Why did he do it?
Why did he do it?
Mental illness.
guns told him to do it
Because why not? He was able to.
Mental illness, a media and culture that gives lunatics with big fucking guns notoriety and also said big fucking guns
because they told him to
CIA got him to do it
He operates on a lvl you can’t understand, he bet millions on video poker, get on his lvl
saudis did it and framed him. they owned the rooms above his.
He married an Asian
Either FBI or jihadist
So people like this can take our guns and control the population
NASA and occultism
Who says he did?
can any of our new glowing anons confirm pic related
They cant explain anything because if they did they'd accidentally say too much. Mossad is always a sloppy job.
Ya what?
Filipinas can't cook anything beside their native dumpster cuisine and he was tired of being fed rotten cut bait and hotdogs spaghetti
For the lulz
He's dead in that picture
MK Ultra
What did he do?
Ugly gook wife/gf
That's not a satisfactory explanation. In fact, it explains nothing. What kind of mental illness? When did it begin? Why did he do it the moment he did it? etc.
Clearly he wasn't psychotic considering how carefully the massacre was planned both in execution and pre-planning including giving money to his wife (or girlfriend, can't remember if they were married) for future and so forth. A psychotic person could not have planned and carried out the massacre the way he did.
He also looked at another music festival as a potential target a few (a couple?) months earlier but chose not to shoot up that one. Why did he opt out? Why did he do it in Las Vegas instead?
Did he really leave behind no communications? There is no way he didn't leave behind any kind of trace, even including casual conversations with people maybe years before where he would've shown signs he had something like that in his mind. His profile is very atypical from the usual type that shoots up a place. The usual shooters are not even operating with a mature brain and tend to be social outcasts. Of course there are also those that snap and go postal after getting fired or divorced or something, but there you have a clear trigger that unleashes the violence. Here there didn't appear to be anything of that nature, and again this guy was considerably older than even those who go postal after some major disappointment in life derails and deranges them.
he wanted to tip his fedora really hard