Does anyone else really admire and respect Israeli culture? Everytime I read about them or see Israeli stuff in media I get filled with admiration and pride and wish I was Jewish. Like everything about their society I wish we had here. They are traditional, conservative, redpilled, and fucking badass. There's a really sweet show on Netflix called "Fauda" in case anyone is interested, it's action packed and fucking awesome
Does anyone else really admire and respect Israeli culture...
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Yes. I don't "wish I was Jewish" but I wish that white people were more like the Jews in a lot of ways. Particularly a lot of white women. Jews just don't have a lot of the problems that we have with our people that are strangling us.
That's what I'm saying, they are family oriented. Super close knit with their friends. Their women cook and clean and are happy to run a household while the man works. They are religious and go to church and raise their kids with bible studies and morality. The family unit stays together and their grandparents help raise the children. They also have a uniform culture where everyone in the country is the same race and religion and they purposefully keep it that way with laws limiting immigration and what rights immigrants can have
no, nobody likes Israeli culture
fauda fucking sucks, although I didn't rven finish the first season
Epstein is probably on his way here
You get to suck on baby cocks and can fuck young slav prostitutes do you not?
jews stop all that shit from happening here dipshit
Israeli culture
I like the ethnonationalism part but not the international suberversion part
>Does anyone else really admire and respect Israeli culture?
Literally only kikes.
I don't get any of the Jewish privilage, I just got my foreskin, 3 years of my life and 30% of my income stolen
>they are religious
Lol they're irreligious as fuck you silly goose
Are you on a proxy or an actual Israelite? Why don't you like your own country?
Yeah exactly. I am talking in another thread about this exact same issue right now boards.Jow Talking about my experiences dating Jews and living in a very liberal / left wing progressive enclave in America.
Yes, they "have their shit together" and even the women "have their shit together". And they make pilgrimages back to their homeland, and they have pride in their cultural, ethnic identity. In their religion. And from what I've heard Israel is fairly socially conservative too. I talked to this one Jewess who was low-key a lesbian and went back to Israel and she basically told me that they weren't having it over there.
Yes, whites need to be more like Jews. Absolutely. The Jew is winning. Beating us economically, beating us politically. Beating us in every way. "LETS JUST THROW THEM IN THE OVEN" isn't going to cut the mustard for the white man. We've got to get better. One of the reasons the Jew is better than us is because his women are better than our women and aren't suffering from a lot of the same narcissistic-yet-self-hating social malignancies that white women are, such as instagram obsession, loose ideas surrounding race-mixing, bitching about every little thing, drinking too much, doing too many drugs, embracing socially liberal ways of thinking and rejecting traditional ways of thinking.
I mean I am socially liberal myself as far as politics are concerned, as are most Jews, but culturally and in your personal life you need to have an understanding that traditional values, culture, heritage, your people ect is all vitally important and that degeneracy and faggotry and homosexuality is a "bad thing".
That's literally an American song and artist, they are just copying America like the young generations of every country in the world. We are the degeneracy, infecting everyone else
One thing whites can really learn from Jews is to favour their race.
Although, the laws do make this a bit of a problem at times.
But, I really wish we would adopt the practice of "Hire other whites, do business with other whites, marry another white etc."
We're so fucking sympathetic and egalitarian that we look at 'everyone as individuals.'
The problem is, we're the only race that does this and it's shooting us in the foot.
They have mandatory military service which I really wish we had in the USA. It really builds a sense of national identity and unity and makes the population less likely to support pointless wars
I hate this attitude. I watch Jewish brainwash television shows, up on the electrical Jew. I see them. I see the messages. I see the cultural marxism in them. I'm smart enough to pick them out immediately. Every angle, every passive aggressive jab, every hidden message, every double entendre against us, every trick. Why the fuck aren't the rest of our people smart enough to recognize it? Why can't they immediately pick it out? It's all kind of glaringly obvious.
The answer isn't "gassing the Jew" for playing a couple of mind tricks on us, the answer is looking to our own people and saying to them "what the fuck, why aren't you waking up and recognizing this horseshit". Because as it stands right now white women everywhere are just sitting with their eyes glued to the TV when shows like "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" come on, and if you try to explain to them what the genesis and cultural marxist purpose of those shows are they will literally instantly reject you and throw you out of their lives.
>to favour their race.
They did, as a result they got turned into ashes by anglos and amerimutts
Nigger, you realize that they destroyed whatever traditional culture you have, and set up their own.
And then you go off and "admire" their traditional culture as evidence of how amazing they are.
