Everything he predictied has come true

Attached: Brenton.jpg (660x371, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


sloppy job mossad

I wouldn't know, there's no way I'm reading that manifesto and going to jail

It's all apart of the plan m8.

Attached: 155px-Brenton_tarrant_toothpaste.png (155x180, 45K)

this rock for brains didn't predict anything. it was the intelligence agencies who wrote that meme riddled manifesto

Quick, someone post the pic of the manifesto so this user can read it on the site WITHOUT being in possession of the manifesto. (keep in mind it isn't Illegal to READ IT but it is Illegal to POSSESS a copy.)

praise him, the shitposter king and savior of the white race.

one of the few men left with the balls to change things

Attached: 1559110455060.jpg (1200x800, 163K)

how do 28 and very baldness manlet 5'7". no baby him sterile cuck

here brenton's manifesto. read it, make up your own mind.


Attached: d38141f1068f09c50d08275a6d53ce87965ceaf6339e0ba972cb7201f72e46cd_1.jpg (1080x919, 109K)

i'll paraphrase it
>i love joo joo cum from Israel but not diaspora joo joo cum which is entirely different

you missed an important subordinate clause clarifying on the topic of israeli jews. it's the first highlight in pic related

Attached: 1558010901868.png (732x732, 80K)

could him bang bang people further from europas. noo zealand very much far far from europas

he chose new zealand to illustrate the idea that even at the farthest corners of the earth, white countries are suffering from mass immigration and replacement.
his point is that there is nowhere for us to run.

Attached: 1554382444376.png (2560x1693, 1.61M)

That was very nice of him to put an optical disclaimer in his manifesto before he supposedly mass murdered those people.
>#notalljews subscribe to pewdiepie! #takebackEurope
>*open fires in New Zealand*

pewdie pie lost 1st place didn't he?

You know the image will be saved in your browser's cache, right?

He was in first until this incident. After that youtube removed him from that competition. I dont know why the obama admin hated youtubers such as pewds and fps russia so much to destroy their lives. But thats what happened. They recently killed grant and started pushing some black woman as a replacement. Youtube, google, netflix. All the popular internet companies had a replacement under obama. Even 4 chins hmmm.

What's your plan jew? Keep voting?

Subscribe to Pewdiepie

fuck off. This guy posts the same points as the czech faggot that is clearly some COINTELPRO operation, all COINTELPRO is zionist intelligence 101. Report all this assholes I'm tired of having this board of peace associated with zionist murderers.

except overpopulation.
Eco-Fascists btfo

what the fuck are you talking about? I'm just spreading the manifesto. I'm literally not even making conclusions for you (besides my first post ITT), I'm just giving you the information

Please don't do this, I got a police warning because someone shared it to my Facebook and I accidentally saw the title

What the fuck is wrong with this county?
>Brenda Snipes
>Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
>Caser Sayoc
>Scott Israel
>David Hogg
>Robert Runcie

This county is a complete cesspool of lunatics and needs to be quarantined ASAP

Attached: BC-Logo.jpg (1692x696, 378K)

Of fucking course a little kid licking ice cream in tel aviv is not an enemy, but tarrant dodged the real answer about the JQ, with has to do with bringing Israel down, sorry for all "normal" jews, but their country is a proxy state for an ancient group of secret societies with a hidden agenda, fuck Israel. Tarrant is COINTELPRO zionism 101.

Here ya go kiwiman.

Attached: The great replacement.jpg (3523x8191, 2.8M)

Also, Tarrant is a saint, bless him in his martyrdom.

Attached: saint tarrant wallpaper.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Boy, just wait'll the 2020 shenanigans. When they lose more votes etc etc, I hope they hang that nigger.

Which nigger?

Why aren't the synagogue shooters ever called Mossad?

Sounds like you have a tyranny problem

Attached: 1555627083528m.jpg (1024x993, 101K)

Why don't you start a mass shooting then asshole? you won't because you are nothing more but a pussy edgelordthat claims how mass murdering is the answer, yet conciently will never commit an act of violence. If you ever start shit, make sure to mention me on you manifesto and I shall gladly livestream my necking.

I got no guns senpai and getting them ain't that easy here in Funland.
There is no real need either given that the biggest party here is basically implicitly ethnonationalistic and is poised to seize power in the next election.

He definitely hit a spot.
Think about it.
Things are not and will never be the same after Christchurch. I read an article where (((they))) call it "the 9/11 of white terrorism".
(((They)))'ve never been so afraid before.
You all can feel it, don't even try to deny that.