) and are therefore unfit in the Darwinian sense and will go extinct. Adapt or die, natural law is the only law, fight for your blood, fight for your supremacy as a race, it’s all that matters. Nature is an eternal struggle you eiether fight or you die. Fuck Jews, fuck niggers, fuck faggots, and fuck everything dysgenic to our people, time to fucking do what is right. To ensure a future for white children.
they aren't. by statistics alone they are all mostly Average intelligence. the better question is why are women, on average, mostly average?
>Men would never tolerate living in a tribe in which only one tribe’s men got all the women, and would never provide for the hundreds of children that came from said alpha. Men only would tolerate living with each other as a tribe if it meant that they all had a good chance at continuing their bloodline. It’s in our nature, like you said if there was a man who tried to hog all the women for himself he’d be killed. Every man had a women and each had children and all worked togeather for the common good of the tribe.
FFS this is the "society solution" other user was talking about you absolute and complete retard. That was his entire point that since an alpha hogging all women results in a dog-eat-dog cutthroat world they adopted societies instead. You just acknowledged other user is 100% right. This society strategy doesn't particularly help women though.
The grow up with their family revolving around them, then the whole of society revolves around them. They don't have to make any effort to achieve anything because they can whine and bitch their way through life
can we argue dialectically that's a "genetic" curse to be too alpha, because you will be the prey of the mass of angry/jealous beta males?
You're a jew.
No, they only get jealous after you have sex with all the women, whether you get killed or not is not entirely relevant because you just had 15 kids and despite not having a father to provide your number of offspring will still be higher than if you were only slightly above average
she is a coal burner
he was a quadroon and she dumped him
Women are more emotional while men are more rational. That's why a dumb cunt will tell you her problems and not give a shit when you try to give reasoned solutions. It makes sense evolutionary as women were supposed to not drown their children, and men were supposed to do complex and challenging shit like hunt mammoths or other large mammals.
>holding women to standards
>not understanding that they are children
Just drop all expectations and give them direction like a retard or a small child and make it fun for them. They'll let you have sex and sometimes won't be infuriating.
that's a supple bod
they're not... they tend to fall more in the average range, where as men have a higher instance of geniuses and retards, you being the latter.
Because the world kisses their ass from cradle to grave. They never have to become smart
Because they won't have sex with you
One things for sure. They all hate white men now
They're not. They're deceitful and liars.
What good is having 15 kids if they all die from starvation because the "betas" won't look after them, or are killed by the betas as revenge?