Other urls found in this thread:
care to elaborate?
Amen Brother
it's all a part of their ritual.
I woke up ready to die, straya cunt, did you?
wtf are they up to user??
>I woke up ready to die, straya cunt, did you?
I live in Australia.
Explain faggot
the fast ends today
Digits been crazy today
What's this from?
pleasu elaboratu
Was aileen wuornos right?
what a surprise
OP says it's from tommorow.
Fucking /nubots/
This mornings news bro where the fuck have you been?
It all returns to nothing
Just keeps letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
Fake and gay
This shit happens all the time on YouTube and other social media platforms. It takes advantage of naivety.
I'll die like I lived. A virgin.
Keys weeb
Battery Spencer, Marin County, one hour from now.
They have
When you don’t have a gf and the world ends
The Moon will rise tonight between Jupiter and Saturn.
Nothing will happen
fake and gay but rollin for happening anyways
Hope all the ricefucking was worth it when you betrayed your own kind.
Ever since the Epstein murder I’ve had this weird anxiety, as if it’s my gut telling me they wouldn’t have killed Epstein this publicly if it weren’t for a sense of desperation.
And when (((they))) get desperate, nothing is off the table
Based and Carlpilled
Can we get a BRUH chain
too many coincidences
Also can’t tell if excited or scared for happening
join us in watching nothing happen at golden gate bridge
Too many happenings lately. I just want to take a day off and play gears of war all day. Rolling for peace.
>gif not related
i wish it was true because i don't have the courage to off myself (afraid it will go horribly wrong and I remain alive as a vegetable)
What does that mean?
The final day of what?
Porpoises found dead at ggb this morning. Related to the prediction?
Oh fuck.
Has 1776 part 2 the electric bogaloo begun
hope you faggots are ready youtu.be
t.Larping fag.
Roll cause bored
Tisha B'av is today. Hold your breath anons.
I just want my fucking happening already