Why is the Right-wing too retarded to understand this? It's like they only communicate via memes and strawman arguments

Why is the Right-wing too retarded to understand this? It's like they only communicate via memes and strawman arguments.

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hard to take you seriously when you talk about the "wealthy" and avoid calling them

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>Let's set the record straight
>Let's correct the record

Shilly-Shill no fool me!

>The entire corporate world is amplifying your lgbt and pro replacement immigration propaganda
But you’re the ones fighting corporate greed lmao

Your desire for socialised healtchcare, a decent living wage et al are directly contradicted by the immigration faggotry.
Fuck off.

>I want my taxes to pay for healthcare, not war or violence
Well I want my taxes to pay for war and violence and not your healthcare.
Looks like we’re at an impasse.

>i want my taxes to pay for bugchasing faggots and tranny ops
>i want a guaranteed job with benefits despite the fact I opted to educate myself in Sub-Saharan Reedcrafting
>i only vote for people who look like me and offer me money
>whenever it is businesses I personally approve of that are misbehaving, I shut my fucking mouth
>i am woefully oblivious to the fact that the rich already pay well more than their fair share
>i want to import more people who think just like me so that we can enjoy the tyranny of the majority
Yeah nah, kys.

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>I don’t want open borders
Lengthy explanation tantamount to opening the borders

God I hate you people

Well when those folks from the Congo spread out across the country and spread ebola everywhere and you become infected we will see how you feel then.

>don't pay income tax
>Want health insurance to be paid out of income tax, because that money is "his".
Too stupid to believe it is not satire.

>I don't want to be free
>I want to be a communist

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why do taxes have to pay for healthcare? why can't they use their own money?

there's plenty of opportunity for a good job that pays, you're probably a brain-dead dipshit with no skills what-so-ever.

your vote always counts. its 1 of 100s of millions

they have the most at stake when it comes to regulation of course they're going to be there to make their voices heard (as is there right), where are you?


doesn't mean anything. having a bunch of unskilled idiots entering the country isn't good for anyone. we already have to take care of you.

Want's them to pay their fair share. Doesn't realize it's (((them)))

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"fair share" doesn't exist any anyone who uses the term should be strung up and left to let crows pick their eyes out

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You are lying. Incapable of being honest, you are probably not even aware of the left wing lie, but if you are and you yet persist in spreading it then you are a jew and the enemy.

>Countries with socialized healthcare don't have immigrants

How can anyone be this stupid?

"I want them to pay their fair share"

The rich already pay significant taxes, its idiots like you that think corporate tax is personal tax because you are retarded

you think because amazon doesn't pay corporate tax that jeff bezos doesn't

you are too stupid to discuss these topics

>I want Americans to die for Isreal

Nice try glownigger

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I just laughed out loud at that. I didn't realize how evil my laugh is also getting until now.

Other people don't want their taxes to go to health care. If your actual suggestion was you want taxes to go to programs you support and then only you are eligible for those programs... Everyone would get on board with that (except government), but that's not what you want. You want other people to pay for your health care with THEIR taxes.

The right wants jobs too, not sure what this has to do with anything.

You want mob rule, that is not a reasonable system. You want the majority to have the power when you are part of it and the minority to have the power when you are part of it. You just want the power and no one else can have it.

The wealthy already pay too much in the US, it is the poor that don't pay their fair share. You should travel and see what taxes poor people in other countries have to pay.

This is a right-wing idea you are proposing, supported by every Jewish businessman and capitalist. At least try to be consistent and think through this shit.

>Lets set the record straight

Not to the scale of the US, you disengenuous prick. And believe me, it's going to be a problem for us in the future. Those millions of People of Sand that are already in Europe, putting together huge families: you think they're going to contribute in any way? Permanent welfare drains sustained by the shrinking native population. Antisocial and violent to boot.
Fucking wonderful.

>We can pay for everything for everyone in the world with our magic money tree
How can anyone be this stupid?

So you trust Elon when he says who owns the press.
Do you trust him that we need UBi ?

