The accelerationist plan to revive the Roman Empire?
5 percent? 10? How many newfags are Roman pilled?
The accelerationist plan to revive the Roman Empire?
5 percent? 10? How many newfags are Roman pilled?
Just curious how many have figured out that was the plan behind mass migration in Europe and America from the beginning.
>revive the Roman Empire
that's what hitler wanted and why he lost.
rome was shit.
Did they really lose? If the Roman Catholic ratlines got so many Nazis to South America, and still today are running the South American migrant caravans from there to the US, causing a nationalist backlash, and the same in Europe... Well it seems they are doing pretty damn good if not winning?
Opus Dei member here
It's going as planned
What is Opus Dei?
Are "jews" Romans?
Are these people pro-white?
When are you guys going to war with the commies?
If you are capable of pointing out how nationalists are not using a winning tactic these last ten years, feel free to explain.
Seems mass migration is causing an extravagant reaction in Europe and America and uniting everyone under one banner, "white".
Or do you think this was all by accident and that whites don't plan long term strategy like some other races?
WTF drugs are you on, Hitler simply arrested the Rothschilds for the biggest ransom in human history, then you show a picture of the same cross? is this some kind of Connection, LOL LOL THE CONNECTION WAS ARREST, RANSOM, REMOVE AND TAKE IT OVER lol, you think hitler rothschild and the Roman cathoic church are all in on it, GET A CLUE NOOOB
Let me clarify, I am not involved in this. It's just a very observable pattern, by groups whose history point towards this explanation as to why they would fund all these migrants as opposed to they all of a sudden just have a big heart and love muslims and Africans.
You might be one of the only people here on Jow Forums that really gets it.
As if the government doesn’t understand what mass migration will lead to. As if the government is too stupid to realize the consequences. As if the government doesn’t have IQ geniuses telling them exactly what will happen.
We are winning. Black pillers don’t understand what is really going on.
So you are saying the Germans were not involved with the Vatican?
Why did they run the ratlines to help them escape?
It strikes me as odd because it is over the top obvious and always has been? I don't fancy myself a genius but it seems nobody has noticed it? I don't get it desu
Also they are going to cleanse the white race of all insane SJWs, antifa and the like.
Seems cruel. Considering they were brainwashed from birth and their empathy exploited to turn them insane. Like just sterilize them or something and ground them why the powers that be have to be so cruel for no reason.
I like to think our people are better than that, isn't that what angered us all to begin with? Watching mud races prey on the weak, the elderly?
Are we no better?
Cattle gonna cattle.
Until they won't ofc.
>Seems cruel. Considering they were brainwashed from birth and their empathy exploited to turn them insane.
Yeah thats pretty messed up, especially when they are doing it to their own people. Now those affected are beyond help.
>I like to think our people are better than that, isn't that what angered us all to begin with? Watching mud races prey on the weak, the elderly?
>Are we no better?
I want to believe that we are but I know we really arent.
>rome was shit.
Retard alert.
Well there's two of us, that's a start.
I can understand not wanting traitors in the midst, it's just the brainwashing from childhood thing that gets me, they never had a chance. Doesn't seem fair to wish sufferering on them for that even if they would end us all.
Surely we are better than that.
>I can understand not wanting traitors in the midst, it's just the brainwashing from childhood thing that gets me, they never had a chance. Doesn't seem fair to wish sufferering on them for that even if they would end us all.
I dont wish them to suffer but the self-hating whites are quite literally antagonistic towards their own race to the point that they want their own race exterminated. They are too damn insane and from what ive read their condition is incurable.
I hope that their deaths will be swift.
I am Caesar.
But aren't the Catholic, Jews and Muslim all in the same boat worship luciferian spirits . Enlighten me on the Roman pill
Kek supports me.
Rome is not a church. The took over and corrupted the institutions of the old empire. The Empire itself will rise again.
Spoonfeed quick rundown pls. Have heard of this theory, but haven't researched, want to make sure this isn't a larp/schizo thing before going down rabbit hole. Where do gov'ts/other groups fit into this scheme? EU, US, China, Russia, Japan etc, major corporations and such