We can't afford to live

We can't afford to live.

Our great grandparents had shitty factory jobs and even with that, on ONE salary they could feed 5 kids and OWN (not rent) a house by 25. Housing prices, healthcare, food, education, every cost you can think of is skyrocketing, but wages have stayed nearly the same for decades.

What is the solution?

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National Socialism

People used to have gardens and very few had airconditioning. People would repair their stuff and pool resources. Today we are lazy. And "healthcare" has turned into antidepressants/stimulants amd viagra

A world war that ends slightly more than half of the world population cleanly. Major cities destroyed. A soft-reset on things without having to go nuclear, as nukes would destroy inhabitable land and make it hard for people to grow crops and work the fields.

There is no other sensible solution. The reset would also potentially end the current clown world and bring back some form of normalcy to the planet.

This, with extra emphasis on ending usury. Anyone found engaging in usurous practices would be dealt with harshly.

This. Our quality of life is 10x better than 60 years ago

Privitize the banks and run them as a public service. also, immigration ban. Deflation is great for working people.

The US has a huge income gap, big companies hide hundreds of billions worth in tax havens, and most voters seem to want even less taxes than what is already in place. There's no simple solution, but for a start you need more national solidarity and redistribution of wealth to make the cost of living more manageable to more than just the upper middle classes. You should be able to live a comfortable life with only a 40 hour work week as a full time employee in a first world country. I feel the working and lower middle classes of America are being cucked hard compared to Western European countries and especially Nordic countries. Importing cheap Mexican labour is definitely detrimental to the American working class, it'd be much better to make a real effort to integrate all the welfare and criminal niggers into the workforce. But of course all this is very difficult to achieve with globalisation and automation that unchecked capitalism pushes for.

intelligent poster, good thread, wrong day. come back when epstein is forgotten.

also the solution is mass deportation and accountability for decision makers. which we will never get.

Fpbp. /thread.

You sure about that?

Take away working rights for women, it's their fault this happened. (I say their fault, I mean the jews/CIA)
Also put your local currency back on the gold standard.

There fixed your problem.

You’re basically proposing that we stage a global conflict? That’s the start of a conspiracy that would get a ton of negativity. But yeah I agree that we gotta get rid of almost half the population, Africa would be a good place to start. Naturally AIDS, Ebola, and Malaria would keep their population in check but now you have stupid elites who are pumping billions of dollars to save them. Now we’re reaching a point where the environment can no longer sustain so many of them.

well, its weird. it doesn't sound like an upgrade, but what used to be death-sentence illnesses are fewer. now instead of struggling to make it past 40, we're all living twice that long, find out our wang doesnt last as long as it should, and the lack of having to fight/work for basic survival has caused us to feel purposeless, leading to depression.

the worst thing is complacency. We've got all these conveniences and crutches, and so far most of us have been lucky not to live without, but if we ever get forced to 'fight for survival' like we used to, there's a lot that don't even know people can make fire with their bare hands.

30 year old here. Married ( white ), 3 children ( all white, all mine ).

I served in the military ( LOL ISRAEL FAGGOT SHOULDVE DIED LOLOLOLOL, yeah I know ). I did my term and got out as soon as possible. Used the GI Bill, and VA Loan.

Live in a majority white town, wife doesn’t work raises and teaches our kids. Nothing’s perfect, instead of bitching about the system use it to your advantage.

I live in Virginia and land isn’t cheap but we’ve been saving the past few tax returns attempting to buy a plot of land somewhere. Meanwhile I’ve been teaching myself how to garden, and all that shit.

Well immigration isnt going to help.
Neither is thinking the people are in control.
It's white genocide.

Attached: IMG_0000000284.png (974x652, 270K)

Tear apart the debt-finance system and implode the government. People could afford to live like that back then because nearly all which you worked for and produced was yours and there wasn't any funky financial alchemy to distort market prices. Ask yourself - what changed in the past 70 years? Society. And technology. And the latter should have had us living much better by current standards


the solution was to build a wall and drastically increase deportations and we voted for it. then it decided to play golf and spam social media.

We can afford shit because they have been giving free money to poor people for like 40 years

Attached: Great-Seal-Of-The-United-States.jpg (800x800, 216K)

welcome to the dept world. even with cash you can't outright buy something for more worth than you can paying w credit. This is how they have worked things out to squeeze every penny out of you the slave cattle worker.

