OK, I'm seeing a lot of idiots and shills (dude's trying to slow/kill interest by making idiocy be associated with the conspiracy) saying that the photo of Epstein's corpse is a fake/double because the nose and ears are "off". I'm gonna convince you why that "evidence" is garbage.
t.Medical Worker experienced with dead bodies.
Bodies begin to loose muscle tone in the very freshest moments after biological death: they become flaccid for a bit. Another reason for this is because now since the heart is not actively pumping blood, blood starts to pool at the most gravity-dependent spot (Epstein's case would be his backside because he's in supine position). You'll see this very apparent in a couple of hours when the blood coagulates at said pooling: it's called Livor Mortis (Postmortem Lividity) and it's one of the obvious signs of death. Even if rigor mortis occurs hours later, the nose will just stiffen into that position. Rigor mortis doesn't give the corpse muscle tone, it just... immobilizes movement and makes the body seem as if it's becoming a mannequin model of it's former self due to a certain cascade of chemical reactions from necrosis.
What I'm trying to get at is, in the very freshest early stages of death the nose would look like it's gently pushed back against (like a thumb lightly pressing it at the nose tip) because its tone and perfusion is absolutely not there; making it completely at whim to the force of gravity. Epstein's corpse's photo was taken with him in the supine position. His nose would kinda "give" to gravity. Similarly for his ears, they lacking tone and proper circulation would be pulled back by gravity in the supine position.
Essentially, ya'll thinking this is a fake or switch or whatever because you're seeing "two different noses and ears" - you're mistaking a flacid and "perfusionless" nose and ears for a time when that same nose had tone and perfusion to help it resist gravity's pull. Also to add the positions are different: in his alive photo he is upright standing-up and leaning a bit forward while in his dead photo he is supine.
That wasn't a fake. That wasn't a double. Epstein isn't heading to or at Israel. He's dead. The question is whether this was a hit or he somehow miraculously necked himself (doubt).
Only idiots dont realize that the fringe conspiracy theories are there to discredit and take momentum out of tye legitimate ones.
By tmrw retard boomers will be sharing nose/ear comparisons and normies will think any doubt of media narrative is equally kooky.
Real question is who killed him and how.... Good place to start looking is who is funding all the kookspiracy ahills out in full force tonight?
Brayden Turner
Everything you're saying makes sense, doctor user, but it's hard to believe anything these days maybe that's just because i've been up all night i'm scared
Jose Brown
>desperate for attention to validate his existence.
Play doh can do that too. Three disparate medical examiners, a toxicology report, prints and a DNA test confirmed by disparate companies might satisfy the dumbest nigger on reddit.
Live autopsy should be streamed by the same media that brought us live Iraq coverage for a fucking year.
Nathaniel Flores
Cells start to break down, the cartilage and what not. Muscles relax fully and deflate.. evacuating all the blood/fluid/life stored within. There have been bodies where this doesn't happen but these cases are miraculous.. literally. The cadavers (cadaver) belong to saints.
>tfw dad died last year >tfw it took them 4 hours to come get his body >tfw his face didn't change like epstein's not buying shit buddy
Aaron Long
everyone decomposes differently. Some have livor mortis begin within a couple hours, some don't really show it much at all
Hudson Allen
>Anecdotal Evidence.
>implying the forefront thing in your mind is comparing your Dad's corpse's physical details to when he was alive and not: nostalgia with him, funereal arrangements, taking care of legal assets, how you're now gonna care for your mom, fulfilling last wishes, etc..
>implying memory hasn't been proven to be pretty unfucking reliable af in peer review studies (just believing eyewitnesses in cases is retarded as fuck btw) and that your subjective memory beats my objective arguments.
>implying the cartilage in one's ears changes drastically after they die no one is buying it schlomo
Tyler Lewis
This. He wasn't dead that long when he was found and ears are not very heavy. So gravity would have a minimal impact on his ears.
Jose Myers
>The question is whether this was a hit or he somehow miraculously necked himself (doubt). it would be the most incredible cosmic joke if epstein literally just died of heart failure
Henry Roberts
>implying cartilage isn't malleable.
>implying the "fleshy" parts aren't going to give to gravity despite no longer having tone from lack of blood flow and dying dehydrated cells from drastic fluid shift.