Attached: Elon Musk and Dan Carlin UBI.png (741x790, 175K)

We are going to lose at least 20 million jobs in the next 10 years to automation. It's going to happen no matter what Protestant work ethic you extol.

All of those are straight up lies. They do want free healthcare, they want money for nothing, they want every election to go their way, they literally want businesses to not bring in any profit, they do want the wealthy to pay for everything and they do want open borders.
This perfectly describes the vast majority of democrats, all communists and all antifa.

>The rich already pay significant taxes
Not compared to how much they own, they don't. The biggest tax base is the middle class.
the !% own 93-94% of all wealth in America.
3 men own more than 52% of Americans combined.

>I don't want free health care

Yes you do

>I don't want money for nothing

Yes you do

>I don't want businesses to be unprofitable

Yes you do

>I don't want the wealthy to pay for everything

Yes you do

>I don't want open borders

Yes you do

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No immigration is helpful for white people.

Yeah, personally I’d rather my taxes go to fighting wars for Israel too. Shalom!

why were you too retarded to get a degree that could support you and a family?

All of those assume everyone else will reciprocate and not see it as an opportunity to legally steal from you. The premise of your beliefs is wrong, which invalidates all logic that follows.

>falling for the degree meme
The only degrees that pay well anymore are finance and other related studies. I.e. Jewish studies.

You start the thread with a strawman and then ask why we use them? Are you retarded, dude?

>why do taxes have to pay for healthcare? why can't they use their own money?
Anyone who supports healthcare for all has little to no money so they benefit without having to sacrifice and it's taken from taxes so no one can duck out of paying.

you mean burger flipping jobs? I don't think skilled trades or any job that requires problem solving will go anywhere.

why can't we get no income tax? if we didn't have to pay for a bunch of retarded shit (including money for Israel) we wouldn't need an income tax.

exactly, the reality that these people can't seem to grasp is they aren't really worth keeping alive.

Subhuman spics illegal or not should go back to their verminous shitholes.

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You want us to "understand" that you say you want the bottom things, but always put into practice the top things... Also, the 3rd and 5th listed are ether already of thing or shit we don't care that you want and we want to stop.

>you mean burger flipping jobs? I don't think skilled trades or any job that requires problem solving will go anywhere.
You can think whatever you like but trade jobs are going to get replaced just as quickly. Even if it was just burger flippers, what are you going to let the 3.6 million burgers flippers do ? They are gonna go right on the Welfare roles at MUCH more than $1000 a month.

Honestly I'd rather my money go there.
It's cheaper than a healthcare tax and it won't keep drug addicts, and obese niggers and spics alive.

>but trade jobs are going to get replaced just as quickly
We have a long way to go before a house can be built and maintained with robots.Real AI doesn't exist, FFS even basic image recognition is terribly processor intensive after 40 years of research.

>We have a long way to go before a house can be built and maintained with robots.Real AI doesn't exist, FFS even basic image recognition is terribly processor intensive after 40 years of research.
Amazon is already selling houses in a box.
What do you think all the displaced 20 million will all of a sudden work in Construction ?
You are right real AI doesn't exist, it doesn't need to. If real AI existed we'd all be out of work in about 6 months.

Jobs that will be lost in the next 5-10 years
4.8 Million Retail Jobs
3.6 Fast Food Jobs
3.5 Million Trucking Jobs
3.4 Million Call center jobs
15.3 million jobs JUST in the top 4 employment fields in America.

Now how many Driving jobs, Accounting jobs, Hotel and truck stop jobs etc tec will be lost
We are looking at, at least 20 million jobs lost in the next 10 years.
it's coming and we don't have another elecetion cycle to figure it out.

Face it, you’re a useless whiny loser

have you ever worked in any trade before? or programmed a robot? how the hell is a robot going to replace an entry door on your house with zero human assistance? or replace your boiler? maybe new construction will get hit from automation (getting parts of houses built in factory, shipped to site, then bolted/screwed together like legos)

>exactly, the reality that these people can't seem to grasp is they aren't really worth keeping alive

Don't forget they usually have unhealthy lifestyles in which they never exercise, they do drugs, smoke, drink, eat garbage.
But hey it's a basically human right only some people should work for to provide for all.

