I am hooking up with a Rothschild at my law school. He treats me great, but should I accuse him of rape to get the ball rolling?
I am hooking up with a Rothschild at my law school. He treats me great...
oh noo
Why the hell not get his shekels.
Marriage first then you can divorce rape him
give him a backchoke and make him tell everything
Marry him? No. I'm not physically attracted to him, but I saw his last name and had to take advantage.
Jewish lawyers always win
And even if they cant beat you in court, they'll just beat you to death and call it a suicide
Just kill him while he sleeps
In minecraft of course haha
haha yeah
I could kill him in minecraft, but I want to let everyone know about the perverted elite. I don't him to be seen as a poor minecraft victim.
>Elite kike is also a faggot
you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Chances of him being a high profile Rothschild is pretty low and he's probably from the branch family
Open bobs and vegana pls bb.
I would say what you should do but you glow
tits or gtfo roastie
Post feet
I honestly think he's the real deal. French Jewish mom, New York Jew dad, educated at Harvard, etc.
Don't wanna dox him.
>How to become an hero in one simple step.
t. US soldier shitposting
Do you even know if he's actually connected to them and not just some random retard who happens to somehow have the last name? Do whatever, this country is about to burn to the ground anyways. It doesn't matter.
Even the nobody Rothschilds have money and connections us normal folk would dream of
>dont wanna dox him
then you're not serious about this thread and fucking him over
Also, fuck you bitch lawyers should be hung by streetlights post tits
>thinking ((they)) dont have scouts here.
You just doxed yourself, best to do nothing now it unless he really did rape you.
>"I am hooking up"
Like that fucker wouldn't have your online activities under watch
Don't play with big boys if you don't know how to handle them.
I am serious, but if I accuse him of rape, who's to say they won't find this thread months later?
Have you been keeping up with the news at all?
A Rothschild could probably actually rape you at gunpoint and he would get away with it.
>ywn actually be raped by a hot jew because you’re into rape and Jews so it would always be consensual
It hurts lads
>if i accuse him of rape
Sounds like you just bought yourself a nice ticket to suicide to the back of the head ville
Yeah, OP is is going to shoot their self in the back of the head multiple times , or fall down an elevator shat and land on some bullets
I'm hyperaware and have street smarts. It's usually dumb boomers who find themselves dead, unfortunately.
Yes, it's possible. And IF they find this thread, they can use it against you as evidence that this was a planned lie. Are you posting behind a VPN?
I thought not. Don't do this dumb ass shit. Finish your college, land a good man and reproduce to save the white race; it's the best you can do to help the mission.
You say that now, but the hit squad is already on their way , was nice knowing you
I just made some calls. Tomorrow the family will be in full alert.
Using meme flag for protection
>it wont even make the news
Yeah when you own the news it's easy to keep your name out of the news
And the reason they find themselves dead, is because they are pride and cocky, just like you are now, just like I once was. After you mess with them enough, they will fuck up your life and will increasingly do so until you either back off or find yourself dead.
If you want to hurt them, don't discuss this online; simply hurt them.
You didn't have too, the target is being dealt with as we speak
Proof you're studying at law school or fuck off with your shitty LARP
Go LARP somewhere else, dilation-pol
How do I prove that? You want the name of my school? Ok JIDF.
Um, bro, I know cripplechan got shutdown and everything, but go be a potential active shooter somewhere else
Bwahahaha still tho. Tits or GTFO roasty lawstudent
No, just post any document which says you are indeed enrolled in law school, just hide/censor any detail which might dox you
This is weak, even by your standards. Is it that time of the month where you have to pull the hairball from your mangina?
>woman cries rape against Jew she's having fornicating with
The Jewish influence has come full-circle.
If you try that you'll be suicided. The JIDF probably read this and is relaying it to him now.
This. Out jew the jew
Ask him what he knows about Epstein
No, listen, if you stick with it you will have access to not only anything you could ever want but also protection from every single possible threat in the world. They have bunkers and agreements in and with every major and minor nation as well as armed security for all major and minor members of their family. Not even Hitler could kill them, he let them go.
If you fuck a Rothschild, you are set for life.
feed him non-kosher food secretly. he won't notice until his god reject him at the last judgement.
Have sex with him first user. And not anal or oral but vaginal. DNA is hardest to get after anal or oral rape.
Vaginal rape leaves the highest chances for law enforcement to retrieve DNA.
They will also look for struggle Mark's and ask your friends and family questions about the night u were raped, did u call them looking for help etc etc.
No. We are better than them. Don't go low by using their tactics against them. God watches everyone and he will reward you if you are righteous
If I were you I'd date him until I found out something juicy, then use that to blackmail him for cash. Accusing him of rape would work if you just want to destroy him and bring yourself nothing out of it other than a huge media circus and everyone knowing your name.
Allegations of gayness can be quite damaging and maybe something he might want to hide. So that is powerful information which might be worth a lot or get you killed for.
if this is a real post, sexually humiliate him and accuse him of rape.
>If you fuck a Rothschild, you are set for life.
you dont fuck a Rothschild,they fuck you,in many ways and positions,and then probably sacrifice you to Moloch or something
he was going to UCSB in california not that long ago, talked to a lot of people while he was there