>SJWs hate him
>Unironic Nazis hate him
I fucking love this guy.
SJWs hate him
Me too upside-down poster
Great for America!
Hes not bad but i wouldn't go as far to say hes great
>socialists hate him
yes, they do
socialists are trash
He's a good start but the way things are going we need an actual right wing extremist in the White House.
he is a fuking jew, he is the worst the world has ever had
noone likes this fuking faggot
Orange man good
He's a pretty cool guy.
Trump is a radical centrist
That means the only people who do like him are semi-racist boomers who support israel and watch fox news
You must be jewish
>SJWs hate him
>Unironic Nazis hate him
>Zionists love him
>I fucking love this guy.
neocons belong on reddit
get the fuck off my board
Based guzzler of Jewish cum
Big agree. Would rather have Hitler instead.
They’ll all have a mass exodus back to r-ddit in 2020
You can't always get what you want; but if you try sometimes, well, you might find, you get what you need.
He's triggered more people than literally anyone on earth
What a fucking god
I don't understand why you wouldn't at least give him 2 terms. Of course he is compromised but if everyone is legit man and not pretending it means he's gonna do some cool shit at least