He's on thin ice. Might want to tune down his antisemitism.
He's been on a tear recently. He made some jew comments yesterday as well. Something about the black and jewish community should denounce something. I forget.
the Age of Arguments is over
the Age of Shitposting has begun
Someone tell him that recognizing patterns is a banable offense
can you get north korean proxy? that would be fun
Moly, please reign it in.
You are doing good things, it's not worth being deplatformed
This is our job, let us do this.
Or if you must, fire up an alt-account. You are rich enough to afford another IP address
Imagine if normies started shitposting on social media
Why do christcucks astroturf with pic unrelated christcuckold imagery?
So angry lmao, just a picture bro
It’s kinda pathetic how he compromises himself to please his dwindling fan base. Libertarian “WOULD YOU HAVE ME SHOT?” Molyneux was pretty retarded, but at least he was genuine.
>people can't change
i guess you were born redpilled, eh? what a badass you must be
>Tips fedora
Jew worship internet defense force never ceases to bring a laugh.
Fuck off christkike you're the ones who brought the niggers in the first place
Coming up with fresh content for social media and YT videos is not easy. More and more, I see people making videos where they just read 4can threads on a video, and then ask for Patrion donations. I wouldn't be surprised if these "moly noo" threads are made by his production company. Really fucking lame.
In the end, it won't be the government, or mad mothers taking down this site. It will be the flood of normies as the site becomes "popular".
It was interesting watching his transformation from being a libertarian. Really shows how Jow Forums can dramatically change some people’s entire worldview.
Paul Joseph Watson does this every week. He started with the MGTOW mimicking, then everything else including Clown World. Watching his videos felt like a summary of the previous week's Jow Forums posts.
guessing VPN, but if not
Why do jews hate themselves so much?
The "Self hating jew" isn't a new phenomenon or idea. It goes way back.
Is this what we're seeing? Social media amplifying and spreading their own self disgust.
>Why do jews hate themselves so much?
They don't hate themselves. They hate white people. When notified that they are white, they say "I'm not white. I'm Jewish, and that was an antisemetic remark to call me white!"
>4 siblings
cunt has 4 siblings
That's a Jow Forumsack account btw as in it's fake
There are plenty of real ones tho
this just makes me want to shitpost christcuck imagery instead of just larping.
That's a picture of Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a failed physicist who ended up becoming a blogger
Look at the schnoz on that one, I bet she could smoke a cigar while showering.