Thread for discussion of christian politics.
Conversation starter: so did you attend shabbath services this week?
Thread for discussion of christian politics.
Conversation starter: so did you attend shabbath services this week?
The only Church is 3 hours away.
Jesus is King
My church is my heart 9 times out of 10 and 1 out of 10 time spent chatting with family.
A Neoplatonist senatorial sophist was teaching a class on the virtues of Hellenic paganism
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Jupiter Optimus Maximus and accept that the Roman pantheon was the greatest form of religion in the ancient world, even greater than Christ-worship!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Comitatus from Illyria who had fought in a hundred Danubian campaigns and understood the necessity of the Dominate and fully supported all military decision made by the Augustus stood up.
”Who's the greatest being in history, apostate?”
The arrogant sophist smirked quite Satanically and smugly replied “Jupiter, you stupid monotheist”
”Wrong. It’s Christ Pantokrator. If it was Jupiter as you say… then wouldn't Maxentius have won at the Milvian Bridge?”
The sophist was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of "Against the Gallileans". He stormed out of the room crying those pagan crocodile tears. The same tears pagans cried when brave Christians chose martyrdom over submission in their struggle against the “Dominus et Deus” Diocletian when they justly sought to convert their infidel oppressors. There is no doubt that at this point our Senator wished he had pulled himself up by his caligae and become a loyal subject of the Christian Emperor and son of the Church, instead of a wimpering homosexual cretin.
The students applauded and became Scholae Palatinae sworn to defend the Empire that day and accepted Christ as their Lord and savior. A dove named “Paraclete” flew into the room and perched atop the Church of the Holy Apostles and shed a tear on the Labarum. The Edict of Thessalonica and the Nicene Creed were read several times, and St. Ambrose miraculously appeared to smash pagan altars. The Thinkery was shuttered and the sophist and his homosexual students were all castrated the next day by orders of Dominus Flavius Justinianus Augustus, who also donated their property to himself. They died.
Yeah I've got a question about christian politics: how do priests get away with fucking as many kids as they do? Is the church paying off the police and the prosecutors? Or is it more a matter of political will- like the cops just know that they'll get blowback from the community if they bring everyone's favorite pastor in for questioning about little Bobby Jone's bloody underwear, and so they just let him continue to fuck kids?
pagans are dumb too, but nowhere near as dumb as christcucks
It's a tradition.
Thread about Catholic atrocities against little boys:
your body is the church.
This. "The Reign of God does not come with observation saying, "Lo it is here or it is there," No, the Reign of God is within you"
Read that whole fucking thing waiting for an aguila to perch on the fucking thing fucking shit fuck
if you're not catholic then you can't really be Portuguese
no because it's not Sunday yet, you seventh-day adventist-tard
>dove shed a tear
Reptiles don't shed tears.
>babbys first pasta
is evolution compatible with Christianity. How do we deal with the fact that if evolution is true adam and eve didn't exist, or at the very least aren't the sole progenitors of the human race?
Given that Christianity is true and evolution is true then sure.
the Bibble is bullshit
Science has shown there was a genetic eve ~80k years ago. That was probably when the ayy lmao (God's servants) did their little genetic experiment to create us as detailed in Genesis.
Darwin was a fedora, total fag. He said the reason God didn't exist was because he didn't personally like the idea of a God that would allow a wasp to exist which reproduced by laying its eggs inside of caterpillar moths. So how about first you argue that he's not a fedora faggot tweeting at Dawkins with his e-cigarette hoping to get noticed. He's shit, he had time to write on a boat.
Myth become fact, that's how. Fact become myth is lame, city of Troy is real whoopie. How about Jesus says what you say goes and the Holy Pneuma says I can shoot lightning bolts out of my ass if heed Mel Gibson. C.S. Lewis' Perelandra is better than your Adam and Eve, and just as True. You see, fact is not as valuable as Truth, and they're not dependent on one another.
Darwin believed in God, said as much in his writings.
>Darwin was a fedora, total fag. He said the reason God didn't exist was because
Stephen Merchant misquoted him on purpose then in the Ricky Gervais Guide to Religion, currently available for free on YouTube under that search heading for proof, claiming he was a huge atheist and providing that very quote.
In this scene from Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, the temple guards go to arrest Jesus after Judas tipped them off. Saint Peter or 'Kepha' as he is called here, drew his sword in defence of Jesus, and sliced off one of the guard's ears. Jesus then healed the guard's ear and ordered Kepha to drop his sword. Jesus was then beaten by the temple guards and kidnapped back to the temple court and you know the rest.
Is the moral of the story essentially "if you help your enemies and submit to your enemies, you win"?
The message is that your own violence is the enemy.
Later he became an agnostic, also known as atheist. Anyone who doesn't see that there is a creator are fools. There's NO way.
Everybody believes in God on some level. When shit gets bad atheists all pray.
Why didn't rabbi jesus perform a miracle to get out of there? There would have been even less violence if he ran away.
Jesus decided to go to the cross. The point wasn't to reduce violence at the time. The point was to show you that violence in oneself is the enemy.
>so did you attend shabbath services this week?
I'm not a jew, so no.
Given evolutionists explan the extremely complex and precise processes of micro biology that is necessary for cellular division (as well as literally everything else) away by slapping on some multibillion year date on it and saying it happened by chance I don't understand why people even give fedorafags the time of day.
