What actually does banning guns achieve in the USA?

what actually does banning guns achieve in the USA?
From my understanding this would disarm law abiding citizens and fuck your economy a little bit.
So if “common sense gun laws” were enacted, what would actually happen?
I imagine the ATF would need to pool all resources together, get help from every police department to nationwide coordinate raids in areas where the recent shootings have happened, high count of autistic people and high crime areas to manage to take a decent chunk of guns off the street. But they’d all be legal guns, right? So you take out the socially awkward spergs who couldn’t even buy weed off a stranger let alone an unregistered firearm.
But the people who would commit such acts are still in society and still think the same ideals but now have no guns.
People quickly call these shootings “terrorist acts” and when you look into terrorists in countries with restricted firearm ownership, these same “terrorists” put a lot more effort into how they are going to harm large amounts of people and when more bans happen they adjust methods.
Acid attacks and such things sound like a much worse fate than 5 .223 rounds to the chest and face.
So banning firearms would force people intending to harm others to find different and just as if not more efficient ways to carry out their attacks.

Why would you want this?
Why would you want to force the mentally impaired school shooters to become mentally impaired retards that pump A/C systems with sarin gas or mustard gas?
Why does California want to accelerate this future so hard?

I don’t believe it’s difficult to make home made shotguns. And the Chinese managed to make gunpowder a long time ago, so that knowledge exists.

I know we are in clown world but what the actual fuck is this mindset beta Americans are developing.

I’m so lost I don’t understand what’s happening to you guys.

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to start martial law and kill everyone. But its just a fantasy that they dont stop thinking about lol

its about proving that white men dont own this country anymore, and that the white man's constitution is no longer relevant to how things are gonna be run.

the end goal in inciting a civil war and collapsing the NATO alliance, it's been that way since 1945

The law abiding citizen that have their guns in a database somewhere would turn them in. If warrants were to be issued it would be against those people. Niggers with stolen guns would be unaffected

I also want to continue by saying I don’t want you guys to have to have the same life Brits and us Aussies have.
Like when an entire family got stabbed to death in Queensland here last year, or the year before, I remember saying to friends “that lady probably could have gotten a firearms license in this country, if only self defence was a genuine reason to own them”.
All my shooting friends lost their minds at how I could suggest that idea.

Don’t give up fighting. Please actually get off your computer or phone and do whatever you physically can American friends.
Don’t doom your country to the reality mine and others have become.
Don’t trust the people saying they are defending your rights because they let us and the Brits down after our 90’s shootings occurred.

It would start a civil war because we're not doing it. Half the world's supply of firearms are in civilian hands here, backed up with billions of rounds of ammo. So they can keep talking that shit, because that's all it is.

Plus we've seen how this has played out in Europe & your neck of the woods, so at least take some comfort in being somewhat sacrificial when you watch us ram a barrel up some commie's ass from afar if it comes to that.

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>It would start a civil war because we're not doing it.
buddy, thats the plan. of course the "good guys" will win but the purpose will be fulfilled: china will rule the western world with an iron fist.

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>All my shooting friends lost their minds at how I could suggest that idea.
Fucking hell, how are so many Aussies so cucked? What happened to this country?

>what actually does banning guns achieve in the USA?
The more helpless and docile a population, the more dependent it is on the government, and the less likely it is to oppose said government.

Leftists are almost entirely drones who tow the official line, and behave in way calibrated to be impervious to reason. They don't care that niggers are responsible for the majority of gun violence (and bringing it up only means you're racist, so they don't have to listen to you). They don't care that half of the "30000 gun deaths" statistic is from suicide. They simply are told over and over again, "guns bad, guns scary, government banning guns good" and they repeat it to others. Your typical normie doesn't have any ulterior motives, but the people programming said normie absolutely do. It isn't in their interests to have a self-sufficient population.

What exactly needs to happen before you all mobilise like the constitution says you should?
I’m not trying to insult you, but i read this a lot and I have expected a revolt against the government many times now but somehow they keep the majority of you docile. Is it because they chip away at the average gun owner with very small infringements so they don’t notice?

I’m genuinely concerned about what it would do to your economy and workforce. I buy thousands of dollars worth of USA made ammo monthly and only own 1 non-us made firearm and I’m just an Australian with manual action rifles.

>of course the "good guys" will win
Bullshit. The logistics of fighting a guerilla war on an american soil is not a nightmare ZOG is prepared to deal with.

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The end goal is the elimination of the threat that the population poses to the state so that it can monopolize power to enforce tyranny. Realistically legislation would not actually result in mass gun grabs, but the intention is the gradual weakening of the power of the people and more importantly the ability to suppress the right by selectively raiding "high risk" individuals on the basis of possessing firearms as the entire right wing here does. It's a boil the frog thing hoping to gradually pick off resistance.

They don't care about the inconsistencies or rational arguments because they're marxian inspired utopians who attribute their failures to everything but themselves. Acid attacks happen because of racism, you know.

I don’t know. It scares me how many people would prefer to not have superior or equal muscle to a potential attacker.
It bothers me the general Australian will not experience target shooting and how satisfying learning handloading is.
It bothers me we used to a nation of proud firearm owners but are now oblivious to what a gunshot sounds like compared to a Tom Thumb firecracker

It also concerns me how many people I’ve managed to get their licenses after taking them out with a .22
Their ideas on how dangerous any firearm is makes my brain hurt like I have thunderclap headache

It would achieve nothing, as you know banning guns in Australia (well, turning in 0.6 out of 3 million civilian held firearms) made no difference whatsoever in the Australian murder rate nor suicide rate. Statistically speaking, not a single life saved can be attributed to it so far. There are many lives that have been taken that would not have if all Australians had a right to self defence.
There’s a reason Australia’s rape rate is so high, an Aussie woman is three times as likely to be raped compared to a woman living in the USA.
So I guess it’d achieve that: American women would be raped at a rate three times higher than they currently are being.

For me? I just need the blessings of my family and friends.

Correct. Check out Nice France attacks. Dude used a truck to mass murder 100 people. Evil will always find a way.

Things need to get really, really bad before Civil War breaks out. Ex: Banning semi-autos and going door to door.

The shit that we've seen from the 1870's and onward were bad, but not bad enough to unite a significant portion of the country to go to war. However, it seems that situation is barreling towards us at Mach 12.

im talking about the ones fighting them

I just don’t understand why some people acknowledge there’s a mental health issue, but then just focus on the firearms and only the firearms.
I genuinely wish more good guys with a gun stop the next row of shootings so people can understand a lot of the shootings have happened in disarmed places.
It’s like they don’t see the irony in what they propose or something.
This topic has truly sent me into clown world mode and I don’t understand what has happened to peoples minds.

It would allow them to write into law anything and if you decide to protest they can just call the military in to disperse you because you can't fight.back. if you protest with guns (law is bad enough) military isn't going to gun down their own citizens, they know this, so they won't bother calling them in, they can't, this can't write oppressive laws until they take your guns.

It's not mental health sadly and it's not a fixable problem. It's white males seeing the irreversible demographic changes brought about by subversive foreign backed politicians and the ones who have been ostracized enough are fighting back. Sooner or later everyone will be forced to fight, some just snap more easily.