Fuck man, if you were my son I'd be embarrassed af on my deathbed YOU'RE what I've left behind in this world. You're as about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
kek you're desperate to dissuade yet no one is buying it but your fellow shills
Jackson Mitchell
none of this explains why his nose became rounded and more jewy
Zachary Price
I am kind of hoping they faked his death so he wont legit die before the court trials. The trial is still moving forward after his "death" so maybe he makes a surprise appearance.
Lincoln Nguyen
i'm a fully grown man but until you show me an egg dick eye don't believe u
David Evans
>t.Medical Worker experienced with dead bodies. Yeah. OK. Now do what happens to the head/body when someone hangs themselves.
See, the problem with your observations, whether you realize it, or not, is you are saying he wasn't hung. He was dead for a number of hours. And, he was flat on his back. Opens an entire new can of woims, don't it?
Dylan Nelson
>implying that’s not Anthony Bourdain >implying you Kikes and the glowniggers who do their bidding are fooling anybody
Fuck off.
Isaiah Mitchell
>No arguments but name-calling and Ad Hominems
>more jewy
When the fuck did a "Jewy" nose become short and bulbous noses? A "Jewy" nose is a HUGE nose with sharp features: to imply always sniffing out financial opportunities and have rat/demon-like characteristics.
At this point, you idiots don't know what you're arguing and just arguing for the sake of arguing. Yeesh.
It is a little bit odd that a mentally stable individual would care what a bunch of "schizos" on the internet think about whether or not a particular body is a body double or not. If you were a true professional at this type of medecine, you would know that antagonizing schizophrenia only makes it worse. So what is your personal interest in convincing us that this is in fact not Epstein? Why would a professional doctor take the time out of his day to create and then monitor a thread based on such ridiculousness?
Easton Wood
Improve your reading comprehension skills: never said/claim he was dead for hours.
I argued that his nonexistent blood flow would be a reason for his drooping-by-gravity nose and ears. To prove to you that the blood would flow to a dependent position of the corpse; I explained the phenomenon of Livor Mortis which happens once that internal pool of blood coagulates minutes-to-hours later depending on the person.
Also, no, my observations in no-way shape or form say that he wasn't hung. I don't understand how you got that - it makes me question if you even you understand what I'm saying. FFS, the man has a cervical collar on in the photo: to minimize exacerbating a possible Hangman's Fracture.
>Hurr Durr, why would they bother with a dead body?
Cause it's not up to EMTs and Paramedics to call someone's death unless it is an obvious sign of death (e.g. decapitation) and needs to be treated as if the patient can still be rescued until it's called.
Camden Hall
kys kike pedo shill
Sebastian Lee
the top of the nose is supported by bone whereas the bottom is not. look at this diagram - if he's lying on his back the tip of the nose could withdraw due to weakening of the septal cartilage or collapse of any of the tissues behind it
God, you're a worthless faggot. Your continued existence is more painful for your dead dad's soul than any punishment Hell can give him.
Connor Reed
is it true people crap their pants right before they die?
Nathaniel Cruz
Jow Forums - the nose experts
Justin Wood
anyone wanna tell me why we have pics of epstein's leaked corpse but osama bin laden's pics were never leaked?
Zachary Kelly
are you really this dense? nyc vs pakistan in a war zone
Isaac Hughes
there are a number of distinct jewish phenotypes and spotting them is not always easy, but that "after death" shape is definitely stereotypical. large noses occur in many european populations, size alone isn't a great heuristic imo
Daniel Williams
yeah, the bridge is rounded like this picture, who cares about the tip. if you said it was some sort of swelling that would at least sound plausible
Bourdain was known to hit the bottle hard, you faggot - dude was self-medicating depression and mental problems. Google "Bourdain Alcoholism" and "Alcoholic's Nose".
the fuck are you talking about, i was comparing that picture to the corpse because the other guy said it's him. also did you not know bourdain is a jew
Gavin Smith
and that makes the bridge of a dead guys nose more rounded how
Sebastian Morris
No, because I'd be dead many times over.
