What do you think about the LGBT parade situation in Białystok? I know it's been a while, but the topic is important. And for Polish fags, please use English.
Białystok LGBT parade
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wht ever you plan do it in tor not here they report you.
go dark, go tor.
no mods no masters.
I plan nothing, I want to discuss what happened a few weeks ago on an lgbt parade. Some low IQ faggots went mad and beat up people.
In Poland there are sadly only two options right now: either you are a degenerate faggot or church-loving caveman. I wish there were more people who are against both liberal cancer as well as against the (((church))).
mayor of Białystok, Truskolaski did this to buy 2nd place on voting lists for his son, Truskolaski Jr
t. Białystok
also, fags get out, 2000 fags and fag enablers on parade vs 30 000 signed petitions to ban this shit
Orthobros mad, Tatars mad, Christians mad, jews nowhere in sight so possibly glad
Good! They should beat them even more.OVER and OVER again!
also, probably jewish thread so Biedroń and his faggots could get data about how fags are beaten and need more donations from Soros, hence OP appeal to use engrisz
I don't give a shit. Both sides blowing things out of proportion.
Given you enjoy atomizing the society I guess you'll find the Jewish community welcoming
I'm neither rightist neihter leftis. I HATE extremists on both sides, but in this case I defend the lgbt community.
>I defend the lgbt community.
You are an extremist then
yes, of course, we get that, you are enlightened centrist, one of those who dont hate the jews or fags even when they rape your ass personally or with nigger proxy
you justify your weakness and cowardice with muh IQ
go make some pierogi, virgin Łukasz, Ruch Narodowy chads will take care of your Karyna and get some 500+
>need to shove people into buses and drive them across he country just to make a +5k crowd
>Many of those are protesters are just hired to make a fake crowd.
>some pro-life fuckers get triggered and start shit with the police
>the media will call Poland a far-right land for another year.
True gays dont support LGBT, and true Catholics dont support those "saviours of race" wannabe's
Nie każdy rolnik głosuje na PSL, nie każdy gej to pedał z LGBT.
I thimk I was clear enaugh.
PiS, PO, PSL are cancer.
Polish church is cancer.
Don't even argue.
inb4 not all catholics are like that, true catholics don't support that.
Am talking about the church. Mostly bout the sebastians, moherowe berety and priests.
Narodowcy to zwierzeta
pedalstwo to wirus
na kolana przed Królem Polski lewacka kurwo
Nie jestem w żadnym kurwa przypadku lwakiem czyt. I Jebać twoje wyimaginowane bóstwo w chmurach, serio, takie kurwa typowe
>prawica mocno
>każdy kto się z nim nie zgadza = lewak
Odpowiadam po polsku, bo zakładam że nie znasz angielskiego.
>And for Polish fags, please use English.
>*autystyczne płakanie*
>łeeee, dlaczego ktoś jest inni niz ja?! łeee
>pedalstwo to wirus łeeeee
>dlaczego każdy nie jest jak ja!?
>kurrrwa, nie moge wytrzymać, ale mi to kurwa przeszkadza jak ktoś się ubiera nie tak jak mi się podoba.
Lol looks like a sentence from duolingo
Homofascism spares no one
so very fragile you are, puny faggot
>m..muh sky daddy fuck you dad I am edgy atheist teen
lel, people like you wont get spared on Day of The Fire and Sword
and now get the fuck back to bongland, work as trash collector and brag to your worthless peers about how you live like kang on the civilized west
also, all your assumptions are incorrect, well, that may have something to do with the fact that you are low functioning retard
>rich pieces of shit need even MORE freedom. They are so oppressed
>fuck working class families. Don't give a shit that raising children is hard enough - let's make it harder with LGBT propaganda everywhere
The upper class needs to be culled
So you are an extremist. Thank you for confirming.
>muh spaghetti monster
Religion is a set of social interfaces that allows people to interact with each other without second guessing you moron.
But it sooooo boooring for the degenerate upper classer with nothing substantial to do.
>fuck working class families. Don't give a shit that raising children is hard enough - let's make it harder with LGBT propaganda everywhere
Let's just put blinkers on our children's eyes and pretend like different orientations don't exist.
But the propaganda point is right, I fucking hate putting lgbt everywhere.
>pretend like different orientations don't exist
of course they dont
you are either normal or you have mental problems, end of story
why are you supporting mentally ill instead of helping them? that is very inhumane, shame on you
LGBT pride IS propaganda. It should never be considered an easily accessible and socially acceptable option.
It is a disorder.
It is not an illness.
You cannot "help" them, it's like if someone tried to make you or me a homo. They just can't.
And the counter manifestation won't neither...
Why not make a manifestation against people with down symptom or autism? Fuck them! they are different than me, they will always be like that and want to be treated like anyone else!
