Are you man enough to stand up to Portland antifa next week?
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I'm on the other side of the world, and have no passport.
Otherwise I'd fly over and belly-bounce the lot of 'em in my Norf FC shirt.
Unless sommat dire 'appened on Corrie and I had to stay in with the senpai to see it through.
Fighting antifa is a civic nationalist thing. We had our day in Charlottesville, and found out that the federal and local authorities are hell bent on coming after white nationalists. And they let the leftists do what they want.
Don't go to these brawls anons. Wait for the day.
This is a board of peace. You should go to Jow Forums to see if those animals want a piece of this savagery.
It's mainly boomers. Maybe they'll figure out the establishment is not on their side when cops rip away their Blue Lives Matter flag and beat them.
I actually agree, just wanted an excuse to post a photo of this freak from the article. These brawls are fun to sit back and watch videos of civcucks and tranny junkies flop around making memes of themselves while we try to figure out a path forward for white civilization.
Absooulute faggotry, imaging caving becouse the cops are your enemies
>"Why is the establishmet that's trying to exterminate whites using its armed forces to suppress people who oppose this agenda? WTF?!"
More like a board in pieces after being flooded with all those Qboomers
Fuck off, nobody on Jow Forums lifts, they're all too busy jerking off to traps and trying to find the line between hightest and obesity
Mike Strickland stood up to Antifa in Portland in 2016. He was rewarded with 21 criminal convictions, 40 days in jail, and a lifetime ban from owning guns. It was also exposed in his trial that Portland police are undercover within Antifa. Imagine attacking undercover cops and getting away with it.
No, absolute faggotry is contemplating what any sane man can see is an absolute honeypot and running dick-first into it and ruining your life. Read SIEGE, and when you get to the parts about avoiding bringing yourself to the System's notice, highlight them and read them again, slowly.
It all depends on how one attacks Antifa.
Maybe we shouldn’t fight them at all. The more I stare at that cute goth twinks pretty little trans mouth the more I think I might like to salt that little slug
>Going to liberal cities to fight ANTIFA and look stupid
Cringe, stop doing this
True. Civic nationalists fight antifa in the street, WN should be gunning the antifa down though in minecraft instead of walmart
I plan on going and watching civil war 2 kick off
FUCK antifa they are all the biggest dumbest faggots.
I'll be there. POYB!
Commies and civnats are both the enemy, I hope they kick the shit out of each other. Going to protests is dumb, our government is occupied by foreign tyrants, what will protesting accomplish besides an immediate doxing and getting on the red flag law list? Nothing, thats what
Get behind me, Satan!
No one cares about your glownigger op. Just stay in your third world shithole and agitate there.
I don't even know why someone would fight them in public on their own turf. Dumbest idea.
Just let em fuck themselves. No assistance needed.
They are homosexuals and other mentally ill degenerates. They will do stupid shit and get worse optics without Americans having to easily beat them into submission.
Sadly you're correct, the game is rigged, keep your powder dry and prepare
Much as I love to see Antifa clownery it serves as nothing more than entertainment
>Lets get drive to fucking Portland just to get into a dungeons and dragons LARP fight with a bunch of fatherless trannies to help the globohomo news apparatus distract the goyim from the pedophile elites.
How about no.
It's basically a huge LARP battle, nothing more nothing less, entertaining tho.
Kys neetsoc retard
Shut up retard or you will get you head bashed on.We antifa rule the streets in this country.
He is also banned from protests. Considering he was largely a protest journalist he pretty much got banned from work. His 1st and 2nd amendment was cancelled. Ben Kerensa assaulted him what a lot of people are unaware of is a prior event in which Jesse Sponberg broke Mike’s arm in two places and stole his camera to delete footage, Jesse was not charged at all and has gone on to assault a preacher at the airport. Jesse Sponberg is directly responsible for the escalation in this city. Mike was armed when Jesse broke his arm and was in his rights to shoot him.
top tier kek
I said pipe it down nationalist scum before I hit you.
ultra kek , go dilate
I am going to break your face retard, dont make me become violent, go to your daily prayer and dont rise your head from the ground.
