How could the U.S allow muslims to immigrate into the U.S, after they did the 9/11, it litteraly changed the american way of viewing things, such as security, they made americans schizos and fucked the whole generation for the coming years, how can U.S opt for muslim immigration or anyother muslim related asskising when they are the religion that always trying to do shit related to bombs? Fuck the muslims they ruined america and the jews making shit country rules
What made the u.s so cucked?
Greedy corporations
>what made the USA so cucked
The 19th amendment
Jews have Americans destroy the Muslims for a few years. then have Muslims destroy Americans for a few years. repeat forever until both your enemies destroy themselves and are too dumb to know it was you the whole time.
A delightful cocktail of boomers and feminism.
Only in the US will the most privileged animals ever to live actually complain about their privilege in the most annoying way possible.
You did
It absolutely disgusting, i always had the american dream in my head when it all comfy barely regulations, cheap food, cars, guns, houses, and they all north west european descendants
And now its all fucked its all fat mexican whores, transgenders, arabs, degeneracy regulations
Is it because the social media epidemic that fuells degeneracy?
>You, you you
Cringe, implying a string puller jew would care for those things
>muslims ruined america and the jews making shit country rules
>muslims ruined the jews making shit country rules
Mo /ourguys?
It because people are being taught that if ou have Jesus you can just keep sinning because you got saved once. Every day is it's own trouble - Jesus. Keep praying every day. Sin is constantly at our doorsteps.
Be honest, are you just a smol brained Mizrahi Arab who genuinely doesn't understand how Ashkenazim operate?
Nope, ashkenazi who hate the elite of kikes, the muslims, and sad about the world that got destroyed and he havent even experienced it. a mizrahi would be too brainlet to even care about those stuff
Ash - kek - Nazi
Ash - kek - Nazi
I am half-Ashkenazi and I have never met a full-blooded Ashkenazi who didn't have a blinding genetic hatred for everything that is European. Are you half-Slav or something?
Jews did 911
Anyone else lol'ing @ the grammar of this Berghanzensteiner?
Because you live in america, probably all you know is shapeshifting scums who talks about the "barmizvah" all of the day, this people are the snakes.
Its not uncomon to appreciate european work here, every person with mercedes here what the first thing that will he say about the car? "German quality, German engineering, its the best"
Israel did 9/11
its because of jews
cool so we can put all of you in your country now and we'll be super generous and call it even. then we can all appreciate each others hard work and not have to worry about people skimming off the top. we'll be extra generous and grandfather in all the people in north america who are already here. lets just end this amicably, it can't go on forever.
We gave up privacy and rights
You posted this
This and the subversion of academia. All those people getting gender studies degrees now run every major corporations HR department.
I think the problem is that you have never been around real Europeans, you have never manifested the profound inferiority complex caused by being around an Aryan man who is twice your size, braver, stronger, more honorable and more honest than you. Aryans force Jews to confront the possibility that they are not god's chosen people but just another nasty Semitic desert bandit tribe.
What are you on about, leaf
Then maybe your diaspora buddies shouldn't have subverted our nation's from within.
Go away, schlomo.
Don't forget about the civil rights act.
They took away our freedom of association and opened the doors for the jewish lawyers to steal billions from white businesses with frivolous lawsuits.
MOAR specific citation needed for interest
i could have worded it better. i don't see how people with loyalties for your country and your people could continue to exist in our countries and service our people. i think that your people need to go back to your country. and learn how to earn your own money like Longshanks tried to make your people do back in the 1200's. then you will know the hard work involved in innovating that German engineering. do you think all this israeli innovation is legitimate when they literally steal all american technology and have for ages? the israelis have yet to prove that they aren't like a bunch of camel fuckers with oil money, take the oil money away and the saudis would go back to camel intercourse. so what if israel actually had to take off the training wheels and exist as a sovereign state? the whole taking over the world thing is a bit of a crutch with you people, i mean how could you take over the world if you can't even run a country by yourself without gibs
Why not?
They're not as bad as niggers.
>Subverted our nation from within
It might be the jews who have some part of it, but its your own same blood people that would screw up your nation, like lindon b Johnson and his 1965 act of immigration
>What made the u.s so cucked?
i wonder.....
America was initially settled by religious nutcases and people with ridiculous levels of optimism. Not being raciss' and welcoming the detritus of the world has been memed to be "what good people believe".
Citation for what? You have never heard of the civil rights act and can't figure out how to use an internet search engine?
We let dude weed lmao twentysomethings write our founding documents, and they filled them with "all men are equal ;DDDDD" bullshit. THAT was the initial point of cuckoldry.
9/11 made USA Saudi Arabia's bitch.
Americans will do anything to please their Saudi masters, fearing they will get hit again if they don't.
I know several Iraqi and Afghan dudes, totally cool right, they put their lives on the line as translators and eventually joined the US armed forces, fought in our wars on our side and gained citizenship. By all means they have the right to be here.
With logic like this you'd be liable to build cities below sea level or something.
>By all means they have the right to be here.
In their employment agreement were they given residency in the US as compensation for services rendered?
nah, the truth is we did it to ourselves, and we continue to do it. The more you socialize, the less willing you are to act.
every time something bad happens, people COPE by finding a sarcastic comment to laugh at instead of taking action. the jokes are on us and we still just fucking sit and laugh.
>Believing Muslims did 9/11 and not Israel