Is this the nail in the coffin for #YangGang?
Is this the nail in the coffin for #YangGang?
If you're willing to vote for a chink to be president of America, then nothing is the nail in the coffin.
Imagine putting this little wimp in the same room with Putin or Chink president lmao. A president should be a dominant figure that oozes charisma and respect not some crybaby little cuck.
Nobody hates a chink like a Kiwi.
lmao that shit looked fake as fuck too
CNN saved him for the fall debates so now he has to cry crocodile tears
I don't think burgerland understand this expression
Its because it is fake, hes a souless bugman they have no empathy. Look at all the videos of them brutally killing and maiming each other in ching chong land.
what's he doing?
He's being a faggot
Crying crocodile tears because of guns.
I bet he has Trudeau on speed dial
lmao imagine having such a wimpy bitch as president
We live in a society, shame that there are shills everywhere..
This whole thread is full of shills. Yang is the only one out there who has a chance at beating Trump. Not that I want him to, but I honestly wouldn’t mind it.
This is only going to help him.
someone ate his dog before he could
I kekked
t. Kang
It's nothing $1000 won't fix
> internal secret Israeli documents
>netanyahu on the right
What a fucking wimp. Crybaby chink as President. RIP America
He imagined his kids coming home with only A or A- exams... so tlagic
He'll be rewarded by (((the media)))