Names represent identities and personalities but it is well known that women lack both traits so it is safe to say that foids (excuse my bad language) should use numbers as names.
While we are at it we should strip them of citizenship and rights. Heck, my sandals deserve it more than these skanks. At least it protects me from the elements, comfortable and makes me happy unlike foids who hate and ignore you for being ugly
why aren't you happy and thankful that you're getting outselected. At least you won't have children who'll suffer the way you're suffering now. Why are people who are too ugly to reproduce angry at other people instead their parents?
Lucas Torres
have you not talked to women before?
Evan Collins
the white knight soimales got here fast
Austin Fisher
>Albania Does your country even have plumbing?
Thomas Parker
it's over for you, just accept it
Charles Russell
not really I just don't understand it. 60% of men never reproduced. Why is it relevant that every shitstain can pass on his shitty DNA? Why do they want the majority to suffer for it? That's quite egocentrical.
Joshua Fisher
>Names represent identities and personalities but it is well known that women lack both traits so it is safe to say that foids (excuse my bad language) should use numbers as names. >While we are at it we should strip them of citizenship and rights. Heck, my sandals deserve it more than these skanks. At least it protects me from the elements, comfortable and makes me happy unlike foids who hate and ignore you for being ugly
>60% of men never reproduced not even true, and women making the decision is the dumbest model
Jaxson Roberts
I can see why *lbanians are the most hated Europeans.
Connor Sanchez
women should be gagged and kept in cages, only allowed to give birth and eat schlop
Julian Thomas
Imagine writing a post so cringeworthy that a board full of people who disdain women think you are a loser.
Owen Edwards
if you value beauty more than based and redpillness then you deserve it to be a normie incel
Aaron Thomas
Except he's right you fucking retard.
Daniel Martin
They were already stripped of their last name when they married, you just need to bring that back into fashion
Jordan Perry
Albanians have the lowest average IQ in all of Europe, so maybe they should'nt have names.
Andrew Harris
Fuck off incel
Levi Gomez
Unironically a great idea.
Justin Rivera
>unlike foids who hate and ignore you for being ugly
your post was okay until that point, but now you are just embarassing yourself
Cooper White
yes it is and women haven't made the decision. But OP should ask himself if he would be able to defend a wife and a child fro other men.
Charles Fisher
that is quite an accurate assessment. Women really do not have things that we see as identities. Neither personalities. Their sexual behavior is amplified by ten, compared to the men, and then made more complex in all of its aspects. While a man is capable of shutting off sexual thoughts, at least temporarily. And pursuing other things. A woman does not have such possibility.
She can neither work "alien-to-her-nature" jobs, nor can she invent something, or do anything great really. All of her behavior is narrowly defined within a very expected range, which is entirely sexuality, reproduction, and securing of those means.
While a mans behavior may be engineering (like going to the moon), building of technology. Control of territory. Exploration of territory. Exploration of mechanisms related to EVERYTHING. Even the makeup of our universe. Exploitation of those elements. (like who made a lightbulb). The men created everything, explored everything, waged war with everything, made peace with everything. Understood everyone.
Women are not even 70% of what a man is, they are barely 4% of what a man is. And there are animals who are more useful than that.
its a combination of women, and indeed white knights. Those who were brainwashed into defending the interests of the women. Who have the female imperatives inside of their brains, instead of the male ones. Quite a pathetic sight to see.
t. muslim We are not Afghans, they handle it this way.
This society is fucked up beyond repair. The Epstein cause shows this once again. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it. We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one. If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less. 20,000*2^15=655,000,000 After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000. How isn't this is a way to unfuck society? More here:
Jayden Collins
Jesus dude have sex STAT
Justin Ward
imagine white knighting this hard and pretending not to be the beta bitch
Aiden Rivera
>names himself on 4chinz Filtered
Luke Cooper
Interesting image
Oliver Peterson
>Names represent identities and personalities but it is well known that women lack both traits I'm trying to imagine being some Albanian nut who genuinely believes something that retarded, but I just can't. What happened? Did your love interest giggle and turn you down? Good luck with the rest of your existence anyway, Mr. Hoxha.
Leo Barnes
Novel genres men excel in: Scifi, war, competition, alternative history, action, spy, horror, thriller
Novel genres women excel in: >.... romance, feminism?
There are some exceptions of course. Frankenstein, Agatha Christie novels, etc. But mostly you don't expect a woman to come up with, say, Jurassic Park. They're too busy thinking about being women. Too busy thinking about being women to think ABOUT BRINGING DINOSAURS BACK TO LIFE MOTHERFUCKER.
