As Joe Scarborough and "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski observed Donald Trump's political rise in 2016, they found themselves uttering the same line to each other: "This ends badly."
But it wasn't always that way. During their first meeting in 2003, Scarborough was amused by Trump's swagger and bigger-than-life persona. He and Brzezinski found him engaging and generous, if terribly insecure, and Trump made entertaining appearances on the MSNBC hosts' show.
But as Trump became an unstoppable political force toward the end of 2015, with his giant rallies and rambling speeches laced with bigotry, Scarborough saw his friend in a disturbing new light. He attacked Trump on TV and in his Washington Post column, becoming one of the most prominent conservative voices to speak out, even as the anxious candidate continued calling him to vent and ask for advice. As Trump's new presidency sputtered, the relationship again ruptured, culminating in the president's ugly and infamous Twitter attack against Brzezinski in June 2017.
This Ends Badly will finally reveal the full story of Scarborough's falling out with Donald Trump and how Scarborough came to fear his old friend inflicting permanent damage on the presidency. The ultimate political insider, Scarborough's must-read account is propelled by insights and revelations from his private conversations with the president, as well as figures like Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, John McCain, Paul Ryan, and many more.
Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be.
Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea. >The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that > THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE >But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. START SCREECHING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS NOW, NIGGERS. DO IT MY FRENS. START SCREECHING AT EVERY REPUBLICAN CONGRESSNIGGER.
more people pissed off by indian sub-humans stealing their jobs, perfect.
Jack Gonzalez
Don't worry guys. They don't need to investigate if Epstein really died by suicide because they have declared officially without investigating that he died by suicide.
Jack Garcia
>one of the most prominent conservative voices talking about joe, all i can do is kek
Asher Campbell
>Being unaware that rural and red states have the most white babies by far.
Mason Sanchez
we cant rewind we`ve gone to far....
Jordan Murphy
Are you still going to meme for yang even ironically?
>I don't know what coub is. I just go to the /wsg/ Ricardo thread and try to find ones that aren't shit. Am I going to get butt aids if I go to that coub site? Well, here is the link [1], it is the spiritual successor of vine except it is completely anonymous / pseudonymous meaning there is no attention whoring. It is also pretty much all russian so it is pretty immune to leftist infetterence. Check [2] for your Ricardo needs.
The QRD of the site is > 10 second MAX videos > music overlayed can be any size > ***NO COMMENTS*** or any other personal interaction, only "likes" and "reposts" > barely to no moderation
>That Asuka cosplay is pretty good I'll admit. It retires the character for me. No other Asuka cosplay can compare positively to that one.
This is your threadly reminder that America has not had open borders since the Page Act of 1875, which specifically banned east Asian women. The reason for this was the moral panic that ensued when white America realized what absolute fucking whores Chinese women are.
>You don't explain the fucking joke, that what makes the joke a joke, you retard. It's just a good song. Let youngfags listen to some good music for once...
>Trump's border wall rises near Yuma This is a big deal, this is one of the worst areas for illegal border crossings.
SAN LUIS — The first section of President Trump’s border wall in Arizona is rising near Yuma. The view from up close shows the wall in San Luis dwarfing the panel fencing it replaced, which stood 10 to 15 feet high. A finger’s-length space between the poles allows Border Patrol agents to watch activity on the south side of the wall and lets air through, but little else. Metal plates on top of the poles are designed to thwart climbers. Tunnel diggers would have to go down about 6 feet, judging by the depth of an open trench dug for the foundation of the wall. So far, the wall stretches for about 10 miles along the border on the east side of San Luis. When the 26-mile project is completed, it will extend farther east into the desert and farther west to the port of entry that connects San Luis with its Mexican counterpart, San Luis Rio Colorado. On Wednesday morning, heavy machinery was flattening earth and removing panel fencing across the street from a neighborhood in San Luis Rio Colorado that fronts the border.
The Page Act was supposed to strengthen the ban against "coolie" laborers, by imposing a fine of up to $2,000 and maximum jail sentence of one year upon anyone who tried to bring a person from China, Japan, or any East Asian country to the United States "without their free and voluntary consent, for the purpose of holding them to a term of service".[4]
Only the ban on female East Asian immigrants was effectively and heavily enforced and proved to be a barrier for all East Asian women trying to immigrate, especially Chinese women.[5] Moreover, the Page Act created the policing of immigrants around sexuality which "gradually became extended to every immigrant who sought to enter America," and today remains a central feature of immigration restriction.[6]
In 1875, President Ulysses Grant delivered a Seventh Annual Message to the United States Senate and House of Representatives. President Grant reaffirmed the United States bearing regarding the immigration of women originating from the Far East.[7]
While this is being done I invite the attention of Congress to another, though perhaps no less an evil--the importation of Chinese women, but few of whom are brought to our shores to pursue honorable or useful occupations.
Border wall status Below is a breakdown of funding and border wall projects for the fiscal years under the Trump administration, according to an Aug. 2 report from Customs and Border Protection: Fiscal 2017: $341 million * $292 million to replace 40 miles of fencing in the Border Patrol's San Diego, El Centro, and El Paso sectors. * Nearly all of that construction is complete. * $49 million to build 35 border wall gates in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. * Currently under construction Fiscal 2018: $1.375 billion to build 80 miles of border wall, some of which replaces fencing. * About 16 miles is complete. * Replace 14 miles of fencing near San Diego. * Construction began in February and is scheduled to be completed in 2020. * Build 25 miles of walls and levee walls in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. * Construction began on 13 miles of new levee wall in Hidalgo County. Completion date depends on the availability of real estate. * Expect to award contract for 12 miles of wall in Starr County by end of 2019. * Contracts awarded to replace 37 miles of fence in Tecate and Calexico, California and Yuma. Option for four additional miles in Yuma. * Construction started in April. Expected to be complete in late 2020. Fiscal 2019: $1.976 billion to build 11 miles of new levee wall and 74 miles of new wall in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. * Contract awarded May 28 to build three miles of border wall. Construction expected to start in 2019. Expect to award the rest of the contracts by the end of the year. * Construction will avoid five parks and wildlife refuges. Department of Defense funds: $2.5 billion in counter-narcotics funds to replace 129 miles of fencing in Yuma, El Paso, El Centro and Tucson sectors. * Construction delayed due to lawsuit. Supreme Court allowed plan to move ahead on July 26.