Companies cheapen products to make more money off of you the slave cattle worker when you purchase them. Companies pay you the slave cattle worker less so they can make more money off you the slave cattle worker.

it'll get worse and worse until it all comes crashing down and people are dragged out of their ivory towers.

>30 year old
whats it like knowing an average 24 year old would have had all the shit you have + more 40 years ago while also just being able to hire a gardener

Did this shit happen in Russia?
I want a Rus-user to weigh in on this post?

I bought a house and 3 acres of land for $6,000. It's in severe disrepair, has a rodent infestation, the plumbing and heat is fucked, and 80% of the land is swamp. But it's mine and it's paid off. And I can yell "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?" at people who come by.

>What is the solution?

Get rid of Wall Street and force the pharmaceutical and defense industries to be NPOs.

The solution? The Final Solution of course.

$1000 a month is fuck all, I still wont be able to afford a house even with my job which pays 18/hour plus the UBI i'd still be poor. And it would cause prices to go up as well.

>What is the solution?

The solution is ending usury and reorganizing society around humans and not bot trading shekels for the sake of capitalism. Anything made from automation should be used to make society stable while anything produced from humans by humans belongs to the individual who rightly made it. A return to traditional values as we will need them since many jobs performed by people today will not be doing them for much longer under the current paradigm

>What is the solution?
There aren't any good solutions because we have been turned into cattle and stripped of all power.
The only thing that can be done is to wait for the plutocrats to crash the system and then start rebuilding again from the ground up.

>pumping billions of dollars to save them.
Those billions of dollars being pumped into Africa actually make the birth rates there decline, retard.

Downsize the government. We could be paying 10% flat federal income tax and nobody would notice the difference. A third of my paycheck goes to overhead, waste, fraud and abuse.

It's a myth that our grandparents had it easy and could afford a house so early.

It's all a ridiculous myth

It only takes a few minutes to figure out why it can't possibly be true.

Just think for a little bit

Speak for yourself loser

It's simply not true that the cost of goods back then was so low, and the cost of housing was so low.

If the cost of goods was low.... Then our grandparents, working in grocery stores... couldn't have been paid much in the first place... If they are working in a store where the cost of goods is so low.. the revenue at the store must be so low ... And thus, their own wages must be low

There is no magic solution to low wages

The only solution is to ban foreigners from owning homes, nationalise all the land, and limit each bloodline family to owning one single house

Only through government rationing of housing, can we bring down the cost of housing

The fuck do you live, user? Land around here is 8,000 an acre.


Barring another catastrophic war that blows the smithereens out of the United State's economic competitors, there is no solution. The standard of living that the United States experienced during the later half of the 20th century after WW2 was unnatural to say the least. Economic competitors in Europe and Asia were not able to compete because their countries were destroyed. Additionally, globalization has further compounded negative effects for the American worker as well. Factory jobs that would have formerly gone to Americans or Europeans now go to cheaper, less expensive countries like those in South America, Africa, and SE Asia. Right now we are in the midst of a massive wealth reversion, a return to the status quo.

I was lucky to have multiple college professors who would give their classes what I like to call "real talk". This was for a business class I was taking, the professor was a lawyer with his own local practice. He gave us some stark words on how it's going to be for us. He told us that due to various economic and political factors, the days of inherently STUPID people (boomers) being able to walk in, work for 20-30 years at the same company, and walk out with grey hair, a gold watch, and a nice pension were over. Today he told us, you need to be SMART to succeed. I'm not talking like book smart, but that you need to plan things out and can't be dumb and let things fall into place. Furthermore with the "be smart" talk, other professors I had for my degree (accounting) were always pushing us to pursue professional designations to make ourselves stand out amongst the crowd.

THE SOLUTION? We will have to work hard to succeed, no more being stupid or dumb, PLAN SHIT OUT! The doopsey-doo people who put no effort in and do not plan will not succeed and are destined for a life of scraping by on shitty jobs with shitty pay.


There were barely any hidden costs back then so overhead was lower. Nowadays businesses die deaths of a thousand cuts with fees, regulations and taxes to help "fight inequality and climate change." To say nothing of the useless silicon valley services hoovering up the loose change with fees and percentages. People also actually believed in investing in employees so higher pay at the cost of lower margins was still seen as positive, especially coming out of the patriotic spirit of "winning" WWII

I can't say so for the UK but the US has a housing shortage near economic centers. Plenty of land but no one wants to live in Iowa when the cool high paying jobs are in coastal cities. In this case, a moratorium on immigration and restricting land ownership to natives would help

"It' s not your fault that the world is the way it is, it would only be your fault it it stays that way."