Imagine being this retarded
I just wish we were more like them. They are seem smart enough not to jeopardize their own culture and country for the sake of political correctness. They don't care what other people or countries think, they do what is in their best interest. Why can't we be like that?
Listen, the issue is that there is a genetic cause of this. Genetic causes of these differences.
Jews lived in many different places throughout so much of history, never having a place of their own. They had to survive and the only way to do that in such a situation was through tribalism and economic success (which requires intelligence). The Jews that didn't fit this mold, with genetic leanings toward their own people and culture died off or got interbred too heavily with the rest of their host society, and those bloodlines basically functionally disappeared.
White people lived in the snowy north. They didn't have to be tribalistic to survive. Actually, NOT being tribalistic aided them. Particularly when they fled across to Atlantic to the USA. People blame whites for starting the wars with indians, but that's not true. What had actaully happened was that the Europeans had fled oppressive European government once it got too big and in their face because they wanted to be free. They came to America, risking near certain death for a chance at a free life, and when they got here they found natives that were far more barbaric, violent and oppressive to their own people than anything they could have envisioned back in Europe. That's why tensions happened. They didn't happen because whites harbored any racial animus.
And when government in the eastern territories started to crop up? Whites fled to the frontier. Into the "wild west". I'm a white American and my bloodline is almost entirely steeped in a kind of anarchic living straight up until the modern age. It's been less than 100 years since the USA has truly been "settled".
Our people don't have sense of unity, cohesion, and racial pride. I don't even have that. At least not in a way that's endemic to my soul. It's only via first-hand experience that I learned "wow, multiculturalism sucks".
That's the issue? I'm saying, It's really not "The Jew", it's us and our weakness that The Jew exploits.
sadly I am a true blue Jew, and I have so many reasons for disliking this country that there's no way I could talk about all of it, but if I had to give out some main reasons it's stuff like how fucking retarded the average voter and how corrupt 99% of the politicians in this country are, I have yet to see a large party running on an actual fucking promise to do something, I am not joking Bibi's election motto last run was literally "left weak" while promising to do nothing and Gants' was "Israel first" as if any Israelicpolitician other than the people HE PLANNED ON FORMING A COALTION WITH were saying otherwise, also the biggest promise I found on his election platform was that he will "increase the number of beds in hospitals" and his party was the biggest last election. all politicians do is fearmonger about nothing, and that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding the last election, I'm not even talking about general politics, the culture here, the living conditions, the never ending housing crisis( a 3 room apartment anywhere in the country will cost you like 200k+ usd) or how we have terror, bombing attempts, stabbings, kidnappings on a pretty much daily basis here abd no one does anything because it benefits politicians massively
t. shill
But we can create this culture for ourselves. We don't need the mainstream.
This society is fucked up beyond repair. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it.
We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one.
If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less.
After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000.
How isn't this is a way to unfuck society?
More here:
I don't want to be anything like them, OR anything like the race mixing faggots on this board.
We are smarter than that, but we are being actively sabotaged.
Every time someone speaks out or rises up, they are cast down and destroyed.
For example, George Patton after the war started writing about how bad the Jews were, and how the USA should have teamed up with the Germans against the USSR. And look what happened to him, that guy could have been president.
Even today there are thousands of people railing against this, many of our best and brightest. Fighting against all of the cultural and educational roadblocks explicitly designed to weed them and their ideas out.
>Income is subsidised by the US taxpayer (actually funded by debt which the usurious Federal Reserve is also using to fleece the goyim), still complains about paying too much tax
>also complains about military service but doesn’t have to fight the wars his people start
Why do stereotypes exist though?
What sort of problems does your country even have? Everything seems pretty well run and going fine except for the Palestinian terror shit. Bibi seems to be doing a good enough job,, I don't get why other politicians are running on "Israel first" since I thought that's how Israel has always acted with international politics
I'm pretty sure you hit the nail on the head.
My country's history is quite similar.
The dutch didn't just drop in here and start genociding the natives.
They mostly kept to themselves and did the odd trade with the locals.
They even tried their best to do peaceful trade with the warmongering blacks that invaded here later.
It's only after getting fucked over for the umpteeth time that they decided enough is enough.
Our race seems to have a real "innocent till proven guilty" mindset.
Which is both a blessing and a curse.
Jews are like 2% of the population in the USA and white countries generally, if we're getting "cast down and destroyed" by them, then aren't we just stupid and isn't it time we faced that?