Hahahahah , can your anemic hand even go up from all that ass-fucking you've been exposed to?
Bitch you dont know me and legionaries like you get the steel in their skull.
Portland is a Honey pot and there are rumors of a possible terror attack there, no thanks.
But if antifa really wants to protest fascist there should be plenty of federal agents there for them to protest against
What a pile of shit kek
The prideboys are a right wing gay cruise. Fucking faggot enabling cum guzzlers.
There’s fuckloads of em tho, they gang up on individual people and beat the piss and shit outta of em. The police will NOT help you either, I’m glad I live far away from that festering tumor of a city.
Dont make me spit on you bitch boy we both know that like all bootlickers thats your fetish.
Scatifa, keep going please , I'm dying of laughter
They're basically some degenerate faggots who have degenerate fetishes and almost all of them have some chronic disease or HIV from their ass-blasting, it's pretty entertaining to see , we have a small group in Cluj, pretty harmless , the ones that tried to do something major got dealt with back in 2007-2008 with the help of the UN summit that took place then.
>Scatifa, keep going please , I'm dying of laughter
I bet you would die if we are to meet on the streets.
Stand up for what? Portland is a fucking shithole. About the same as San Fransico. The whole place is disgusting.
top lel faggot
What in the blue hell is that??
The best way to fight a crowd is to make them afraid to come near you.
You have to take the offensive; you cannot defend yourself from five people at once, but you CAN threaten five people at once, with just a rudimentary weapon.
Morale is key; you must be more aggressive than your enemy, and more willing to do harm.
Take it from the most unpopular kid in secondary school five years straight.
You can win if you make them scared to come within reach, and can avoid getting brained by thrown objects.
It's not easy, but it will make you feel alive.
This, I don’t recommend anyone going there unless you’ve got a big group of guys that are armed with brass knuckles or concealed firearms. Portland is an ungovernable shithole.
I think you would get an asthma attack if you were to even start walking on the streets , aren't you the one with glasses?
Yeah one of the fags or Muslims or something on coronation street might do something interesting for once
He's probably trolling but there are a lot of mentally ill individuals here since mental health is pretty taboo, pretty entertaining to see them spazz out tho, kek.
I didn't know they had antifa crossdressers in gypsyland
>We had our day in Charlottesville, and found out that the federal and local authorities are hell bent on coming after white nationalists.
Which is all the evidence you need for CivNat being the way forward. Sorry larpers, the Nazis took your shot and lost. You're everyone's enemy now.
Wow. What a fucking goblin.
>white nationalist zog puppets are better than civic nationalist zog puppets
We don't he is probably trolling, top kek tho.
If you organize and attend a rally I hope you get bikelocked. Using leftist tactics like marching and fighting in the streets doesn't achieve anything positive. It gives you a great photo op to look like a nigger and get doxxed. Which you frankly deserve. Normies should look at the news and see violent kids in all black waving commie flags, yelling and rioting. They are playing right into our hands and you go and fucking ruin it.
If you don't have the common sense or self-respect to stay at home, arm yourself to the teeth and wait out the storm I sincerely hope some tranny beats the shit out of you.
If youre conservative dont go. Its a trap. You wont be able to defend yourself. The courts and police are tipped in antifas favor. I would only go if you want to go out with a bang if you know what i mean but other than that do NOT go.
Take a >norf
confirmed antifa are willing to use violence to achieve political aims (terrorists) and hate their country (anti nationalist). enemies of the state really, traitors honestly.
If we were to fight them in Minecraft, it would be really funny gameplay to attach non lethal crowd control to drones...in Minecraft
Police like their jobs easy. They will go after the smallest crowd, it's less trouble and they'll have support of the bigger crowd.