By 2015, automation had already destroyed four million manufacturing jobs, and the smartest people in the world now predict that a third of all working Americans will lose their job to automation in the next 12 years..

and you are correct. Even in 1975 a guy could have a 2000 sq ft house with two kids, a new car and 2 trips a year with hardware store job.. This isn't conjecture. It was my entire neighborhood in 1975

lowest paid person person in a company cannot make less than 1/5th of what the highest paid person makes. stock options and bonuses included, don't let the upper management jew the system via getting a shit salary but insane handouts each year and claiming all the grunts are contracted workers that don't count.

it's that simple, but the majority of the democrats and republican parties are bought entirely by wall street and the richest people in the country and will do everything they can to ensure they keep getting their trickle of dollars and cushy lobbying vacations

war and violence is always the solution.

We aren't living in a country of Henry Fords. Wish we were.

henry ford was a monstrous motherfucker but yeah he wasn't half as bad as the dipshits running things now that are 3-4 generations deep into wealth and haven't ever had to lift a pinky to do work themselves

in the 1980s to early 90s, my father was a schoolteacher and supported a family of 5 in a massive house (compared to anything I've lived in since). my brother and sister both got new cars when they were old enough to drive. he also supported my mom while she went back to school (because things were becoming more expensive, ironically).
if that was the 1980s/early 90s, I can just imagine how much easier it was before that. nowadays I don't know anybody in their 30s who have it as good as my parents did back then (when they were that age).

He paid his workers a living wage and brought 1,000s out of poverty. Plus he put a copy of the Protocols of Zion in the glove compartment of every new Ford.

everyone in this thread needs to read Meditations on Moloch if you haven't already. it's a great primer as to why society ALWAYS degenerates and gets harder and more expensive. it's a bug in humanity.

I’m 43 and I can tell you this is absolutely right. I’ve seen the decline of purchasing power and the increase in costs all around. I don’t know the solution, but it’s fucked for younger generations- even mine.

Boomers did fuck us all.

Maybe in Britain, but in the US my dad made 28k in 1988 and had bought a house for 76k two years before. In a shitty salesman job. My mom used yo complain when we would spend $50 / week on groceries because it was too much.

Guess what, many entry level jobs pay around the same but COL is four times as high.

That's 100% correct.
Most of them didn't even work. My dad was a programmer in Cobol. He'd goto work and at lunch time they'd all go for a 2 hour lunch and would be WASTED by 1pm and take the day off.. EVERYday. That was for a SERIOUS corporation.

Next door neighbor had 2 lawnmowers and a work truck. Guy across the street was asst manager at a bank. Next to him a guy that sold newspaper ads.

ALL in 2000 Sq ft homes with new cars and 2+ kids and none of the wife's worked.

>average wage between 2000-2019 goes up 5%
>average house cost goes up 1,000%
gee i fucking wonder

Yeap, we’ve been lied to. There hasn’t been any progress. $1600 / mo for health insurance, $1500 in rent or mortgage. $1000 for food if you have a family of 4.

With a $18k deductible on your health care that will fight you on every procedure.
it's called FREEDOM!

everything is fine
im ok with this

Attached: millennial-median-income-state-map.png (1200x970, 309K)

I made more than any of that bar tending in 1985. FOR REAL

its ok we can still afford guns to end the fucking jews
for now

sieze the means of production

>>Our great grandparents had shitty factory jobs and even with that, on ONE salary they could feed 5 kids and OWN (not rent) a house by 25.
Bullshit you delusional retard.

>if that was the 1980s/early 90s,
Your dad was living like an investment banker on a teacher's salary? Color me skeptical.

Looks at picture of great grandfather. Worked for US Steel. Married 75 years 8 children. Mother never worked. 8 room house. and the highest job title he ever attained was shift foreman after 15 years.

You are just wrong.

COMMUNISM is the solution

>What is the solution?
Limit credit creation.

No I'm not. here's a hard truth, your failing. I am in a 3500 square foot home I got this year. I started out in a homeless shelter. Most people are just too lazy to do the work necessary to succeed. I bet you grandfather worked his ASS off to get what he had. Week in and week out of 60 and 70 hours weeks to make sure he had what he needed, whereas millenials want to be paid 6 figures for flipping burgers, and don't even want to hear about climbing the corporate ladder like every other generation, in typical millenial fashion you want the shortcut to the top.

ban usury


>. Week in and week out of 60 and 70 hours weeks to make sure he had what he needed
Nah he didn't do that at all. He worked 38 union hours. In fact he worked for free 20 hours a week at the Catholic Church.