Mason Morris
You should read the rational male man. It explains exactly how they operate, these "white knights". You see, a human being can house a number of thoughts inside of his brain. But what happened to these white knights is that in the matriarchy. When they were growing up, they were given the thoughts by the matriarchs, that are designed to be only beneficial to the females. And since they were children, they did not know any better.
Its basically the same way between a beaver telling a dog that he needs to build dams. The dog needs to chase his tail, eat shit outside, run like a retard. But the beaver comes along and says "it is toxic to be doing these things, all dog people should be building dams, because I said so and it is good"
Can you see who benefits such thoughts? There are lots of foreign groups, and people who wish to have ownership of your brain, and of your functioning. It is not your fault for submitting to them. For you were naive and a child most likely. ANd these people are everywhere. They are also foreign enemies like jews, they are homo's and degenerates. All of them want a piece of your mind. And to do as they want you to.
Even if it is not in your best interests. Because why would a dog build a dam? Why would a straight white male have behaviors that are beneficial to faggots, women, jews and other scum? You are not these people. The thoughts of these people bring you zero benefit in life.
Jack Carter
>Except he's right you fucking retard. The heaviest ironing always comes from America.
Just ignore women dude. get a life. And dont go shooting up a place trying to make people look bad. Jow Forums is a board of peace.
David Davis >He kept some 30 to 50 concubines of different nationalities, including Koreans, Japanese, White Russians, French and Americans, who were given numbers since he could not remember their names nor speak their language.
Logan Ramirez
Why did Atlas shrug?
Hudson Kelly
>Women shouldn’t have names But how will I summon my concubines?
Matthew Sanders
There are some women that have a personality. It's rare but sometimes they have a very cute personality. And in case your wondering, yes my sandals agree with me and love holding my pasty white feet.
Dear memeflagfag, you're probably so deluded you don't have the slightest awareness of it. Anyone who unironically types >Women really do not have things that we see as identities. Neither personalities. is completely alienated from reality. Even the dullest chicks that seem like carbon copies of each other and have nothing interesting to say are far more nuanced personalities behind closed doors if you actually know them. Their dull social persona of being a pretty flower is not the full story. Some of them are really sweet, some of them are poisonous. But you have to know them to actually know them. Just a reminder that your deluded and hateful notions are your fault 100%. It's nothing but a cope of the most negative kind. Fix your head and life.
Nathaniel Wilson
Ethan Hill
They couldn't pay me to be as disgusting as you.
Anthony Peterson
This is all false and a lie, it does not realistically matter even if it was. The means to control them have nothing to do with any of this. Because we dont need to. The only thing men need to know is that one should not invest our time, and our spirit into their "differences" how minute they even may be.
The only thing that matters is to make them feel uncomfortable, enough to such a point at which we can dictate their lives. Noting some minor difference between them could be useful perhaps to get to this control. But it does not really matter that much in the long run. Women are devoid of souls.
Carson Garcia
Imagine not ever having sex.
Matthew Campbell
>should use numbers as names. No, just name them with a feminized version of their father's name liek in Roman times. Jack's three daughters would be Jackie, Jackie, and Jackie
A friend of mine had all these groupie sluts trying to take his virginity. I would call them Groupie #1, etc. to their faces. They not only accepted their numbers, they did so proudly. Don't believe me? Ask him. His name was Cory Withers.
>This is all false and a lie No, it's based on living a real life and actually getting to know people in reality. Your ideas underline you have practically no experience of dealing with women in real life. You're probably a hikikomori-tier loner. Maybe you were traumatized as a kid, but at some point it becomes your responsibility to get yourself out of the hole you're in.
Nathan Davis
blablabla womansplaining bs lol. I dont need to listen to you. I dont care. That book is the entire recipe that is needed to deal with women and every guy in this thread should read it. Women deserve no names, nor do they deserve our attention when they speak up lel. Shoo you subhuman
Juan Nelson
>You must be a woman if you don't agree with me. My god, bro, have sex, you need it quick
Jack Gonzalez
>womansplaining You're not only deluded but cling to your delusions like a drowning man to a floating piece of wood. I'm sure things are going great for you, so it makes sense to continue down the same path, am I right. Yeah, good luck, bro.
The novel is about brilliant entrepreneurs sacrificing themselves to keep the society going, while their effort is unappreciated by the masses and undermined by the politicians. Atlas shrugged, because they are sick and done with carrying everyone's shit on their shoulders and at one point just quit.
Cameron Jones
Very interesting topic. Almost made me forget about the Epstein happening.