Fucking hell what happened to Men...
Especially American men (no offence to those who havent succumbed to ZOG, I consider you brothers in thos conflict).
Love him or hate him Alec Baldwin here is 6ft, well built and is hairy (High T/High DHT) with Angular features now we have Bugmen with low T, shit frames (wide hips, skinny shoulders. Skinny is fine as long as your proportional unlike S*Y munchers). Any ideas on what caused this.
For reference Alec Baldwin is of Anglo descent as I've looked into it he along with Clint Eastwood and Richard Gere were aboard the Mayflower if genetics played a role.
Fucking hell what happened to Men
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Usually all men have that wide hip feature you talk about, but usually when you make gains or are naturally husky it’s not really noticeable. But since not as many work out/stand often, it’s a lot more noticeable
not true, some men have different body types and this just happens to be one of them, the fat type.
Either way, if you have wide hips it’s usually a sign that you’re underweight too. I used to have slightly wide hips, but after I gained some muscle, it was less noticeable mainly due to larger lats/sides
you fucking fag
Coping Northerner Untermensch
Christian Bale was the same tbf before he was a pear shaped skinny fat then went in from American Psycho so maybe you are right, however what about Harniess, Height and Hormones?
you keep posting the same fucking thread
"oooh ooh well built and hairy"
spread your gay shit somewhere else
Seethe more Mohammed, pure projection as you are probably horny for Goatshemels cock.
>Wanting chest hair like some swarthy Italian or Greek
>Fucking hell what happened to Men...
jews and women getting t run the show is what happened.
Women love chest hair if you're fit
I'm inclined to say that it's all the sugar and toxic fucking additives we have in our food that fucks up men's hormones. However, I'm not sure I see a strong correlation between healthy eating and masculinity in my personal observations. It's also possible that sex hormones are regulated in some way by human pheromones and that the high density of human population in the west is causing a hormonal response in the male population to reduce the risk of overpopulation that manifests physiologically as lower T levels. This would explain why pathetic faggot numales are concentrated in cities.
>T. Skinny-Fat Try Guy
It sounds like bro science but it's what I thought for a long time.
t. long time loner since childhood who's very hairy.
It's either that or just the diet. Sugar/Carbohydrates probably.
Also BPA in plastic leeching into soda/bottled water/food, hormones in the water.
Perhaps a combination of all factors listed above.
TV and shit they put in the food (Hormone/Vaccins) that influence men and turned them into more docile creatures: effeminate faggots.
seething hairlet
Body and facial hair aren't indicative of an individual's testosterone levels. It has more to do with genetics. American Indians for instance don't really grow facial hair, but I doubt anyone would accuse the Aztecs or the Comanche of lacking testosterone. Lots of bugmen have big beards.
Back said bugmen can grow sufficient body hair, bad frames, no muscle and what hair that do have is receding and patchy. But yes you are right in the Indians and Aztecs.
American sperm counts have dropped by over 50% in the last few decades. There's plenty of theories as to why, but I think it's safe to say our modern lifestyles are a mess.
I'm growing increasingly suspicious of vaccines and their effect on human life. It's especially odd to me that many of the same people who realize the pharmaceutical industry does not profit from making people healthy think that parents must be schizophrenic if they refuse to have their children vaccinated.
>Body and facial hair aren't indicative of an individual's testosterone levels. It has more to do with genetics.
Within certain populations this is true. Genetics determine sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. However, within populations, hair density and location can be an indication of hormonal profile.
Fuck that's an aesthetically hairy chest.
I don't have much hair. I just get one tuft of sparse pube hair between my pecs.
It's too late for me. No beard. No chest hair. No arm hair. Thin wrists.
>I'm growing increasingly suspicious of vaccines and their effect on human life.
I think some vaccines are prudent, but we're at the point where we're vaccinating against everything.
Niggers have small wrists and short muscle bellies for some reason... weird.
>Brick jaw, prominent chin
>broad shoulders
>Hairy chest
>Heavy brow
>barrel ribs
>narrow hips
>large hands
>>Just wanted to be a cute femboy
Fuck this gay earth, wish I had basedboy genetics instead.
social engineering and poisoned food/water supply
>>>Just wanted to be a cute femboy
tons of guys like to fuck guys like you.
I would do anything to be you
Im the complete opposite
Im short and twinkish
Work out and take testosterone. Change your life.
How do I improve my t-levels, guys? I don’t want to be a soi boi
Go lift
White women are not that attracted to masculine men these days. They like the guy that looks like he plays guitar and has a heroin habit.
Ultrafaggot here. I keep noticing these city-dwelling numale dudes with really, really nice asses. I mean, they have straight-up chubby little girl asses and thighs, and I'm 100% sure that they're not taking estrogen, or at least not intentionally. They've got wide hips and tapered legs in tight jeans. Please tell the kikes to pour more hormones in the water if it means I get to fuck cute girl-assed twinks.
If you’re below 5’7 or something it’s more prominent, but usually if you’re taller it seems to not show as much
Discord tranny
>body hair
Manlets always lose kek
our food is so processed we barely need soap to clean dishes aside from the hydrogenated oils that makes up most of it.