No one want's a shortcut. They just want a small house, a wife and 2 kids and the ability to not have a heart attack by 40

>Yes goyim, the millenials are the problem. They arent buying our hyperinflated houses. We need 20 million more poos, spics, and chinks to do the job millenials wont

According to Fannie Mae’s report, as baby boomers exit their owner-occupied homes there could be a glut of new homes and steep decline in price-- returning to historic, pre-globalization levels

Government Solutions to prevent a return to home affordability includes Mass Immigration, which spurred the dramatic price surge in housing booms 1 and 2

Adjust immigration policy to create more potential homeowners, to keep hyperinflated prices afloat
Advocates for this tactic suggest that creating more legal households would increase the number of potential owner-occupants in the market


Globalists sent White industries overseas (offshoring/outsourcing), Real industries are gutted. Globalist needs new places to invest globalist profit to get a return. Only thing left is houses. Speculate on houses causing housing bubbles by importing shitskin ponzi

Eventually globalist runs out of new things to invest in and then either the economy contracts and consumption is reduced or he memes new investments (see Internet ponzi, ghost cities, trafficking shitskins). Even with (especially with) meme investments eventually the economy cant sustain itself and workers must be given something like a UBI to continue consumption that matches their production

So really there is no right or left in the future... just feudalist UBI or worker owned UBI

bubbles were localized to stocks/commodities. housing was NEVER a commodity UNTIL the globalists flooded in shitskins to create a national and global housing bubble lasting 2 decades!

Los Angeles used to be a majority-white city that voted Republican in presidential elections. Why did that change? Can it return to its roots?

Immigration to keep housing prices inflated

it’s all cuz of immigration. We’re letting in around 1 million legal immigrants every year, and another 3 million illegals, who take all the housing/jobs. This causes the housing market to become sold out, which pushes to the point where working Americans are paying 70% of their incomes in rent just to find a relatively safe and clean place to live. Landlords are encouraged to overcharge, as tolerable neighborhoods and decent schools become more scarce

We also have the Air BnB debacle to blame, as former rentals are snatched up by industrial-scale illegal hoteliers

If Trump had made good on his promises re: immigration, we’d see an immediate drop in rents and home prices, coupled with a rise in wages. In short, we’re being squeezed from both ends, and the investor class loves what’s happening.

the bubbles will end when the Globalists have achieved world government and no longer have to promote a false prosperity to show that immigration, diversity and globalism promote prosperity. Then they can allow the bubbles to deflate reduce everyone’s but themselves living standard and shoot anyone who objects

i can't find an affordable place to live because of you people. every single house under $300,000 in my city gets snatched up by spics who LIE about how many people are going to live there. the apartment building that i live in now used to have an $600 rent 10 years ago. more latinos started flowing in, now i'm paying $1400. you invading locusts don't notice the effects because you're used to living in squalor. for fuck's sake i can't even have a fucking conversation with my co-workers, because they all speak barely passable broken English and a few of them don't even know a single English word. inb4 get a better job, i am a full-time employee with medical benefits and i am not quitting unless someone hands me a briefcase with 5 million bucks.

Boomers took that option off the table with immigration.

Move away from the city, get an apartment that has low rent. The expensive condos around where I live are 1,500 a month so don’t give me excuses. Move the fuck away from the urbanized areas ASAP.

and [pic related]

Attached: Homeless houses.jpg (640x640, 40K)

globalist policy of flooding the market with cheap, foreign labor shifts enormous wealth from White employees towards older investors, as it also widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, and hurts children’s schools and college educations. It also pushes Americans away from high-tech careers and sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with fentanyl addictions. The labor policy also moves business investment and wealth from the heartland to the coastal cities, explodes rents and housing costs, and rewards investors for creating low-tech, labor-intensive workplaces

my mates dad put 2 sets of bunk beds in a 3 bedroom house and rented each bed to a poo student for $100 each a week. was making $1,200 a week of them

"Changing economic conditions" = "influx of migrants, devastation of schools, and offshoring of any remaining industries." It's like anons suddenly forget everything they read on every other Jow Forums thread the second they open one about real estate.