Fuck off boomer
>ow we have terror, bombing attempts, stabbings, kidnappings on a pretty much daily basis here abd no one does anything because it benefits politicians massively
Well that's not really the fault of your politicians, that's the bloodthirsty Arabs. You guys seem to be a lot safer these days than before, I think your intelligence services are the best in the world. Last I read, Israel took out the top Hamas leaders in Lebanon so they are doing a pretty good job
A lot of people want to say “Oh, it’s them,” to make it easier to swallow that their parents financially and socially robbed them.
Trying to forgive the Baby Boomers is a daily process. It’s very hard for me to fathom the destruction they wrought. I’d be fine earning less than them if I at least had a family.
I deleted that other comment cuz of a spelling or grammatical error or something. I get OCD sorry. I reposted it after here >Our race seems to have a real "innocent till proven guilty" mindset.
Yeah exactly. And the reason whites get labelled as "racists" is specifically because we are NOT racist and because we're so fair minded and individualistic that much of the time we straight up LET them get away with it. We sit back and take it and think "eh, what difference does it make if some nigger insults my honor". Which is a GOOD way to be in a lot of ways. That is the attitude that made western society so bearable and prosperous as compared to the other shitty places on the globe. But when the borders go down and these people move in on you, and you're living side by side with them, then yeah it just doesn't fly anymore. Only problem is that passed a point, like the current point, it's already too late when people start "waking up" and realizing.
Nice t_r_i_p_s and I think you are right in a lot of ways, but I wouldn't put the blame on babyboomers specifically. Like I was saying here I think it's something really endemic to our souls and genetics.
>why yes, I work for shareblue. How did you know?
that picture is misleading and you know it
I'm going to puke. lmao
that's really not helping your case
You ever play the game These bubbles float around the map trying to eat each other. Larger bubbles eat smaller bubbles, and the goal is to grow as large as possible.
I find it a very good metaphor for the game of nations.
The great titans of the game are waging a slow battle of attrition between each other, and all the smaller bubbles are darting around in their wake waging their own much smaller battles.
But even a mid-size bubble can turn the tables in the war of giants, by lending their mass at the appropriate time, or sabatoging at a key moment when tensions are high. They can be the kingmakers.
So the jews have served throughout history. Various factions see them as a resource, and thus they can exert influence and play the field, even if they are a small power. They can be the kingmaker.
There's nothing deterministic about this. It wasn't inevitable, it wasn't destiny. The game just happened to play out this way, and today we find ourselves in this situation. It could have played out a hundred other ways as well.
So the goal is to unwind this situation, play the game and win.
Lol fuck off kike nigger Israel is shit, your next PM will be named Mohammed
>raise their kids with bible studies
What's your favorite part from the Torah?
switched to PC
>I don't get why other politicians are running on "Israel first" since I thought that's how Israel has always acted with international politics
exactly, I was just highlighting that Gants was literally saying nothing and he still ended up as the biggest party in the last election
as for your actual question, the situation here is a the same as a rotting wooden shack, things keep fucking up small time and soon enough it will come crushing down, we are all frogs getting boiled here, most of us just think it's a hot tub
>housing prices keep going up
>national debt keeps going up
>taxes are retardedly high
>ultra orthodox keep gaining political power because they breed like rats and don't actually participate in politics, just vote for whoever their rabbi tells them too( always shas)
>healthcare gets worse and worse
>terror and missile attacks became a part of the norm, civilians are expected to take the reactive blow when politicians and the military experiment on agitating the strip
trust me, if politicians cared this situation would've been solved long ago, or terrorists would've been scared shitless for their families when planning a stabbing, but it benefits politicians when voters are scared and when there's an issue that is "hard to solve" it makes it easy to get elected when you promise to actually do something about it and you have plenty of excuses when you don't actually do anything
the situation would've been much better if we introduced public torture for terrorists, solitary confinement for terrorist relatives and the death penalty for people involved in bribes/ "favors" from politicians in power, both giving and receiving parties. and none of that pussy injection shit, either ride the lightning or slow hanging
>t. the eternal boomer.
what's with all the swedish flags?
The Boomers’ parents stayed together, this 50% divorce rate/processed food hell was purely generational. The Boomers collectively decided that life was about oneself feeling good and chasing mindless self-indulgence. They regard “family,” “the future,” and “society” ironically, in that if you care about these things you’re a lame sincerefag.
Treat them like shit wherever you find them. Most Boomers are going to hell, but you can do your part in making their remaining time on earth as miserable as possible. And you can see it, right? They’re really confused that no one likes them and that they aren’t being treated like these esteemed matriarchs and patriarchs in spite of the fact that every decision they’ve made, they broadcast loud and clear throughout their entire lives that they were nothing like their parents and lacked anything resembling the character of previous generations.
>"Redpilled and badass"
Don't go to Tel-Aviv or Haifa. I swear to god, I have never seen such cesspools of degeneracy in my life.