>Plasma growth hormone (GH), cortisol, luteinizing hormone (lutropin, LH), testosterone, androstenedione, estrone and estradiol levels were investigated before and after strenuous anaerobic running exercise of short duration in five male runners. After the exercise there were statistically significant increases in the mean plasma concentrations of GH (233%), LH (49%), testosterone (13%) and androstenedione (34%)
I'm sorry Americans but this is just sad for you!
High test is unhealthy and you will die earlier. I'm glad I'm low test!
Any testosterone supplements or pills to take that aren’t trash?
Still whiter than you Mohammed.
As the map shows, Hairy chest is sign of Turkish rapebabies
It's quite easy to increase T.
Eat protein, forgo carbohydrates, eat a lot of fat for hormonal production, lift weights, sleep a good amount, drink water. Don't jerk off too much. Take cold showers. Sleep naked and keep your testicles cool. (Cold showers help)
Enjoy your 30 million low T meximutts every decade you putrid mutt, Europe is still 90% white unlike you mutts.
>pic related
I'm 6'0 and its pretty prominent, but luckily I just work on my upper body a lot more and its fine.
Idk, maybe
>This Flag
>This Comment
All check out
You must not be able to grow it lmao
It's ok little man, one day you might have more than a patchy neck beard
its the fucking plastic
Yep, just remember when you are on your way out of this world to GIVE BACK.
Unfortunately it doesn't do much outside of muscle growth and mood stabilization. If you are passed 21, your bones ain't changing. Hair/beard/chesthair growth is determined by follicles present, so if you are babyskin clean, you ain't reapin' them features either. The most effective and dramatic way to boost T and actually have it change muscle foundationing and possibly even grow body hair, is taking actual Test. But they only give those to Trannies and will sit down and tell you a long list of consequences about how your balls will shrink slightly.
T.low test onions boy cuck
So is frame/bones most genetic would you say?
Those are the infertile and confused women. They are worthless.
L-citrulline + l-ornithine
D-aspartic acid (doesn't work if you do strength workouts)
A men's multivitamin
Zinc + magnesium
B + D + E vitamins
your body makes its own vitamin D. no need for supplements. just go outside for 5 minutes a day.
My well men max vitamins (Also have Fish Oil/Omega 3 and Calcium Tablets) has me covered. But imma look into that acid stuff.
I was under the assumption a lot of people here don't go outside period.
>it's the case except when it isn't
insightful user
If you work your obliques I’ve noticed it makes them a little bigger and thus hips kinda don’t look as prominent but make sure to work a lot of upper too in addition.
If you start doing strength workouts, that'll increase test a lot more by itself, but it'll cancel out the d-aspartic acid. If you start on the workouts, swap it out for DHEA.
>5 minutes
not sure i fancy that.
>omega 3
enjoy your prostate cancer
Also no physical exercise. Studies show chopping wood raises T levels. So it stands to reason contact sports and physical exertion would do the same. Kids need to go outside and play hard
Soi and other endocrine disruptors in damn near everything, tainted water, bad lifestyle, little to no real exercise, severe lack of test-boosting nutrients in the average person's diet (vitamin D, zinc, magnesium to name a few), addiction to porn and masturbation (seriously, stop fapping period), lack of real sex, and general stress from today's life's bullshit. Are we really surprised our men today are betamale cucks?
You wot
I'm a zoomer to say the least (fuck you jannie kikes) but I'm gonna get into Gym work in about 2 weeks when I return, also I go for a 4-5mi run every other day which I think has given me a big rib cage lol, any who so i should take DHEA because it helps stimulate T and the Acid stuff will be negated by any gym work.
fish oil gives you ass cancer
The whitest people on earth also have the most body hair. Niggers and indios don't.
Too much cardio kills muscle - if your objective is to become a stick with crazy stamina, do the running. Otherwise, if you want to build muscle, strength train 3-4 days a week and stick to a 30-minute HIIT workout twice a week. Also watch your diet, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time only if your diet leaves you at a caloric deficit but also gets you enough protein a day. Also take creatine, protein powder, and BCAAs to increase efficiency of muscle growth. Also, drink a lot of water.
His chest looks like my asshole. Should I be worried?
Well, I'm 184cm at 175lb 14% BF, not bad but I can have more mass and less BF due to my height, the terrain due to the country side is mainly upward hills in which I sprint up, no (((jogging))) or trails. But like I said I'll probably ditch Running for HIIT when I start Weight Training we i come back in a couple of weeks.
I believe hair is mostly genetic. I've had fit normie friends who weren't hairy at all, while some people look like fucking wolfmen. Not saying testosterone levels have nothing to do with it as I have a friend who is rather hairy and he is literally addicted to sex to the point of being a pussy slave.
((( wide hips )))
I have hairier arms and legs than 90% of dudes but I can't grow a full beard, only like a goatee and neckbeard. idk
nobody goes to the gym
working out releases a shit ton of free testosterone
also men jerk off too much which drains your free test