No, I do NOT want to suck MIGA cock or learn to code. EVER. Reading some (((redpilled))) shitposts will not change this. Do you comprehend? Do you unnastan' the words that is comin' outta my mouf?
Now that I've dispensed with that little rant, perhaps you could take heed of this and simply title your threads with "chronic judaism general" or something efficient. Unless you're targeting them exclusively at rural neckbeards, which I can understand.
How about,
>Real pills that make you fine, like "Zogland is consuming bottled jewish cum, daily not only as a source of protein. want to receive some cock.
>at least on 4chanX user, plz. > giving some third party complete control over your browser to "own the kikes" That negates any OpSec measure you may take. Other than installing software there is no greater control you can abdicate than installing an extension to your browser
> reference by pointer How plebeian. Real men JMP into a random register. > Aeschylus Not bad. I'm a fan of Zeus from the Prometheus Bound (even if he's never onstage).
>Page Act of 1875 >The law was named after its sponsor, Representative Horace F. Page, a Republican who introduced it to "end the danger of cheap Chinese labor and immoral Chinese women
top kek
Ian Murphy
>My shift just started at Shareblue
John Hernandez
Nah, there was vehicle caltrops where this was built, hence it's a replacement and Trump BTFO!
The really ought to have been a ban on Asians in general.
Justin Ramirez
Abolish the underage being allowed on the general internet and such gaysites, the smart will circumvent it like the SK pron ban and it will be made better.
He's probably alive. The prison cooperated easily and without info leaks. So it couldn't have been a murder cover-up. They just moved him to a new prison so the Clintons couldn't off him before he testifies.
Ian Watson
>Mississippi Meatpackers Start Hiring to Replace Arrested Migrants The advertisements for jobs at the meat processing plants are being run with the help of the state government, which touted the event after the migrants were removed from the processing plants >In a sharp political change, the federal enforcement action was supported by the Mississippi state government, amid vehement denunciations from Democratic politicians, including 2020 candidate Joe Biden. Governor Phil Bryant tweeted his approval. If you are here illegally violating federal laws, you have to bear the responsibility of that federal violation. I think @ICEgov is doing a great job, and I think @USAttyHurst is doing exactly what he should be doing, and I commend him for it.
Well that site sounds pretty legit then. Good thing I'm behind 4 VPNs and 7 proxies so the Russians can't hack me. >scroll through the first few Ricardos Oh shit, I just found a new source for Ricardos. Now I gotta figure out how to save them from that site. Are they even .webms or do I have to convert them? Well I dunno I'll figure out.
I forgot how dumb you were about software. It all runs clientside and it's open source.
William White
>he did not browse Jow Forums when he was underage
not based at all user!
David Ortiz
Are those homos outside Turtleman's house?
Dominic Allen
Leo Mitchell
You are pretty much describing coub already > doesn't advertise in the west > doesn't allow any on site personal interaction > language barrier keeps the western audience out It's pretty much meme paradise
Everyone worth a shit did or they are very old. If it was banned I would still get to it but plebeians would not be able to, ergo the quality would dramatically shoot up. People are openly gay, retarded, and underage now. General ban would fix it.
>doesn't allow any on site personal interaction Kinda nice
The focus should be on coding and designing robotics. Stop focusing on distraction apps and social media algorithms, and start working on the one thing that is going to free us from being wage slaves, automation.
Asher Ortiz
> His wife made him sign it, 100% He knew the truth about Asian women. That's why he wanted America to be free of their kind.
>He's never going to become president >He's never going to start building the wall >It's only a couple miles >It's only fifty miles *You are here* >It's only 400 miles >It's only one layer thick >It's only two layers thick >It's only two layers with landmines in between >It's only two layers with landmines and drone strikes >He's only deported 1% of the Latino population >He's only deported 10% of the Latino population >He's only deported the Latinos and the Blacks >He's only deported all nonwhites and had 1% of the liberal population locked up ...
Parker Ramirez
>Now I gotta figure out how to save them from that site. Here is the quick conversion process
1) copy the url, paste at 2) Click "Convert" 3) Click "Download Original" 4) When the timeout runs out, ***DO NOT CLICK*** download video but right click it and copy the link
5) Go to 6) Click "Enter URL", paste the url you just copied 7) Click Add URL, click "Disable Audio Track" 8) Click start conversion
Voilà, a handy webm will be at your disk in the end of the process. In case the webm is too big just fiddle with the video bitrate on step 6 above. Usually 1200 is good enough, 800 for longer videos.
Libre software which is widely used is generally audited, the problem is worse with more obscure software. The worst kind of malware is blatant and prevented by open source code but present in closed source. Using libre software in conjunction with a better operating system implemented properly, like Arch, end to end encryption, nonparticipation in various malware services, etc. makes the probability of abuse much lower. Some services are prone to backdoors for being widely distributed and probable vectors for illegal or subversive content, like VLC, so exercise proper caution according to likely adversaries. If you're not a scumbag or a nigger you have much less to fear of course, just the pirate hunters.