All of these socio-economic changes came within the last 10 years. Our +50 year old demographic/immigration problems are finally catching up

up until 1999 housing in NYC was affordable at 2-3X the annual salary. People bought houses in NYC for $170k in 1999, prior to open border policies

NYC had not yet experienced a dramatic increase in immigrants until 2000, then the gooks went all in and prices rose dramatically. once affordable blue collar hoods went from $170k to $600 in a matter of a few years. Now these same hoods are $1.2 million

before open borders, people were not packed 20 to an apartment and did not share with roommates.

They will just get Chinese and Indian dirty money to buy the properties. Nothing will change until we line up Wallstreet against the wall and start putting a bullet in the brain of every banker, politician and Hollywood Jew.

its almost like the internet, pocket computers, automation, and AI were supposed to make standards of living increase instead of plummet
why should we even have to break our asses at "100% the rate" they did for even "100% the value" of what they got then?
nigger corporation today expect 150% of the effort of past generations while rewarding 50% or less of their fucking end of the bargain

Join the military you lazy piece of shit and save money.

Eliminate the federal reserve. Currency inflation makes reduces not only your purchasing power, but also the value of your labor.

your great grandparents also didn't have refrigerators, plumbing, phones, AC or central heating, they also never went on vacation and generally they ate 4 or 5 ingredients and that was it

you can perfectly afford to live like them, it's just that your base template of a lifestyle has increased

>as nukes would destroy inhabitable land
No they wouldn't unless some dick head detonates them on the ground for some retarded reason

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$150k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$190k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

after 1973, fall in living standards for at least 80% of the population.in 1945, the U.S. had the world's highest paid work force. In such a setting, lasting into the late 1950's, one working-class income was sufficient to support, i.e. to reproduce, a family of four or even more people. By 1992, on the other hand, two or more working-class incomes were necessary for the early 1960's level of reproduction, and more and more of the children of those black working class families, living among the ruins of America's industry, were being pushed into the underclass. She might come across a Business Week survey (August 1991) showing that the joint income of a typical young white working class couple, both holding full-time dead-end jobs, was equal to 44%, in real terms, of the pay of one skilled worker of the same age 30 years earlier

Until one day your children are living in this world..... you've been warned.
what few whites exist have escaped to the stars .

Start by eliminating all the expensive shit you dont need.

Live a simple life out in the countryside, and you will find that life isnt so expensive.

Once you manage to feed yourself self-sufficiently then 90% of your expenses are covered.

Attached: 19NzFjC.jpg (3187x1793, 911K)

Attached: what we lost.jpg (680x472, 86K)

People who worked in factories 100 years ago and had 5 kids rented. And they were poor as fuck. But they did it because back then you didn't have birth control and a society that tolerated being a slut/fornication. Masturbation was also taboo. So if you wanted to get off regularly you had to find a spouse.

Great stats. Thanks for posting them
What do you think about Musk saying that automation will replace 10x the jobs that offshoring does.

Uh Catholics and Mormons still do it. The problem is you're not willing to sacrifice

The solution is the final solution.

Attached: 1544394537892.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

5 million are on the street and obviously homeless, but another 10 million are living in cars, in garages, “stealth” homeless if you will, but homeless all the same.

most americans will end up homeless and dying of diseases on the street.... the lucky ones will be living in pods

5 million homeless died since 2007, the number will grow exponentially and kill off the nation

80% of population will have cancer in their lifetime and unable to work or pay the bills

you never own your home. you rent it from the bank (mortgage) and govt (property tax).
once your cancer prevents you from working, you go out on the street and die like the rest of american goyim

see zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-26/we-need-take-action-now-la-homeless-deaths-jump-76

the irony is, all sharts fall under these categories. you are all mentally ill, cancer-ridden, hobos. once you finally realize this, you will already be dying in the street.

there are 5 million homeless. it's snowballed, but they die quickly. they freeze in winter. they OD. they die like flies. this is a silent cull. stealth genocide. homeless have a high turnover-death rate.

so 20 million homeless since 2007, many already dead.

US covers up the genocide by importing millions of elderly immigrants from China, Mexico, India, Asia etc...

if the US were not practicing this, it would reveal a massive die-off of the native population

8 million vacant off market

unless goyim rise up and start damaging/burning down these assets, we are headed towards eternal enslavement

Los Angeles has 200,000 vacant apartments

150 million spics/poos/chinks invaded and pushed Whites out of houses/jobs and shoved the Whites into the streets. 20 million homeless dead whites from opioid/suicide since year 2000

I think its because every boomer wants to be robert kiyosaki in some way, so all generations under them end up paying for their boomer lifestyle first.

