>lose their virginity by age 13 >have impossible standards due to their hyper-inflated egos >believe Disney princess movies which tell them they are perfect and should never change >lack perspective, can't empathize with men >pretend to be tolerant of gay men but use gay slurs to insult straight men >can't cook anything beyond the complexity of buttered toast or a microwaved Lean Cuisine >spend all their money on clothes they only ever wear once, if ever >fail to show appreciation for the men in their lives >believe they deserve high paychecks for easy jobs >think everyone should bend their will to appease them no matter what >weigh over 200 lbs, often over 300 or more >have shrill voices >thighs and asses peppered with disgusting cottage cheese cellulite >drink boxed wine and cry over Lifetime movies instead of improving themselves and finding a man >fail to reproduce, end genetic legacy dating back to the mitochondrial Eve >depend on beta simps, government, family members, or a mix of both to support them >are leeches on the health of society but are viewed as assets simply because of having a stinky hole between their legs
Jow Forums, what can be done to reverse course on women's ongoing destruction of Western Civilization? If the West plans to survive to see the 22nd Century, something needs to change. Fast.
Marry a Jewess, they make intelligent and responsible decisions with their lives. The big issue you are discussing is central to white women.
Brody Morales
Puerto rican wymn supreme
Wyatt Reyes
>white women. White women are fucking retards. It's true. I'm sorry, but they are the bane and death of the white race. They sold out their own people, sold out themselves. They were fucking retards more interested with instagram likes than building an actual life for themselves, or being loyal to the people in their lives that matter.
Jewesses aren't like this, I'm just saying. They are smarter, more responsible. There's only so much you can try to pander to retarded white women. Eventually you have to go for somoene with a brain in their head.
Benjamin Cox
They'll sue you if you don't circumcise your son.
Alexander Russell
The funny thing is civilizations in the ancient middle east collapsed after giving women equal rights. Romans gave them equal rights and female politicians allowed barbarians permanent residence on roman land, slowly eroding the nation. There are many more factors now with devious kikes and dangerous mud races. It's gonna get crazy in the future even moreso than now.
Nah. All women are the same. Kike females are no exception.
The jewess' that I've worked with literally act like Kyle's mother
Dominic Perry
>Nah. All women are the same. Kike females are no exception. Not in my experience. My experience is that white women are fucking demons. Fucking DEMONS. I hate to say it, but it's true. Nonwhite women aren't that way, and Jewesses are actually intelligent and sensible. That's probably why the Jew dominates us. Because his women aren't making his life miserable every second of his existence.
John James
If you're broke she will divorce you, if you're rich she will give you a heart attack
Brandon Rodriguez
1960s fucked over white women (and thus the white race), and who do we have to thank for that?
Jacob Sullivan
Lots of quality white women left, but you have to be a quality guy to compete for them. Either get on the level or do like says and go live in the third world.
Leo Martinez
White women didn't get "fucked over", they willfully embraced a political movement that was openly hostile to them because they're fucking retards who can't make intelligent or informed decisions, and they're almost metaphysically drawn to their own self-destruction and the self-destruction of their own people.
Adam Phillips
I have no idea who "Kyle's mother" is. I admit though that the two Jewesses I dated were upper class women from very well off, academic, "intellectual" families.
Never in my life though, IN ALL MY LIFE have I met a single white woman who was as intelligent, grounded and capable of making such wise decisions for herself as either of those two women.
James Parker
South Park reference, I assume
Eli Cruz
>Nonwhite women aren't that way, and Jewesses are actually intelligent and sensible You're insane. White men only let theirs get away with anything. A dog is more trustworthy and reliable than a female. Race is irrelevant.
Jason Young
I think he's talking about Kyle's mother from South Park, who is a shrill, annoying fat cunt.
Colton Rivera
And if you're intelligent and responsible and good looking a white woman will ditch you and leave you for a beta whimpering puppy sadsack type who most of the time is only fronting with his whimpering puppy sadsack personna because he knows it gets him women and low-key he is running around the behind the white woman's back fucking other people.
Hate to say it, but this is sort of the mold and the norm.
Gavin Scott
you left your vpn on Jewess are all addicted to prescription meds and are shrill opionated cunts. >All women are the same Japanese and Chinese can cook and are loyal in my experience but I hear many rich chinese can't cook anymore.
Kevin Garcia
Yeah well isn't South Park made by a Jew and a degenerate, respectively?
Luke Smith
>You're insane. White men only let theirs get away with anything. My experience and observation is that white women just openly reject any man that has self-respect, or who is actually loyal and well-meaning and as such expects his woman to be loyal and well-meaning in return.