Brody Perez
faked his own death so the public will forget about jews being pedophiles and having rape islands
Carson Phillips
look at the image and where the nasal bone stops. anything below that is supported by soft tissue. if the cartilage shrinks some percentage, the tip of the nose will retract the most, and since everything is connected that would cause warping of the nasal bridge
Levi Torres
It's right after they die, numb nutz
Sebastian Thompson
That explanation works for the nose. But NOT the ears. The shape of the ear itself may change a bit after death, but not the shape of the ear hole.
Easton Powell
>faked come the fuck on now
Jackson Sanders
Why are all of his guests so gay?
Ayden Myers
>im a medical worker >there are muscles in the nose
Saged for blatant fucking idiocy. Kill yourself kike.
Joseph James
They also use pictures where Epstein is much younger. When you age, your nose and ears get bigger. They’re trying to flood the board with garbage so that the people get frustrated.
Wyatt Rogers
Actually, ignore this post. I had a second look at the picture and the ear hole is actually the same general shape, just looks different because the skin is being "tightened". Guess the fucker is actually dead.
Camden King
You are either a schizo or a disinfo kike. Either way kys
Noah Hughes
1. I never said anything about people suffering from Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder.
2.... I'm trying to convince you the body in the photo IS Epstein... Not that it's "not Epstein".
3. Because every-time there is a legitimate potential for a conspiracy, fucking shills and idiots who live boring lives come out of the woodwork shouting about some bullshit grandiose conspiracy theory like some sort of extremely unnecessarily-complicated action-packed drama-lace Hollywood-esque shit went down instead. What this fucking does it makes potential legitimate conspiracies get associated with an uncomfortable level of idiocy that's enough to make the average citizen stay away from of fear of looking like a loon too.
Take for example 9/11, right? It can't just be enough that the Government knew terrorists were gonna do the attack and instead of preventing it they decided to let it happen so the emotional backlash could be taken advantage of to increase government overreach and secure behind-the-curtain elitist interests in the Middle East. No, instead dumb fucktards have to come out and start arguing how ~3,000 9/11 victims are actually alive and they were all "crisis-actors" living in self-imposed comfy seclusion. That for some reason covert demolition men also got involved and planted explosions for no need but to leave the potential for themselves to get caught. Both those and a shit-ton of other ridiculous additions to it. All that shit makes it uncomfortable for the average guy to question the Government's response to 9/11 because that idiocy is associated with it.
That's why I'm trying to kill this Fake/Double Epstein Fucktard Theory in its crib before it matures into something the skills can easily manipulate to prevent people from looking into Epstein.
9-11 was a mossad operation. everyone here knows this
Brayden Powell
Glow nigger thread is a glow nigger thread. The motherfucker had a laundry list the size of an ancient tome for who wanted him dead. It could have been Clinton or Trump. If he's alive the Jews wanted him out. There are at least 500 individuals he had serious shit on. A lot of them could stage his death
Elijah Sullivan
Because it makes everyone who thinks there's a coverup involved all look like retards. This is in the mainstream currently, but with this body swapping bullshit people, ANYONE who questions the narrative will be labeled a paranoid moron. It's honestly such an effective tactic, I would not be surprised that it's being pushed by one of Epstein's "associates".
Kayden Garcia
He was just a purveyor of forbidden pleasures: he wasn't a "friend". Why would they go out of their way to make sure he lives his last days on Earth in covert exile when he has the potential to bring down so many powerful individuals? Why would you risk him getting caught a THIRD time with the clear optics now that there truly is a powerful group pulling strings to protect his ass?
Just fucking off him and it's guaranteed never a problem again.
Ending of Casino fucking succinctly demonstrated what to do in situations like this:
this is the dumbest fucking board that has ever existed, lol. god bless you op for trying to talk sense to the retards, but they won't have it.
Sebastian Harris
Makes sense why a Jew in El Paso turns into a Mexican and the exact same guy in an obituary dated 2014 is suddenly a different guy days before the FBI declares conspiracy theories terrorism. Not only served as a distraction but a test to see what the public will buy before launching the fake Epstein.
IF the CIA discovered through the FBI investigation this case goes beyond USA borders into foreign espionage then the CIA would take over at least portions of this case.
>it was gravity >no it wasn't it was blood pooling >but forget about all that anyway: WAS IT REALLY A SUICIDE? I can't believe you shills didn't have anything prepared for this