are white,christian,western and have all European customs. Then why are you killing us? yet whites here RULE Mexico.
Brenton Tarrant said that Mexicans
I'm not killing you I just don't want your hoodtrash in my country.
Imagine you got our niggers from compton or chiraq and that was your only experience with Americans.
and whitexicans?
Spics are mentally handicapped all who rule south and central america are white, because they think its pop lmao.
says the pablo
This continent is filled with the most vile heinous retards.
He also said he loves joo joo cum from Israel and recommended subscribing to an eceleb.
t. Delusional Norteño
There’s no such thing as white Mexicans. Spics from Spain are barely white and you definitely fall under the one drop rule.
Sorry amigo, you need to go back.
Of course you're white.. you're a fucking spaniard
>Brenton Tarrant said
no he didn't.
Los mexicanos son los hombres mas blancos del mundo.
Mexicans are white
I really don't care about mossads opinion
Not the real ones. The foreigners are though, they're outsiders from spain who've made life miserable for the people of that region since the day they washed ashore.. like a rotting corpse infected with plagues.
They're still there, an incurable leprous rash all over the body that country
wherever europeans go, the ethnicity that is created through mixing always ends up ruling the country, for whatever reason, whites (in this case, europeans) are at the top of the racial hierachy, its the exact same in india with their caste system, the lighter skin tone you have the higher your social status, i can't explain why this is, but everyone wants to be lighter and is mad rushing to mix with whites.
So in mexico, the natives with little to no european admixture will be at the bottom of the racial hierarchy, and the more european mixture means the more chance you'll be in some form of position of power, it's a complete phenomenon that has been observed in many countries.
>wherever europeans go
The native population pays the price.
This is why I shill muslim rights in europe eventhough I'm Christian. I'll forever support their cause in the UK and the EU.. because you need to feel the pain you cause 100 fold. You need to be eradicated/replaced.. forever
The funny thing is that if dumb beaners had a fraction of our intelligence they could come up with a better argument than showing some phenotype that represents 0.0000001% of the population in order to convince us of their equality to us. lmao
That wasn't even the main point.
But you continue to keep proving it.
Mexicans of European descent or European Mexicans are Mexican citizens or, people who identify with the Mexican cultural or national identity, who are of complete or predominant European descent.[8] While the Mexican government does conduct ethnic censuses in which a Mexican has the option of identifying as “White”[9] the results obtained from these censuses are not published. What Mexico's government publishes instead is the percentage of “light-skinned Mexicans” there are in the country, with it being 47%[4] in 2010 and 49% in 2017.[10] Due to its less directly racial undertones, the term “Light-skinned Mexican” has been favored by the government and media outlets over “White Mexican” as the go-to choice to refer to the segment of Mexico's population who possess European physical traits[11] when discussing different ethno-racial dynamics in Mexico's society. Nonetheless, sometimes “White Mexican” is used.[12][13][14]
Keep deluding yourself with minutia. Reality speaks for itself. You call me 'nigger' yet here we are with civilized society and high trust, while you live in heaps of trash and in constant fear of violence.
Tell me, who is the real nigger? :^)
t. Yank memer
Your own government doesn't agree though.. It always baffles me that Americans seem to feel so strongly about a concept like 'white', when that concept means just about nothing when you look at the US census definition..
You fucking taconiggers are garbage. Stay the fuck out of my country.
We are one of the more naturally brown countries in Europe, due to 800 or so years of moslem occupation and, well, sunlight.
Yet, even though I live in the southern parts, which are generally darker skinned than the North, I still know many, many native people who are tall/green eyed (more common than blue)/paper-skin toned.
Tl;dr: you're an ignorant mutt showcasing the brain-scrambler that are American race definitions
Y u so mad?
This isn't the whole story though, since the conquerors of south america were raping and pillaging Sephardis, which were most likely dark skinned.
Not even their ancestors were white, lmao
>Not the real ones
Mexico has barely 15% of natives Pedro
wtf is this thread about
Mexican sub-human, trash digging, baby fucking, witch doctor spell casting, microencephalic, bean eating wetback trying in the most paltry attempt ever to convince at least one person stupid enough that his race of degenerate violent barbarian garbage-feeders are in some way human.
They are not.
>fellow christians
Someone gas this genocidal kike pls
Real white european people don't care what a fake census says it's just faulty data to confuse people
is there the leftist mentality towards white rulers there?
Kinda true, white used to mean Angelo-Saxons, then portions of Germanic lands were added, then more, then Celts and Meds, etc. You cant even just say only Europeans are white, when places like Georgia, Armenia, and central/eastern Russia exist (Cossack parts).
Does anyone find it absolutely bizarre that a couple thousand white men from Western Europe managed to rape and pillage their way across two continents and leave all these rape babies behind. It honestly stubs me by how many of them there are and how those genes are gonna live on forever because of colonialism. Same thing for most blacks having 20% white dna. Thats gonna stay in their population forever. Pretty interesting in a way
mexican women are better than white women
>you will never fuck your way across an entire continent
Ah, put it that way they were discount Genghis
Never thought of conquerors that way haha