A cell doesn't just need all of its parts and for them to work together in order to live, it also need the dna that corresponds to each part as well as the dna that hard codes and executes the process of reproduction and all of these things must exist in cell #1 on day 1 or it would never have survived or propagated. It cannot be developed over time by predecessors that do not exist and the conditions necessary to both create and sustain the cell are completely unknown and unrepeatable just like everything else in their thoery.
I'm no mathematician but the odds of life evolving over billions of years on a planet that just so happens to meet the necessary criteria to sustain life that just so happened to be made over even more billions of years after the universe just so happened to explode into being are significantly less likely than that a Divine creator does exist and made it all from the get go.
The message is that:
1) God wants everyone to live
2) If you live a violent lifestyle you will die from violence
Jesus and his followers were outnumbered and Christ intended to die on the cross from the get go. The message is don't die fighting a losing battle that will save no one when you can live on and continue the good work.
Christ healed the man's ear both as a gesture to protect his disciple who the guards most certainly wanted payback against as well as to show mercy to the men who were simply following orders and likely held no ill will for him beyond the execution of their duties. We was about to die for their sins too afterall.
>I'm no mathematician
of course you aren't
>I don't know how a computer works
and yet you use one ever day
Why did he have to make such a spectacle of his excruciating suicide? I guess if he walked into the desert and ate some poison mushrooms, he wouldn't have been able to make the romans and pharisees look so evil.
>I don't know how a computer works
But yet there are people that not only do know how they work but also MAKE them. More than can be said for evolution.
Imagine you were such a rich fucker that you are the only self-existing being and you created an infinitude of universes teaming with alien life of all kinds and yet...
You're such a humble motherfucker that you become one of your little specks in your simulation and subject yourself to the worst treatment the other specks can dish out. God's a good dude.
The punishment needed to fit the crime and considering the wages of sin is death and he was going to stand in for the punishment we all deserve for all the heinous deeds we have committed since the days of Adam it would need to be a rather excruciating and horrific affair as well as one we'd remember for all eternity. Few if any deaths in history have been so well remembered or had so much of an impact on the course of history as the death of Jesus Christ
We can MAKE grey wolves evolve into chihuahuas.
>God's a good dude.
Might be nice for those kids to be taken out of plague-ridden Egypt and get to rocket into the future into his presence in rapturous ecstasy and perfection.
Yea he did them niggers a favor.
Evolve? No you can selectively breed a species to possess a sequence of dna but only by working with the dna structure that already exists. Both the wolf and chihuahua started with the same genetic structure and you could with enough generations selectively breed the chihuahua back into the wolf with the exact genetic sequence as the wolf originally had. No new genetic information has been created (genetic information has been observed to be lost but always to the detriment of the subject and would not allow for species to evolve into complex creatures but rather simpler creatures the opposite of what evolutionists propose.)
Wolf or Chihuahua both are dogs and no amount of selective breeding will make them into a cat or anything else because it will always start and end with a genetic sequence of a dog no matter how many billions of year you tack on to it. It is not evolution.
Evolution is a fact. New species have been directly observed appearing in nature ( newts in California to be specific ).
We make Christianity look stupid when we deny science.
Satan put those newts there to test us.
What a rascal he is, eh?
Jesus wanted to convert only the Israelites.
He was their last chance before their religious system would be burned down in ad 70 then the focus went to the gentiles as prophesied would happen in OT
Find me the monkey the newt evolved from
The considering the first thing I could find on your newts was
Which states:
>They've changed so much that they are on their way to becoming entirely separate species.
And does not actually describe them as actually being a different species and is absolutley no different than Darwin's finches example who like I said before are still Genetically the same species and could be selectively breed into eachother despite the differences in behavior and appearance you are going to have to hit me with a better source that proves they have become genetically different species.
Kill yourself kike worshipping faggot religion turns lions into lambs
No... I'm talking about the Assyrian captivity House of Israel who were still in the exile in Jesus' time, it is a mystery of what happened to them. Jesus sent out his twelve disciples to convert them, then they have a New Testament epistle dedicated to them, the book of James, then later they are mentioned in Revelation 7 of whom 144,000 of them are sealed with the "seal of God" after that there is no more mention of them in history.
Matthew 10:5-6
Which way Christian man?
>implying I'm a christian
Here are some examples of observed speciation ( where the new species cannot produce viable offspring with members of it's ancestor species )
The newts at this point can no longer mate I think you may be looking at an out of date source.
Evolution is a fact it makes lots of predictions that have been born out (unique species on islands).
Fossil records where you can see new species coming into being that are never found in older sediment beds.
Eventually all Christianity will accept evolution given that it's simply true. There are still a few hold outs who think both truths are incompatible.
Begone shitskin devil.
I think you got trolled. Origen is a widely respected Christian scholar, you know that, right? Ken Ham isn't.
>Origen is a widely respected Christian scholar, you know that, right? Ken Ham isn't.
The bible gets real allegorical you can't take that shit so literal even Origen knew that shit was mystical.
>Christian politics
great, if you want to get political then we can start taxing churches
It boils down to genetic variation. If populations are cut off by glaciers, drifting continents, etc. you're going to get animals more fit to survive in different environments. Sometimes the populations are so different that they can't produce fertile offspring or at all. If artificial pressure can turn a wolf into a chihuahua in 20,000 years, I'm sure natural pressures could dazzle us with new species over a gorillion years.
Tiny tits.
Well. There ya go. Would still pound her or his or whatever's ass.