But yeah other than that curbstomping sandniggers in Judea and Samaria was fun while it lasted.
>wish i was jewish
this but op is obvious jidf
I dated a Jewish girl for a few months and slowly got bluepilled (blue is a sacred color to them btw, kinda like green in Islam or red in Christianity) Started to believe Jow Forums was wrong until it happened. Jow Forums was right.
NPC Jews getting high on their own supply
yeah but that's tel aviv
Calm your tits with the Israeliphillia. It's not really that great.
1) We are forced to serve for 3 years in the military without pay and many expenses are paid out of our or our parents' pocket.
2) Infrastructure sucks, because the government has fucked up priorities (settlers, ultra-orthodox crap...)
3) I hate the mideastern culture here.
4) Demography is changing rapidly in favor of the ultra-orthodox and settlers. They will be a third of the population by 2060.
5) Bad international reputation. I hate this country for it when I travel abroad.
I'm so glad I received a job offer from Ireland. If all goes well, I'll be out of this militaristic-religious mess before 2020!
Peripheria gang where you at?
>inb4 unironic civil war in 20-30 years
No they are shmeckle sucking shylocks...
We are also the only country at war right now
god damn, can I ask what's your job/ the job you got and what did you study? I wanna get out of here as soon as I can
Are you gay
Never read it but I can appreciate the structure it gives children when growing up
why not move to america and become a god?
sadly I live in one of the urban shitholes surrounding tel aviv
Of course they are going to be redpilled since they are the ones running the system. You completely disregarded the shit they did to us.
Have fun sucking up to literal trannies
Do you guys rely a lot on government pensions for retirees? Why are taxes so high? I thought Israel didn't have social welfare programs, at least not a lot of leeches the way our country has. Housing is probably always going to be a problem unless you start building up, like tall buildings. Israel is a tiny country with not a lot of space. Maybe they need more foreign investment or something to help with the taxes and debt
You are aware that most of these girls are shipped here from America to do the photo ops right?
So why do you tolerate african "jews" (converts)? Many of your problems are caused by that group .
Also,are the Israeli women as beautiful as some claim,or is it just a myth?
Dunno where these $200k apartments are. 200k is 700k NIS and I haven't see such prices anywhere in Merkaz. In fact it's more like $300k. And the average salary is $1.5-2k per month. I'm paying $1k rent for 2 rooms and it's considered good price.
>jews are ruling the world my ass
>4) Demography is changing rapidly in favor of the ultra-orthodox and settlers
>>ultra orthodox keep gaining political power because they breed like rats and don't actually participate in politics, just vote for whoever their rabbi tells them too( always shas)
I'll be honest this is the first I've heard of "ultra orthodox" , any more info? We have orthodox Jews in the USA, they already take the religion seriously and literally, I don't know how something "more orthodox" could exist
If anything, I think an Iranian (1979) or Saudi religious-takeover is much more likely.
America too (Afghanistan). But yeah, was just sucks so much. If I ever have children, I don't want them to go die for the 3rd temple or Greater Israel.
Why, of course.
> started learning to code at 15. ever since the, I wanted to emigrate from here.
> went to MAMRAM in the military. Hated every second of it, but it paid off somehow (not for everyone, though!)
> broke contract with the military with the aid of a lawyer, to avoid Keva
> started civilian life as a programmer from bottom.
> now (I'm 26), a company from Ireland found me on the internet and offered me a job.
> If all goes well, I'll get the CSEP visa and I'm not coming back to Israel, that's for sure!
I tried. Actually, I tried the Diversity Visa lottery 3 times, but the chances are slim. Ireland got me first.
>proxyfagging this bad
Lmao at your life
I just don't think your appraisal is accurate. Maybe some projecting too, no offense. Gotta remember that boomers were the children of PTSD ridden war veterans. Back in a time before PTSD was even a known thing. Then they had a compulsory draft too, around exactly the time that they hit adulthood and started to become "aware" of politics.
The reasons for the War in Vietnam, IMO, were good and valid and justified, but it was a harder and more abstract set of reasons for a person to understand. Certainly tough for an 18 year old, or the family of an 18 year old child to understand why he should have to go and bleed to death in a jungle on the other side of the world just because some people over there had different political ideas than he did.
And technology was changing at such a rapid pace. The world was changing at such a rapid pace. Faster than ever before. EXCEPT they didn't have an internet. Their entire political reality was defined by 3 television MSM news stations and 2 major national papers. If something happened that the people in power didn't WANT the public to know about, then odds are they weren't going to hear about it. It wasn't like now.
