Jow Forums seems really concerned about their foreskin
Like cut that shit off faggot no wonder the majority of y’all are incels, women don’t like seeing that gross looking thing
Jow Forums seems really concerned about their foreskin
Like cut that shit off faggot no wonder the majority of y’all are incels, women don’t like seeing that gross looking thing
Women shouldn't have names
Nice VPN, kike
Have sex.
I heard south koreans are trying to be jews in their region. You guys even have your own holocost stories and art (like comfort woman statue infront of Jap embassy) right? I just want to warn you, that Holocost is our protected trademark and you'll get in trouble if you use it without our permission. As for the children genital mutiliation - you are free to use it as much as you want. I'd suggest to cut the whole thing tho, not just a foreskin. That's also what our rabbies and doctors suggest for gentiles.
Shut up kike
Jow Forums is always talking about semen, male masturbation, homosexuality, sodomy and anything penis related.
What weird topics for a heterosexual board...
>why are guys obsessed over the only moving part on the benis
Idk i guess because the jews forced them to cut off their foreskin
They believe it makes the penis less sensitive but I’ve never had problems, anyone I know whose a virgin has foreskin. And it’s because its gross looking and bacteria filled
Finding foreskin gross is like a baby laughing at his own feet
That's how the human body look like
There are parts of the body that serve no use any longer queerbag
>Jow Forums
pick one desu senpai
Yeah that's why you should slice your own throat gook faggot
Theres more of us gooks than you gluestick faggot hahahaha
Don’t you have a union to kiss up too
>foreskin obsession
Jude detected.
Foreskins are rightful Jewish clay.
Goyim parents were paid handsomely during the 60s and 70s forced circumcision campaign. To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars with investment services to grow the cash pay out. Unfortunately in most cases parents never paid the children that had their foreskin given to the interested parties. There are still roughly 230000 trusts that have not been opened or touched from that time.
>doesn’t have mild phimosis to enjoy that extra-sensitive touch when fucking with skin pulled back
Sucks to be you Numbstein
As long as they are paid for who gives a shit.
>women don’t like seeing that gross looking thing
Just pull it back and they think you have no foreskin. Women aren't dick experts. Then put it in and they can feel the difference. The foreskin allows the penis to float in the dick skin vs. Rubbing and chafing the inside of the vagina. Once they feel it they can't go back and start campaigning against genital mutilation. Probably the majority of Jow Forums arguing about dicks are women I have fucked and red pilled. I`m sorry your south Korean virgin boys are forced to hear about this here. Prease accrept aporogy
>Women are brainwashed by jewish propaganda.