Does this series have any truth in it. Looks like a subversion shill. What does /pol think?
Is this more subversion?
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Yes the big danger is clearly Christianity. How tiresome. They would have to send this shit back to the 80’s to find anybody who buys it apart from some rabid liberals.
Just look at the names of everyone who worked on it
Digits confirm
Jow Forums cant refute it
My brother was watching some Amazon original show about superheroes called the boys and the whole episode was just talking the piss out of Christianity in a really immature hamfisted way. There was a lot of weird MK ultra parallels with the superheroes and drug use too it bothered me a lot. Fuck Jeff bezos.
The Jew fears a true man of Christ.
>direct link to Netflix
advertising shill
Its a good series but yeah that episode was hamfisted le athiesm shit
Yeah, those oh-so-powerful Christians working behind the scenes to get gay marriage through the Supreme Court.
The one thing—the sole, solitary, single ONE thing—the Family ever achieved was the National Prayer Breakfast, which most Americans have never heard of nor ever seen.
Lmfao I should've known.
Scroll down and read the episode descriptions.
This is blatant brainwashing.
Amazon/Hulu/Netflix originals are 100% subversive trash brainwashing our children.
Look how they corrupted Eleven in season 3 of stranger things and taught her to be a lying roastie thot.
I'm so sick of this mass subversion/brainwashing.
>there is a powerful, religiously affiliated network that controls our government with anti-environmental, globalist and Zionist interests and is behind the constant wars and meddling
>but it’s christians not the other one everyone’s thinking
>so stop thinking about it because it’s the Christians you stupid goy
Thanks for confirming goys
Not a netflix shill, it's 2 days old how the fuck else am I supposed to let people know what series I'm talking about
Christianity is part of the danger (bleeding heart migration humping & anti-nativism) but nowhere near as big as liberalism.
Jewish projection
Zionists want to destroy every race, including jews, every religion, including judaism, they will create a raceless world without any roots or any beliefs, all that matters in the nwo is money, power and distrations.
Christianity is a threat to them because there's groups like amish and mormons that have 10 white children
They use their fake love for Jesus to mask their faggot assholes. Their crimes aren't crimes because they were " chosen ".
>open shill
What floor are you from, faggot? I'll pour salt in your fucking teas next lunch break
>look goy Christians are really the ones behind the curtain pulling the strings! Not the dual citizens in government! Certainly not the Jews! Don’t ask about the JEWS!
Shit bait, you stupid advertising nigger.
>sage goes in option field
Any links to a good summary of the show or its claims? Googling “Netflix the family synopsis” or even “the family 2019 synopsis” gives a bunch of irrelevant shit.
I can't find out who made this.
Directed by Jesse Moss, which might be a jewish name but I find no evidence in it.
Can anyone find out who made this?
Holy shit that's a lot of Jews lol
>What floor are you from, faggot? I'll pour salt in your fucking teas next lunch break
Sorry overlord, you can find me on the 3rd floor.
Instructions where bad, this was on the expose pile not the shill pile.
Of course, it's subversion! It is produced by (((ABC))) and (((Disney)))!
Both Obamas are on the Netflix board of directors. Them globalist black commies made it
Everything you see on Netflix is subversive
I was watching this dogshit yesterday it was legit pissing me off
100% kike projection
most likely white males
I forgot that all the old Christians were pro nigger back in the day. Neck yourself.
>stop praying and trying to forge bonds between world leaders!
evil Christians always trying to subvert Zionist plans for destabilization and expansion in the Middle-east
I enjoyed the series but that episode was way over the top. I didn't know it was (((Rogen))) produced until the very end but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Seeing the list of (((them))) just confirms it.
>netflix jews telling me a small cabal of christians control the united states
The chutzpa is just incredible. These jews never fail to thunderstrike me.
Pic related is the director Jesse Moss. The name moss doesnt always echo but...
the powerful elite don't care
you can expose them, tell the truth about them, reveal all their secrets, and they just don't care, because they know the general public is too inept and disorganized to ever do anything about it.
So it could be subversion, or it could be 100% factual, either way the end result is the exact same. And you know it.
This, amerimutts will never do anything with their guns but serve the jews, at this point, they are just laughing at the goyim.
I guarantee that they are all also zionists. You can't ever trust Protestants
it's NetFux. everything they make is sjw horseshit.
>Does this series have any truth in it.
No, but it could point the way if you look at it as a "the names have been changed to protect the guilty."
>Looks like a subversion shill.
It is; thy're trying to paint Christians as the most corrupt, vile people... the ones who are REALLY in charge, because America IS/ISN'T a Christian country depending on what the pilpul and/or narrative requires.
>What does /pol think?
I think it's probably best not to even watch Netflix at this point.
>Christianity is part of the danger
John 10:1
>There is a religious group that has disproportionate amount of power in America and around the globe
>It's Christians
>Christianity is a threat to them because there's groups like amish and mormons that have 10 white children
More than that, Christianity is about the Truth, and their empire of lies and service to the Father of Lies is exposed by it.
Read the book of John, paying special attention to the first chapter, and things become clear: there is a war raging on the spiritual plane.
Pretty much.
Just like Epstein's suicide.
Notice the background of the whistleblower?