>You cannot "help" them
of course you can, this is what civilization was doing for millenia
you CAN and SHOULD beat the gay away
thanks Mike Pence!
also, read previous screencap to learn about how they are not innately fags, they gained faggotry just like normal people got the flu, and see that it is totally curable
you choose to be ignorant about the matter to have fake sense of superiority
>he he those bald head nationalist pigs dont like based fags I'm not like them
Everybody has the right to make a pride for anything he fucking wants to as long as your application is accepted, why would it disturb anyone? Let's make a fucking power rangers pride! If we do so who the fuck will care? Will some sebastians come to beat us? Propably no cause they won't have the religious pretext.
Why the fuck would somebody be fucked up since they birth causse they're born this way and can do shit about this?
So your "helping" is beating them. IQ over 9000
>Let's help niggers to be white with their skin illness by beating them
>Everybody has the right to make a pride for anything
thats where you are wrong kiddo
are pedophiles allowed to be proud?
are thieves allowed to be proud?
are schizophenics allowed to be proud?
are fags allowed to be proud?
are shitty bait OPs allowed to be proud?
stop equating normal healthy things with mental disorders
if we beat them back into africa and they learn agriculture on the way back, world effectively won
>born this way
>he thinks fags ARE BORN fags and not indoctrinated to be fags
bluepilled websites are down the hall and to the left, excuse yourself
>fag stats.png
>hehe te pedały to by się tylko w dupe ruchały hehehe
A księża?
Psssst! Kurwa! Tylko nie mów nikomu...
Anybody got a link or a vid of some faggot get beat up?
Can you read, or read only what you want to? I said "as long as your application is accepted"
Pretty sure you would fap to it
>fags vs priests fallacy
you have like how many fags in society, 0,6% ?
and of those, 60% are pedos
pedos which are priests? less than 1%
>he uses propaganda movie as example
Ja szigi digi
... and you started this thread this late because you were released from hospital just now?
I can Sleep better after it.Its just too satisfactory.
only fag that was beaten in reality was one 14 year old stupid boy getting 1 punch to the face
I deem it educational
fags not welcome
muslims (except Kruszyniany tatars) not welcome
germans also not welcome
belarussians welcome, but only with honey and gasoline
What is criteria for "application acceptance"? Fags certainly don't fit it due to being socially damaging.
The fundamental value of upper class morality is exploitation of the lower classes. It must be kept in check.
u jelly, some under 1% party supporter?
You have something against the Incel King? Die nigger lover
>Still on the anti german Train
I guess i cant blame you.
Half of us are autistic faggots.
But dont forget"Its not all of us"
Бeлocтoк rightfull Russian clay gibs back pshek swine
never, 40% of Polish soul is hating germans, another 40% is hating Russians, and 20% is alcoholism
go die from doctors and engineers :D
>he uses propaganda movie as example
didn't think about that, let's make a Krecik prie than
the fuck are you on about
Kościół akurat ma problem z homosexualnymi księżmi :^). Inna sprawa że skaza jednej instutycji nie jest dobrym argumentem na wprowadzenie innej, z samego założenia już skażonej.
False equivalency. There's a disproportionate amount of social degenerates in any LGBT-like group, they are majority leftist scum who vote for anti-civilization. They have no long term goals since they cannot leave their children behind, they are focused on what is and how to consume as much as it's possible. In the long run they are all dead, there's nothing they can leave behind so they will just focus on mere pleasantries of life.
Czyli ty też pedale ?
Polacy to naród który jest niedowartościowany wewnętrznie. Wolicie murzyna niż Ukraińca, wy kurwy. Jebać LGBT, chwała Piorunowi a Polki z murzynami i Hindusami muszą zostać rozjebane walcem na ulicy.
Dziękuje za uwagę!
based hohol. i'm glad we took other slavs than negroes.
Believe me all countrymen, you don't want this LGBT nonsense to get a foothold at all! The beatings were right, the Mayor should be also beat up. I been in US for 25 years and I saw first hand how quickly shit slid into hell once there was even a slight hint that faggotry can be allowed.
The Left already has a 13% in recent polls. If those shitheads won't fuck it up and church will continue to go hand in hand with nationalists they could end up as major oposition group after next elections. Ofcourse considering current oposition leader will stay in power and be as ideologicaly impotent as he is. The future will be magenta or we will spin more and more in to right wing catholic dictature, something along the lines of Erdogan Turkey
>Wolicie murzyna niż Ukraińca
Skąd ty to bierzesz?
Polack in uki shithole, fuck em
Mądre słowa. Ale z tym jebać lgbt to przesada. Oni na to nie zasługują - Tylko i wyłącznie na strach i śmierć
Białystok to ostatnie miejsce w ktorym organizowalbym parade LGBT
Based narodowcy. Tak trzymać!
Przywozicie nam gruźlice bo nie macie szczepionek
Grugski say rainbow tribe OK as long as they don't scare the horskis
Biedroń masterrace reporting in