Samuel Clark
>Jow Forums, what can be done to reverse course on women's ongoing destruction of Western Civilization? Become a CHAD and fuck mad pussies
Anthony Flores
>Japanese and Chinese can cook and are loyal and as soon as you implant them in a western country they become rabid radfems that hate men
Judaized country = Insane women Just look at white women in the 50's before talmudic NWO brainwash kicked in
Michael Lewis
women are child-minded because they need to relate to children (their job as mothers). they have no idea what they're doing and need to be treated as such.
>Jewess are all addicted to prescription meds and are shrill opionated cunts. No way. Exact opposite is true. Opiod epidemic is hitting white people the hardest, and in terms of all of the opinionated politics the two jews I dated were basically "libertarian for everyone else, but conservative for me". Meaning that they were totally laissez faire regarding what anyone else did, said or thought, but they were basically extremely conservative and traditional in their own personal decisions. This mentality is actually a general tendency of Jews and even though Jow Forums resents them for it I can't realistically, say that I think it's a bad thing.
Whatever you said, we Taiwanese men all the incels afterall.
Thomas Moore
LMFAO one of the Jew women I dated was from a family of a very famous (((jew))) that Jow Forums REALLY fucking hates. Hahahahaha. I am from a very infamous lefty enclave area in America.
All I can say, based on my experience, is that Jow Forums is not "wrong" to be leery of the Jew and esp prominent academic Jews. They are commies and they hate the goys.
Ayden Gutierrez
Angel Foster
I dated a Japanese in America. That's not true. (didn't work out but for other reasons) I prefer living in Asia though for various reasons. I don't believe the meme that girls will become awful if they set foot in America. In all those anecdotes the dude is some old beta loser.
>look at white women in the 50's still not as feminine as Asians though
Brody Barnes
>what can be done to reverse course on women's ongoing destruction of Western Civilization? Following God's instructions. If we lived by what is taught in the Bible, none of this would be happening. Women would be at home making babies. Men would be working. Pedos, homosexuals and adulterers would be executed. Everything would be much better. This is what the Bible teaches.
Empathy over realism. That sums up my wife in a nut shell. >can you believe this happened >omg the bachelorette was really good tonight >you won’t believe what your sons did today >are you ignoring me My wife is the best but she operates as a 5’3 child. Flashing lights and wind could entertain her. I actually go to bed wishing I could be as happy as my wife. She loves her family, country and god. But she shouldn’t be making critical decisions on a world stage. She’s a graduate of UT so she’s not retarded she’s just a normal women.
David Martinez
>believe Disney princess movies which tell them they are perfect and should never change Disney movies literally tell them the opposite and to "break the rules" and to "follow their hearts". Watch any Disney princess movie and the message is always about her breaking free of some kind of perceived control.
Leo Campbell
Zoomer here The situation is dire. I can see that everywhere I go. Having said that I still believe that it's not impossible to snag a qt wife aslong as you act fast. If you can't get a gf before the end of high school then you are pretty much fucked. But if you do manage to get one and by a tremendous act of willpower you manage to make it work after high school and manage to convert her from a hedonistic modern woman to a pure wife than you are good to go. Wish me luck
They were all using ritalin in my highschool >they were basically extremely conservative and traditional in their own personal decisions. That's bs they are died hair rave going feminists half the time. Seriously I went to a high school with a lot of Jews. I mean they aren't really worse than white women but they are not pure in anyway.
Jordan Price
Lol yeah actually that is extraordinarily similar to how these relationships went. With the girls themselves it wasn't so much that they were "against me" as they were "for their own people". But the parents......the families....they were "against me". And it wasn't (((George Soros))) or anyone like that, but yeah one was from the family of a semi prominent Jewy writer that most here have prob heard of and don't feel too positively toward.
Parker White
I guess I'm lucky to have a redpilled pretty based girl. She knows the world is fucked and one day we plan to live off grid and have a self sustaining house/farm. I just have to convince her to make a lot more babies once we get stable to make up for lack of white males doing their job and making more white babies. Totally is disgusted by niggers and would never date one. Would join me in a civil war revolution if it came down to it. They are out there, you just have to find them. They usually have had a hard life and know the value of being grounded and based in reality. She also enjoys jewtube and other modern things though. One day she will be totally redpilled on the evils of the jew.
Josiah Clark
There is quite possibly no facet of American entertainment culture since the Jews fled to the West Coast in the 20th Century to escape Thomas Edison's shoah that has not been funded by, designed, and perpetuated by degenerates and Jews.