It's all in the numbers.
Saltifa sissies lack the testosteron to attack a majority
It's like the headline is telling us what they want to happen.
Wouldn't it be grand if the lefties and the righties get together and attack the actual enemy?
Oh goodie.
Yeah, can you and antifa do me a big favor?
Record the whole thing. Why? Because I'm bored and pretty much got nothing else to do.
Don't pretend and lurk like your not here, I know you antifa and proud boys members are here on this board.
Be safe user.
Yeah great, just be sure to put that online, I'm bored as hell and I think a good old fashioned fist fight would be entertaining.
I live 45 minutes from portland but dont have any way there and depending on civnats having my back and getting piss and shit thrown on me doesnt seem that fun
Why are all antifags malnourished skinnyfats or fucking hamplanets
Based Norf.
The hero we need.
>the federal and local authorities are hell bent on coming after white nationalists
>the federal and local authorities are hell bent on coming after white nationalists
>the federal and local authorities are hell bent on coming after white nationalists
the word for this is treachery
>the federal and local authorities are treacherous
>the federal and local authorities are treacherous
>the federal and local authorities are treacherous
Antifa is more like a plague or a bunch of socialists who prove the point that
>socialism=mental disease=human rabies
contacting Antifa with anything other than genocidal force is probably pointless
we need a government that treats Antifa as a threat and a clear and present danger, then apprehends members of this domestic terrorist network
treating Antifa as a bunch of jerks is pointless, we need the authorities to recognize that Antifa is a domestic terrorist network and take action against them using state power
Civnat is the way forward and off a cliff
I can smell your fear.
If you dress up as the avengers you would cause a PR meltdown for Marvel and disney
antifags are about as scary as a stale marshmallow
>Anti Fascist
Good luck wasting your time convincing shitskins that it's not in their interest to steal from you when they're too dumb to make the kind of money you do. CivNat is a pipe dream just like lolbergism is. National Socialism also is retarded. No one's going to take over the government, no one's going to terrorize the public into an awakening. The only way to fix this problem is yet another breakaway civilization.
I love the fact that they're all repeating the same mistakes of the old antifa that led to the rise of national socialism in Germany, the very thing they want to "prevent"
>The middle beating the left to death
How is this not what we want to see? I swear some of you are too hard-headed, forgetting that Jow Forums is here to out-jew the jews. Manipulating boomer civnats is in line with our SOP.
We can use them as meat shields.
You will be the one to get btfo retard, dont worry your time will come.
I can confidently say I would drop every single faggot in that picture
Same here
I would but I live in Florida. good luck, faggot.
Thanks for the support. Im too far too or i would. We should crowdfund it. Seeing that happen would be worth what you pay at the movie theatres.
You wont do shit fat boy we are tougher than all of you larping nationalist together.
shut up, trash digger
Remember to
>film in as high a resolution as possible
>capture as many faces as you can
>get tattoos, lettering on clothing, etc
>get license plates, and any identifying numbers on vehicles
>if cars are covered up, uncover them and get a shot of the #'s
Alright thats up nazi fag you are going to be pummeled back into the grave.
they exist in your head only, White have a right to their homelands without shitskins but you cannot relate
They doxed the milkshake uhaul fucker? fuckin kek
Aye, same here. We're lucky to live in a state where antifa would get curb stomped for doing anything.
There is no such thing as a homeland we are all human and borders are made by elites wanting to plunder nations and to defend their serfs, we will be slaves to nobody.
lol'd at a gypsy trying to shit talk
No, eat shit. you just want out of your shithole
I’ve want to hatefuck a chick like this so fucking bad ever since I started watching Sexually Broken comps.
Understand they are going to have a suck and fuck weekend. Nigger antifa is going to fuck white antifa in the ass, while white antifa sucks sand nigger antifa off, and sand nigger antifa fucks all the white nigger antifa women in the ass. All in the park while the police take photograph and sing communist songs to the crowd.