(((Someone))) is spying on us

Each time I use the internet (phone,PC,laptop) the ads and suggestions that appear simply seem to match everything I say and do. For example,I once said out loudly that I can't stand math and guess what: 10 hours later I find a YouTube add that says "why we hate math and how to improve it" . I said that loudly ,not even typed it which makes me think that the phone and the gadgets have microphones that register what I say,and I am fairly sure that they also have cameras.
Once I've entered the faggot board just because I wanted to troll and guess what: I get YouTube adds with fucking traps a few hours later.

Does this happen to you too?
How do we stop it? I can't stand being watched and heard by a bunch of puny mongoloids who want me to click on their god damn useless shitty adds.

Attached: Screenshot_20190720-190829.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:


its not jews its an ai automated system logging in your words.
>Dont be retarded and remove your mic then lol.

Stop fucking using a smart phone

That's what happens when you use an Android cell phone.

Android is a software ghetto. There's literally no way to tell if your phone has been hacked. It's that bad.

Attached: 1549333440982.jpg (660x680, 55K)

What about my laptop? Should I ditch it too? I need it for my studies sadly.
I've always considered buying a 1980s style phone because I am shit at technology and hardly need anything apart from a device that shall allow me to call(la TIC în liceu ne jucam pe calculator și nu am făcut informatică din fericire) but it would look weird to have a junk phone while others have iPhone Xs and Samsungs

Has someone OPs pic in higher quality?
searched this one for months.

Here you go


It's on this forum

found it

thanks thanks thanks a lot :3

>Do not use your real name anywhere.
>Use multiple fake jewgle accounts across your devices.
>Disable location.

This is the least you can do but it won't protect you. Best is to not have cameras and mics you brought willingly into your home

People have already tested tested this theory of advertisers listening in on you. Should be common knowledge by now.

>I once said out loudly that I can't stand math
typical pea-brained gypsy

You want privacy or comfort?
If you answer is privacy, throw away your smartphone and get a Nokia 3310, start using Linux on your PC, get data encryption programs, VPN and a strong firewall.
If your answer is comfort, fuck off.

Attached: image.jpg (1010x569, 160K)

Attached: image.png (929x5213, 1016K)

make a guess what it means lol, pic related

Attached: download.jpg (290x174, 17K)

Yea dude. Nearly globally accepted "phenomenon" at this point. YouTube it. People did experiments where they started talking about something completely foreign to them...that they never typed into their phones. They get ads for it within the week. They are harvesting and selling (at least)all of your data. Microphone, camera, keypad, location....everything. Welcome newfag. Step into the abyss

It’s strange no one seems to care about this

It happened with me when I was talking about Rolex with my cousin.
I didn't type "watch" or "rolex" anywhere, since it's not even in my interest.

You can turn off ad personalisation for both Google and Facebook. Sure, they're probably still storing everything but now you're blissfully unaware.

>la TIC în liceu ne jucam pe calculator și nu am făcut informatică din fericire
>la TIC în liceu ne jucam pe calculator și nu am făcut informatică din fericire

Bun fratele meu.

Un veritabil luptator
La mine la liceu era o profa mult prea "inteligenta" pentru a pierde timp cu predatul . la liceu profesoara mea de TIC a ajuns la inchisoare in urma plecarii in Caraibe cu fondurile rezervate pentru calculatoare

Attached: 4xLNFE6.jpg (223x226, 6K)


OP this is actually true to some degree, I'm not sure how much. Firstly I have a background in IT and sometimes get people saying 'well you see their search engine algorithm is very smart and takes things you just typed in and guess what you want.'

This has happened to me on devices that I have picked up after say 10 hours of non use, then I'll say something out loud to my friend/gf or whatever, 10 mins later I'll start a search and it'll appear, it'll happen with things that the algorithm simply couldn't guess from my activity. stuff that is so random and it's even happened when I've searched things for other people (so not my AI profile). For example typing in 'g' and getting 'garden fire pit' after talking about them loudly for a few mins and never had searched for the like or for any garden stuff/ fire stuff/ bbq/ whatever. I'm not an idiot and it's happened way too many times, they are listening in some capacity for sure/. I don't own an alexa or any of that gay shit.]

also I thought my phone wan't using google assistant, I always check my settings for high privacy... I shouted hey google at my phone a few times and it started typing and listening. New phones listen by default.

The VLAH BVULL doesen't need whyteoid science

Attached: 1565466602813.jpg (1080x740, 126K)

Noi aveam un profesor retardat care nici nu auzea bine. Ne dădea lecțiile prin pbinfo și ne punea să învățăm ,apoi ne dădea probleme,iar faptul că nu am avut nici un laptop sau computer până la 16 ani m-a cam lăsat în urmă.

i hate those pesky ads too OP

Attached: cheap calls to africa.png (435x842, 502K)

It gives me ads in Italian and Russian mostly. They seem to think that I am Russian and trying to learn Italian because I've talked about it a few times. Also,I receive a disturbing amount of Russian propaganda

Nice resolution on that pic bro

> implying Google is a safe choice for any reason

>,I receive a disturbing amount of Russian propaganda

Attached: 1565358254368.jpg (807x1024, 93K)

I don't mind Russia as long as they give us back Bessarabia and Transnistria (untul se reach the bug river),their women are pretty conservative too. Ч лиyблиo Pyccия. Bпepeд вocтoчнaиa Eвpoпa !

Until we reach the big river*