Ryder Edwards
David Phillips
That comic made me horny
Isaac Nguyen
Nah I think you're bullshit. When I dated these girls I would just be out on the streets with them and every Jew they walked by they'd be like "Oh hi, how have you been!" like they all fucking new eachother even if they lived on opposite ends of the state. And they'd be like "Oh yeah! We know eachother from Synagogue" and stuff. They were super conservative and traditional.
Liam Baker
I probably really don't want to say. There are really only a handful of them and I'd be narrowing shit down way too much.
Adrian Carter
Yeah it's true mayne and ever since I penetrated a whore's cervix the other night, I don't think these loose pussy immature cunts can really do anything for me.
Jaxson Thomas
Don't. Every personal detail or bit of information is logged and kept to make profiles on us. You know this though.
Grayson Hill
select women for height and wrist thickness. if you want your line to survive the purges that is.
Matthew Sanders
White women are the way they are because of white men. Stop being a soiboy and women will stop being whores .
Asher Bennett
If the location is a lefty enclave rife with Jews, you're either talking Brooklyn, Deal, LA, or South Florida.
Grayson Roberts
Well IDK, I don't think I really have anything to hide anyway. I am more or less just a basic bitch classical liberal who likes to discuss history and politics without having to be needlessly politically correct.
Ian Moore
Why is everyone engaging with the kike that's been shitting on your women while shilling for his own women?
Are you all completely cognitively insolvent?
Brandon Kelly
is all you people care about is sex? grow up
Chase Smith
Get out of the city. Find a woman from a very small town. Got mine about 60 miles west of Atlanta perimeter, also known as fuck all nowhere. Homeschooled, churched, in awe of everthing I do. Had to teach her some 'book learnin', but it was worth it.
like that Prime Minister there in New Zealand, mate?? She doesn't like for the people to have guns, yet she is surrounded by gun armed bodyguards every minute of the day, every day....
John Brooks
Hello loose pussy princess how about you train your vagina muscles for multiple orgasms and to accommodate my penis head through your cervix. Too much to ask? Thought so.
Camden Edwards
This board is dead
Owen Jackson
si senor and checked
Anthony Parker
>2019 >not being politically extremist in some way
Our entire world is ran by Satanic pedophiles, dude. Wake up. Become socialist or fascist or something.
Josiah Phillips
Obviously the only reason white women are like this and Jewish women are not is because Jewish people in general have been spared from the multicultural hellscape that has targeted the native citizens of the nations they are diaspora in. Amazing how the Yeshivas don't have to take in a minimum amount of affirmative action blacks or learn about gay anal sex positions of trannies and toxic masculinity when they are in 3rd grade. Amazing how when you're allowed to maintain total ethnic cohesion that you don't have these sorts of modern problems.
Shit, man are just as hypocritical except they have different sex hormones fucking with their head. Threads like these have convinced me that freedom was never meant to be enjoyed by plebs.
Nathan King
You know most Jews are atheists right? Some of these Jews had family in the movie business or music business. They were degenerates, I'm not saying they were the worst people ever, but they were basically just spoiled rich kids. He's right about white American women though.
Tyler Hernandez
>Everyone is an extremist >Our world sucks in the current year Seems like a good argument for good old fashioned classically liberal ideas. The constitution, civil rights, free speech, due process, not hurting other people if they're not doing something that doesn't effect you. We need to seal up the border and get rid of illegals though, that's for sure. It's never going to happen though because the demographic change in America is always way more fargone than they are letting you know in the media presently. It's already less than 40% truly white.
Only way for the white man to "win" now is economically. We need to become "the new Jews" who rise to the top of a society in which they are outnumbered.
If you succumb to socialism, that means they rob the white man. Everyone is "equal". You get multiculturalism forever. If you turn to "fascism" nobody will take you seriously anyway cuz nobody wants to live in such a dystopian nightmare world.
>You know most Jews are atheists right? That was what I always thought and had heard, but it wasn't really true in practice I found. Also in the movie business they aren't really "atheists". That is a meme for satanists. They know what they are doing consciously. People who are very theistically satanists will claim to be atheistic (eg literally "The Church of Satan"). It's related to the dark principles of occultism, the concept of the "dark mirror", metaphysical inversion, the quest to separate mankind from his spirit body (telling him he doesn't even HAVE a spirit body is one way to accomplish this) and naturally the ages-old phrase we've all heard "the greatest trick the devil ever performed was convincing mankind he didn't exist".
Colton Ramirez
I don't think you are right at all, dude. I think the issue is in the genetics, sadly. Jews had to become genetically tribalistic and accept a lot of personal responsibility in their personal lives in order to survive for millennia without a country.