I agree with everything you posted.

No. Your quality of life may be but mine is horrible. I dont want all those shitty distractions and faggoty conveniences. I want a farm in a very quiet valley where people fuck off and mind their own business. I want to see the fucking stars at night and enjoy wildlife. And i want stores to close on sundays so one day of the week will be the day that everyone stops fucking rat-racing.
Anyone who grew up in a place like I describe knows that modern life is completely shit.

If that log cabin is yours, congratulations bro you have achieved heaven on earth. I am very jealous

homeless epidemic is designed by them.

the surplus workers will be disposed of. We have nothing to look forward to, just cheap VR, drugs and eventually death by bioweapons.
its already happening thru engineered social epidemics: opioid epidemic, homeless epidemic, suicide epidemic

you could purge elements from society thru economic means

dont want a particular race to exist?
just import cheaper workers and replace the nuisance... blame the replaced population for inefficiency.
claim you improved the GDP and economy is now booming, by replacing the unwanted population

goyim need to understand that capitalism is not about freedom -- its all about backroom deals

the reason you have offshoring to asia and china stealing all our industries/jobs/tech?
>backroom deals between china, rockefeller, nixon, bush, clinton...

the reason you have millions of h1b poojeets stealing White jobs?
>backroom deals between india, ((corporations)), and government

the reason you have millions of spics invading the US?
>backroom deals between mexican oligarchs/cartels, bush/reagan, clinton...

the reason you have unaffordable housing bubbles and homeless epidemics?
>backroom deals between banks, wall street, housing oligarchs and governments

the reason you have car-centric urban sprawl hellscapes and lack of public transportation?
>backroom deals between car/oil oligarchs and government

the reason you have cardboard cookie cutter shacks?
>backroom deals between housing oligarchs and government

My Grandparents bought their first ~1500sqft house with cash while raising 3 kids on a single income from my Grandpa's job at a courrogated box factory...

my granddad bought a house on the beach in Torrance CA for $20,000 at the age of 21.
Why the fuck shouldn't I be able to do the same thing?

Based skyrim town home. You need a wench sharpening your swords at a grinder

The main problem is illusion.
The jew controls what people want and they control what people think the price for that desire is.

Once this illusion is broken, things will get better.
Breaking this illusions may or may not(but most likely it will) involve screwing optics big time.

Attached: 1565467856248.jpg (872x1024, 869K)

This 100%, life is 10x better but our awareness of just how much better off others are/were has increased 100x, and the gap is destroying us.

The human brain wasn't meant to have access to this much information about its peers. We're designed to keep tabs on maybe 200 people, tops, and judge our status based on that number. Now, humans see information about 1000 people a day, of which 500-750 are better than themselves. We're simply not equipped mentally to deal with that kind of exposure.

Everything else, Jews, atheism, the global elite, are simply reactions to the fundamental problem that we are too aware of the people around them.

(PS: How do you start a fire with your bare hands? The simplest method I can think of uses two sticks and some kindling, and even that's too irritating to be practical.)

>the reason you have offshoring to asia and china stealing all our industries/jobs/tech?

Socialism. They seized the means of production by moving it overseas. They were able to do this by working in the interests of capitalists. As usual: the middle class suffers.

Buy Chainlink, you fucking idiot.

If you completely missed the boat on Ethereum because you were fucking around on this shithole board, it's on you. I made the same mistake. I won't make it this time.

If you do not understand the power of smart contracts, go buy some erc20 shitcoins and mess around with Kyberswap, Fulcrum, and Markerdao. You can earn 12% interest on your capital while bankfags are getting fucked with fees and negative interest rates. Once you see how easy it is to switch between assets without ever having to trust a third party, you'll be able to appreciate what Chainlink is going to do to the entire financial system: ANY ASSET WILL BE ABLE TO BE SWAPPED WIThOUT A THIRD PARTY.

Chainlink has been memed endlessly on Jow Forums for the last 1.5 years. People who got in early are currently up 25X on their initial investment. Personally I'm up about 20x from my average buy in. This is going to change every aspect of daily life, and Jow Forums was in on it first. The tech is real, the product is almost live. Get a position in LINK now or regret the day you read this post for the rest of your fucking miserable poorfag life.

In 5 years, on one is going to be making contracts where there is a risk of the counterparty not performing. You have the chance of a lifetime (again). Trust the memes.