Obama literally could've given everyone free healthcare, but he didn't. He effectively had a rubber stamp Congress and still couldn't even give a public option. Let that sink in and realize that even if Bernie gets the Dem nod (he won't), there is no way they're going to give you what he's promised.

>is right wing too stupid
>continues to post personal feelings instead of facts and logic

Fair enough. But what do when only 1250 people agree with those points? THEN free stuff and war?

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lets set the record straight:
OP's a faggot.

None of the jobs that you listed are 'trade' jobs. Who hooks up the plumbing and electricity for these amazon commie box houses? Who digs the foundation? Even the best 'AI' cannot even dig a simple hole given all the variable of soil type, weather conditions, what if it hit a 1 ton boulder etc.

Why, yes. Yes they are that retarded

That's why they want free healthcare, obviously.

This. And a liar to boot.

correct the record plz sharepoos

I'll make this easy for you. What % of American workers are employed in Construction ? How many were employed in construction 10 years ago.
What will drive the need for new trade jobs ?
How will that replace 20% of the work force sidelined to automation?

Because all of that is a fucking lie and you know it.

>None of the jobs that you listed are 'trade' jobs.
I never said they were trade jobs. Your mantra is just get a trad job.. Ok, then what ?
You think you can just magically create 20 million trade jobs out of thin air ?

>I want my taxes to pay for health care
So long as mine don't have to that's great
>I want the opportunity for a good job that pays for at least my basic needs
So does everyone, what's your plan to get there?
>I just want my vote to count
It already does
>I want them to stay out of the regulatory and political process
Then elect small govt republicans
>I want them to pay their fair share
"Fair" according to who? Because according to me that's 0.
>I want a path to citizenship for Dreamers and realistic immigration laws
Then why are you voting Democrat?

What? These things already happen

>i want
>i want
>i want
Who cares.

>I want the wealthy to pay their fair share
They do... what do you think you pay taxes for? For the government to protect your assets which is why income tax scales the way it does.

>free healthcare
>IMMEDIATELY after using the word taxes
The people who make these lefty infographics are truly retarded.

how about we bring manufacturing back to america from china? Apple could easily afford to build the IPhone in america which would bring many jobs related to their construction over (PCB copper clad manufacturing, passives manufacturing, integrated circuit manufacturing). move it all over to a city like Chicago and you'd have a lot of money introduced into the area that would allow workers to spend money buying and repairing houses.

>they do

You do realize, if you're wealthy, you can put money into a health savings account that will accrue interest tax free and then you can withdraw that in about 20-30 years at a flat cost of about 10-20% right?

Not to mention capital gains taxes, which are astronomically low.

>Your mantra is just get a trad job
No that's what you originally said here > but trade jobs are going to get replaced just as quickly
I was just pointing out that I don't think trade jobs are going anywhere anytime soon. I'm an engineer that designs industrial equipment, it's purely math and programming based. My job will probably be gone before the guy who clears toilet back-ups or lays down carpet, since expert system already can do a remarkably good job of simulating design parameters when given a few rules of thumb. But a computer simple cannot deal with real life situations. Also I don't give a fuck about call center worker or burger flippers.

so what are you complaining about?

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fuck you obama

>My taxes

>I want a 6 figure lifestyle from "working" as the third alternate backup for the DMV

>I believe that my side would win more elections if the rules (and therefore election strategies) would be different.

>The only perspective legislature should consider is my own.

>They already pay the majority of income taxes

>The only immigration law you would consider "human" is to give everyone in the world American citizenship.

How much per hour do you shareblue faggots get paid?

We allow in annually 1.4 million legal immigrants who will ultimately become citizens you filthy kike, the most we’ve ever allowed.

And who is protecting that account? And ensuring the holder keeps their end of the bargain?

