Something huge is going to happen soon to distract us from epstein. Stand your ground guys.
Something huge is going to happen soon to distract us from epstein. Stand your ground guys
What if they have no happenings and just let us stew with nothing happening just to show Chutzpah.
It won't take much. I say a good strong fart should do it.
I really can't get on board with the "touchy feely unity" aspect of this meme you're posting after talking about this issue for like 5 years now, and every time I did it was liberals and Democrats who tried to shut me down, deplatform me, ostracize me or delegitimize me.
Just because they now think they can use it against Trump (for literally debunked reasons) I'm not going to sit here and hold hands.
The pedophilia and Satanism thing is a primarily Democrat thing. I'm sorry. That's just the reality. Surprise surprise that pedophiles and Satanists would be far more likely to support the party that openly supports and wants to normalize sexual deviancy and Satanism.
I 100% believe these happenings are planned, but I don't think they use actors. There are 330 million Americans, what's 20-50 random people worth anything to the elite?
have sex
>liberals as the king
Well, yeah. They control every major business and media organization. You guys can't even express your opinions in public without getting fucked up the ass and having your life ruined. Of course they're king.
last digit of post determines:
0- terrorist attack by 'white supremacist'
1- golden gate bridge breaks
2- shooting at walmart
3- big celebrity dies
4- war
5- hoover dam breaks
6- fake bomb sent to democrat politicians
7- project bluebeam commences
8- the fed crashes the market
9- san andreas earthquake
All it takes is a bit of cleverness. Target "White elites" in tandem with this, but fill the images with jews. Watch the ensuing chaos.
Honestly can't wait for more grilled burgers. Hollywood has become stale as fuck but you nutty cunts are like watching gladiators fight. Its bloody beautiful
Amerifats are like Lenny, an entire land of pissed off retarded juggernauts. The rest are onions drenched twigpeople. I want to see it burn.
This. It's time to get on the offensive. They fucked up BIGLY and we should seize the opportunity.
we never got truth on jfk, we never got truth on 9/11, we will never get truth on epstein
nothing will ever happen
a real faggy king
Haha, another bump
Niggers tongue my anus, bump
Bobs or vagana
Avoid large public events, mass transit, airplanes, retail stores in high population areas, and movie theaters for the next week or so if you can. If you can't, remain on high alert and carry personal protection if at all possible. Stay safe, Anons. Good luck.
There's no evidence Epstein is dead
This jewkele gets it. Also you would be retarded to drive away those leftists, who agree with you on something. Keep your friends close, but enemies closer.
rrrrrroll that shit