Does anyone else unironically believes that Homelander is the only one that is realistic about his situation and doing things "for the greater good" instead of alturistic bullshit?
Does anyone else unironically believes that Homelander is the only one that is realistic about his situation and doing...
You should watch more wholesome programming.
Like what?
Cobra Kai
I wonder if Homelander really believes in God or of it's just for show
He clearly doesn't.
It's good.
Homelander has nothing but disdain for civilians. He might want to do good but only if good is defined on his terms. The airliner scene shows how badly good intentions go once they are off-script. He doesn't care, though. Because he is better than everyone else and they shouldn't have wasted his time to begin with. He has bigger things to think about. Like himself. He is pretty evil but only because he was made that way. It's understandable that his outlook on humanity is more than just a little jaded.
airliner scene ... thinks homelander did it
And this is political how exactly?
Homelander is best lander.
Unironically i enjoy this show, and i lmao every time the main s o y b o y hallucinates his disgusting mutt gf when he is with a literal blonde goddess with super powers
I mean he's talking about flying over to middle eastern countries and killing terrorists in scene rather than having to wait until congress tell him what to do
That episode really reminded me of the heyday of youtube atheism
It would be great without the white/christian/male bashing.
I enjoyed the show but I wasn’t blind to what was going on. If you looked at the producer, writer and director list it was 4/5 Jewish including Seth rogen. They took many swipes at Christianity, america and whites at large. Homelander is a walking trope with blonde hair, and an American cape. So of course they made him the villain. They kept the black man/white woman combo to a minimum, but let’s not forget it was still there
You're missing the point. All of their encounters are scripted to one extent or another (for liability reasons). The airliner incident was not scripted. Homelander was fine with all of it until he laser-eyes the terrorist in the cockpit ... and the surviving pilot ... and the contols. He didn't have to do that. He was making a point that *he* knew better than his handlers. That the death of the civilians would open the door to his working with the military. Had the incident been on script and recorded, he could never have gotten away with it.
He doesn't care about civilians. He cares about his power and being seen as an arbiter of justice. His justice. On his terms. Now clap. Everyone clap. You clap.
The entire show has an intellectual depth of about 3 inches.
If it wasn't for the jews shoehorning their hatred of christianity and whites, the boys would be much better. I can see Seth's taint on everything he's touched now.
The Tick would defeat Homelander in a fight. Debate me.
wow so they've adapted the boys into a series now?
When i read those comics i couldn't stop being angered that the superfreaks with good publicity where getting outsmarted by a gang of edgy black trenchcoat cia fags.
Fags that garth couldn't even make likable, they were like goths in high school, a bunch of pretentious little shitheads.
Also, has amazon tuned down the gore/sex and has it got better as a result in your opinion?
Homelander is the hero we deserve, but not the one we need.
>garth ennis writes a story about evil blonde jingoist superman
>blame jewish producers merely adapting it
It's all so tiresome.
Seth really shows his hate for christianity in Preacher. I ain't christian and many scenes made me disgusted/mad on how far a show could go on tainting religion.
Wrong board Amazon shill.
imagine get raped by your dad so hard so you actually start rooting for homelander.
how does your dads cum taste?
Tick is awesome but no, he still got knocked around by the edgy guy in his show despite him not having powers, sure he didnt get hurt but the fact he could be moved shows he isn't completely invulnerable
They have toned it down but theres still more gore in this than other tv shows, unlike the comic the boys don't have compound V so they dont go around effortlessly stomping heroes apart and have to rely on blackmail, I cant help but root for Homelander and the heroes though