I just think it's dumb to look back on your own parents and ancestors and say "U WERE BAD!" I mean if you are a traditionalist, and you value all of those things you claim you are valuing, then shouldn't you try to UNDERSTAND and find positives in the world and society that produces you, rather than simply condemn it?
And if you DO simply condemn it, then what are you a "conservative" or "traditionalist" FOR?
What's gun ownership like? Can you guys carry guns to defend yourself from terrorists after you are done with the IDF service? Like carry a pistol concealed everywhere you go in public?
Sorry, forgot that detail before.
Obviously, (MAMRAM) I'm a software developer.
Started working on my computer science degree after the military in parallel to work.
It's been my agenda since I was 15 (to move this way). I don't have Polish/Romanian roots to get an EU passport.
Good luck!
overpopulation. Blame the shitskins from India,from the arab world and from Wakanda. Also,a small group of jews is ruling the world,but it's more complex than that. Their goal is acquiring wealth through laissez faire capitalism and they want to import the 3rd world so that they can pay them less. Globalism is mainly economical.
i have no idea what you're talking about my fellow filthy disgusting worthless kike
>broke contract with the military with the aid of a lawyer, to avoid Keva
What's Keva? Jail?
It's basically Jews that adhere to the traditional jewish life as it developed (primarily) in Eastern Europe.
See the movie "Fiddler on the Roof" for more info.
>I tried. Actually, I tried the Diversity Visa lottery 3 times
This is why we need to fix our immigration. I would much rather have people like you who are skilled and productive than parasites from central America
A lot of resources and social acceptance for huge PR campaigns, as well as typical jew poetic rhetoric to manipulate others and even themselves into thinking they are fucking great.
Clear examples:
>the most moral army in the world
>the only democracy in the Middle East
>a land without people for a people without a land
Start seeing the bullshit?
Jews are great at gas lighting, too. The Talmudic attitude makes them absolute killers as lawyers because that's what they do: play with words, look for loopholes, etc.
Have you heard about the Kosher Switch? Look it up to continue feeling proud of their culture and ways of living. Kek.
White people were like this (as was every ethnic cohort) until they took the blue pill
I hate kikes because they're shapeshifting rootless cosmopolitan israelite larpers.
Nothing they do will change my mind. And the Palestinian claim to that land will forever be more legitimate.
I only get disgust and contempt
most ethiopians are nice people as far as the ones I met, they really don't commit nearly as much crime as american niggers or the sudanese "refugees", their recent riots aren't that common and they are mostly influenced by US blm shit
and I cant help you much with Israeli women, being an incel and everything, I know some cute Russian and eastern chicks but most of them don't stand out for better or worse.
>tfw failed intelligence tests
>stuck as trucker or some other shit role if I manage to escape it
>roots in some shitty ex USSR garbage country
guess it's over for me
>See the movie "Fiddler on the Roof" for more info.
I've seen that move many times, I own the VHS of it still
Strict gun laws here. You can have a hand gun and 50 rounds for it if you are a cop or live on territories or work in security. There is no way a regular citizen can obtain one. Heck, you even can't carry a knife here.
kike loving boomer more news at 11
keva is a prolonged military service
wait what about the propagandas i see on reddit? like jidf women carrying guns while shopping or some shit.
That's fucked up, if there was anywhere in the world you would want to carry a gun it would be in places with high risk of terror attacks like Israel
No fuckoff kike.
They are still in the service. I was asking about private citizens not in military service
>I am socially liberal myself as far as politics are concerned, as are most Jews, but culturally and in your personal life you need to have an understanding that traditional values, culture, heritage, your people ect is all vitally important and that degeneracy and faggotry and homosexuality is a "bad thing".
What an oxymoronic bastard.
Fuck off with your twisted rhetoric, hypocrite. You just want to be accepted by all groups, like a faggot without balls.
Keva is how we call being a career soldier. In exchange for serving in MAMRAM (and getting all that sweet tech experience), they want you to sign additional 3 years of being a career soldier.
About 6 years of service, in total. But at least they pay something in the latter 3.
I found a breach in the contract and went to one of the best military-lawyers in the country. He got me out and I avoided those extra years.
Thanks, brother! I actually was anticipating from Trump when he got elected that he would implement a points-system. I already qualify for Canada and Australia's systems.
I waited because of personal issues. But now, looks like Ireland is gonna snatch me, which I'm okay with.
I'm an ex USSR kid too. Lots of us already left Israel (about 20%).
It's not over. You can always try the Diversity Visa like I did.
I heard Canada is open for people willing to work there in trucking. Look into that, maybe.