>when you see it
Is America finished
When you see it
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Wtf is bud ice
All that money going to a degenerate vice. What the fuck
Modelo is tasty as two tits slathered in BBQ.
Cheap beer for degenerates and kids
>i never tried beer in high school
>drinking the liquid jew
Just switch to water. Free yourself from the devil's vice
Fucking Modelo time, foo.
More than you pussy I've never seen this shit
Blacks like it for its high ABV and low price
Bud ICE arrests modelo beers
Modelo has been advertising like crazy the past year, not unexpected. Look at fireball, nobody drank that nasty shit until they forced memed themselves into being relevant and now every college kid swears by it.
How is seeing "Modelo Especial" gain 18.9% a bad thing?
You guys just hate Hispanic immigrants and their high DUI rates. Diversity is strength, bigots!
Modelo Negro is good with chicken bean and rice tacos.
Seriously who the hell drinks Michelob ultra
>t. northeastern USA user
Boomer women
>drinking alcohol jew
Good goy, you don't need those brain cells.
It's Bud Light with more alcohol you teenager.
It’s become way more popular over the last five years or so. If I went and played golf at any suburban country club today I would expect to see some.
When I bought liquor for my boss's kid he would always ask for fireball. I think that it just takes a few years to realize that nasty booze doesn't make you tougher or drunker, and that one may as well drink something that can be enjoyed on the way down.
thats embarrassing, yall should support Heineken
What is Steel Reserve?
Malt liquor nig drinks. I actually partook on many a Steel Reserve when i was a poorer college student. Probably gave me terminal sickle cell anemia due to nigitry.
>What is Steel Reserve?
I'm glad you asked...
Beer for bums that comes in 24 oz cans for $1.50. Used to drink it in college when my nightly beer budget was a few dollars
>he thinks he's tough because he went to bush parties in high school
That shit is high gravity.
vid related is literally me when I'm twisted off them steels
I've been wanting to know the back story on this picture. Just some alcoholic roommate?
I'm not sure. I actually have a larger picture that shows more of the background, but I can't find it.
United States of Mexico here come! Anschluss when?
You might be black and all that but we should clank some steelies and gas the kikes together. Ya dig?
>American beer
There is every chance that Mexican beer is just way better than the piss that white americans drink.
See pic related. Oh wait. lol. White genocide.