>Mass-migration supported by population due to media brainwashing. >Interracial marriages constantly promoted through advertisements and entertainment. >Much easier to get on welfare when coming from outside of Europe. >In-group preference for native Europeans systematically made taboo. >Niggers end up getting more rights then people forming the backbone of the entire continent.
Imagine getting paid phd monies for being a rapefugee fucking white wiminz.
Angel King
We had a thread on this a few weeks ago.
It's absolute nightmare fuel. It turns them into protected replacement caste and pretty much confirms everything Jow Forums has been saying for years and confirms why they have been Africanzing literally everything, in particular our history, I suspect all the tolerance laws (Google that one too) to fight "extremism" was actually to supress native abilities to resist mass Africanization, I suspect this is why Islam (and then the far right) was brought here.
ethnic conflict and balkanization seems unavoidable in the long term
Ryan Gonzalez
This infernal machine will soon have an army of its own. Its over tbqh.
Ethan Harris
>Encourages the EU institutions and the Member States to officially acknowledge and mark the histories of people of African descent in Europe, including of past and ongoing injustices and crimes against humanity, such as slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, or those committed under European colonialism, as well as the vast achievements and positive contributions of people of African descent, through both the official recognition at EU and national level of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade and through establishing Black History Months;
>6. Encourages the Member States and the European institutions to formally mark both the UN International Decade for People of African Descent and to take effective measures for the implementation of the programme of activities in a spirit of recognition, justice and development;
Thomas Edwards
>whereas the primary responsibility for the rule of law and the fundamental rights of citizens lies with governments, and whereas the primary responsibility for monitoring and preventing violence, including Afrophobic violence, and prosecuting the perpetrators is therefore incumbent on governments;
>K. whereas only limited data is available on racial discrimination in the education system; whereas, however, evidence suggests that children of African descent in the Member States are awarded lower grades than their white peers in schools, and early school leaving is markedly higher among children of African descent(12);
>L. whereas adults and children of African descent are increasingly vulnerable when held in police custody, with numerous incidents of violence and deaths recorded; having regard to the routine use of racial profiling, discriminatory stop‑and‑search practices and surveillance in the context of abuse of power in law enforcement, crime prevention, counter-terrorism measures, or immigration control;
Levi Lee
>Calls on the Member States and the EU institutions to recognise that people of African descent are subjected to racism, discrimination and xenophobia in particular, and to the unequal enjoyment of human and fundamental rights in general, amounting to structural racism, and that they are entitled to protection from these inequities both as individuals and as a group, including positive measures for the promotion and the full and equal enjoyment of their rights;
>2. Considers that active and meaningful social, economic, political and cultural participation by people of African descent is key to tackling the phenomenon of Afrophobia and ensuring their inclusion in Europe;
>3. Calls on the Commission to develop an EU framework for national strategies for the social inclusion and integration of people of African descent;
>4. Condemns strongly any physical or verbal attacks targeting people of African descent in both public and private spheres;
Angel Bailey
Good cap. I've been saying this. Islam is just a tool. Once the African population grows enough to their liking their going to go from saying "we need to take in the poor displaced Muslims" to "we need to take in the poor starving black people in Africa"
Bentley Campbell
Paper £4 Printer £30 Laminator £30
It's nonbinding We can just tell the eurocrats to shove it like usual
James Hughes
reminder that it took Hitler 14 years tobl come to power unlike marxist bolshevik revolutions - which are violent and bloody - the national socialist revolution is the struggle for the heart of the people
States that don't cooperate will probably get sanctioned in one way or another, as usual.
Joseph Rogers
EU is completely impotent. They couldn't do shit about quotas and they can't do shit now. Still EU should be radically reduced into an economic union anyway.
Charles Anderson
Was that a flag of argentina?
Ryan Nelson
Correct and this is arguably the most abominable characteristic of the EU's ethnic-replacement program. Can the EU politicians seriously not see the dire consequences which bringing in 95% military aged males will bring? is this some kind of feminist thing? - "replace the wayciz oppressive white men with men of color!" or are they simply retarded?
Jayden James
Good. Fuck Europe, the whole continent must burn.
David Ramirez
Aren't Poland and Hungary being punished in sanctions due to their migration policies?
Jose Anderson
This. Babylon is fallen, is fallen!
Justin Sullivan
you forget that Germany is ruling the Eu you forget that Germany is occupied by America and ruled by them you forget that America is ruled by the jews
Hungary can't vote in EU parliament because "muh indebendend gourds" but that's it
Lincoln Nelson
I think that you're likely correct about this, Nigel. This does seem like a plausible tactic for the (((global elites))). So is it cool to plow gooks in your opinion? (I like to plow gooks)
Nathaniel Fisher
Rapefuggers are the new aristocrats... i said this one decade ago. Natives are subhuman slaves.
Luke Morgan
>Hungary can't vote in EU parliament because "muh indebendend gourds" but that's it
Hungary is silenced in the union that forms the backbone of their current economic stability.
You brush it off like that's nothing...
Daniel Sanchez
Luis Sanders
You nigger I'm just telling you there's no sanctions Of course this is still bad
How will this gel with the EU's feminist views? - will Kangz get preferential treatment to wamyn?
Bentley Foster
And the US never had one
Luis White
A Scandinavian wamyn would literally be drooling and playing with her hair as she watches that webm.
Cameron Robinson
>implying telling completely brainwashed goys about their demise is going to change anything
Evan Butler
bollocks, i get the same welfare as native as everyone else, who is permitted to stay in germany.
Alexander Fisher
You know what is best ? They'll be regularized in a few years, and thank to family reunification enforced by the EU they'll import their parents, brothers and sisters.
All it would take is military firing on them at border then broadcasting it around the world
Dominic Clark
Ah. Clever. Admit the truth, but then blame the "extreme right" as being part of the plan. Yes, goox goy, dont fight back, because then you are part of the plan, but how do you fight the plan, without fighting back.
Kayden Allen
Look like cool dudes good they are heading to Britain
Adrian Myers
Guess I missed the zombie apocalypse
Colton Allen
Benjamin Davis
Also it probably is inevtiable. If we dont holocaust them Jesus will.