Juan Hall
>pol/, what can be done to reverse course on women's ongoing destruction of Western Civilization? If the West plans to survive to see the 22nd Century, something needs to change. Fast.
It’s really quite simply what needs to be done? It’s not hard to understand why women are the way they are in our present time. Women are conformists, they are just doing what’s in their nature and conforming to the fucked up world of the Jew. Everything they promote to them they believe. Why do they believe in all the shit? Simple it’s because deep down in their brain on a subconcious level they understand whomever is promoting this trash are the people whom are in power. Women (and betas) no matter what always follow those in which they precise go have power. It is this power that is corrupting our women and is the reason why they are the way they are.
Solution is we have to re-assert ourselves as men and destroy this (((foreign))) power that has hijacked our society. Only until we become rulers of our lands again will women conform to our ideals. In short as William Luther Pierce would say they are lemmings (pic related).
Anyone trying to frame white women as the ROOT cause of societal decay in the West is 99.9% of the time going to be a Jew.
Jaxon Butler
lol fuck off
Anthony Martinez
I promise you that I am not a Jew. Furthermore, it's true that Jews promote race mixing, but very rarely with their own women. I mean be real, you don't see Jews running around going "Oy vey goyim, fuck my women" lol. They are usually telling you to fuck blacks and mexicans and shit.
Asher Thompson
pol promoting jewish women? and BLACK women? Lmfao
Charles Diaz
I'm Burmese.
David Sullivan
There is no doubt that Jews use women against us. They want to keep men and women apart in a concentrated effort to destroy the nuclear family.
Women are only the way they are in modern times because of Jewish rule and because we has men to,erase Jewish rule and do nothing about it.
Daniel Scott
>Flag >Republic of China
You’re aware that East Asian women are not this pathetic. It’s only the West that has this issue.
>where are China’s (PRC and ROC) SJWs? >why aren’t Chinese women as promiscuous? >why is the nuclear family respected so much in China?
Easternization is the key to destroy Western degeneracy.
Elijah Rivera
Black women are insufferable whores. Especially where I live, uppity Atlanta negresses that openly embrace their sugar daddy lifestyle are everywhere. They don't even try to hide it. Obviously black men are to blame for a lot of this.
Wyatt Ward
Lmao i live in the south and the black girls in my town are hot af and non ghetto Ones in big cities are beyond redemption though
"oooh, yeah listen, this guy knows what he's talking about!" This is what happens when you digest even a little bit of religion.
You just start making shit up.
Grow the fuck up and stop making shit up. You're playing pretend, and others are playing pretend with you.
You're damn well holding humanity back you primitives.
Justin Young
Friendly reminder that not all women are like this and that this kind of propaganda actually causes a division between women and men, one that is already causing a divide against white men, as is obvious by some of the posts here, and it just causes people to go into their relationships with bias pretense thanks to these assholes looking to replace you. Everyone faps. Everyone wants sex. Just make it work and increase your numbers white people.
Grayson Hughes
I live in alabama and alot of the black women are fine af even some in mobile I just wouldnt fuck cause ghettos and shit
Levi Sullivan
What is it that you think I'm making up, specifically?
I said I am Burmese, nigger. Faggot Jow Forums hasn't got the right flag for us.
Austin Gomez
MGTOW is the only chance for a man to be happy in the west. Let shit collapse until all the white knights are dead and we can take away womens rights.
James Cox
>in the ancient middle east collapsed after giving women equal rights. Romans gave them equal rights and female politicians allowed barbarians permanent residence on roman land, slowly eroding the nation links?
Ethan Rodriguez
Reminds me of how I fucked up. 6/10 skinnyfat millennial zoomer here (1994) - decent face and good conversation my only strength. I met a 9/10 silver haired cosplay qt, hit it off with a date buying manga and eating pho and three hours into the date she compliments how genuine I seem. But my two mistakes were showing off my sty apartment, roommate had a lot of junk and didn't do his chores, and I just hinted at my politics. Set off a bunch of creeper alarms for her and she quickly broke contact, didn't want a second date.
Parker Taylor
Was 22, approaching 25 now with nothing even being half as lucky as that date.
Alexander Perez
The meek will never inherent the Earth. You will die along with it for your refusal to do anything about it ensures its destruction. Old fashion values born from a judaic root religion is also not the way forward.
Oliver Butler
Jewish women are kind of like robots but they're smart.
Well when the jews created the degenerative state of the world, they inevitably went down along with it. Their ancestors would kill the lot of them for exposing them and yet, their softness is their weakness.
Xavier Robinson
>Breeding with a Jew and produce kikelets.
Please stuff yourself in the nearest convenient oven if you'll be so kind.