Sure they could, they'd still offshore their profits like Amazon does. It's true that all those jobs should be done in the US but the fact is MANY times more jobs are being lost to Automation than to offshoring labor.
Our labor participation rate now is only 62.7% – lower than it has been in decades, with 1 out of 5 working-age men currently out of the workforce. This will get much worse as self-driving cars and other technologies come online.
Since 2000, technology has replaced the jobs of four million American manufacturing workers and decimated communities throughout the Midwest. With new developments in technology, experts are predicting that one out of three Americans will lose their job to new technology in the next twelve years.

You keep dodging the question.
The jobs will not be replaced with new jobs is my position.
Is it you position that the jobs will be replaced with other types of jobs ?
If so please name some of these new jobs.

The rich pay disproportionately more taxes than the benefits they receive from the government. The only benefit I see as a middle class worker are infrastructure and military, while the poor put in the little to nothing and reap all the benefit.

The federal government, you absolute retard.

If you're rich and you're paying more than 15% of your income in taxes, you're retarded.

>The rich pay disproportionately more taxes than the benefits they receive from the government



>no benefits

Sorry faggot, but you are going to have to work.

The only reason taxes exist is to pay for war and violence. It's a protection racket. Why attach something else like health care to it? People are perfectly capable of buying their own healthcare.

but they paid .06% in Payroll taxes!!!
they did actual pay over 1 billion in taxes total.

Mostly to other countries

I don't want to blah blah blah, I just want to cry like a fucking bitch. Just shut your fucking mouth and go back to the field nigger.

>offshore their profits like Amazon does
we should definitely put a stop to that. eliminating the income tax + bringing manufacturing back to America + limiting immigration would fix all the automation and labor participation problems

40% to 50% of income of the rich goes to pay taxes. 49% of people don’t pay income taxes. Fair share, that is insane. Then, let’s go to the Buffett/Bullshit argument on carried interest. If he pays 10% taxes and that is around 1 billion but the horror that that percentage is more than his skag secretary that paid 50% on her 150k salary. So 75,000. She doesn’t even contribute. At all. He can never get 1 billion worth of services from the government.

>40% to 50% of income of the rich goes to pay taxes


Most rich people make money off of their money, which means at most 15% tax rate.

>If so please name some of these new jobs
I don't have an answer, I though I made that clear. I was just addressing your comment about trade jobs. If people are underemployed or uneducated, well that sucks, I don't care and will not pay to support them. The world does not owe people a comfortable existence. You need to adapt or die.

>we should definitely put a stop to that.
yeap we should but we never will be able to. Because they make the laws. That's just fact.
There is a reason that Jeff Bezos moved to Washington DC.
WE don't have 20 years to fight them over this.
a VAT will tax their supply chain and ALSO tax their Stock option write offs.

So the rich who own the system and have brought global war and oil dependence to the homeland now want “equality” what world is this? Ropes for royalty

You are wrong as could be.
He pays long term capital gains of 10% and he has billions in write offs.
If he loans money to one of his many Trusts, well he didn't make ANY money and pays no taxes..

They do, of course, but they are a net drain and the numbers either don't get released or get lied about. 10 people agree to pool their money together for a service, if 1 or 2 new comers join and leech, probably not noticeable, but 3 or more and it's starting to become apparent. The government can and does obfuscate this by increasing the service cost for those 10 that pay to be the actual amount of people served, or don't and let the quality deteriorate, but yes, you should only benefit from the common service if you actually contribute. Gonna be honest and say I don't know the specifics of each country, and there are, but people do benefit unfairly from the common pool.

>You need to adapt or die.
Yeah well 1 out of 3 men will be unemployed in the next 11 years according to some think tanks.
They are just gonna roll over and die... A deep thinker, you are not.

Write offs are for shit like donating to charity which is in turn another form of taxation. They are allowed to choose whether they want to prop up human trafficking via charities or the government.

I'm right there with ya. 3 men in the US make more money that the Bottom 52%
3 PEOPLE vs 150 million.. That's nuts and I don't give two fucks how clever someone is when 1 out of 5 working age men are out of work.

the top 1% make 93-94% of all new wealth in the US... but we just need to learn that the world doesn't owe us an existence. At least ion the 1800s the robber barrons gave back ALOT