Keep in mind that the US is undercounting illegals too and the non-hispanic white statistic also includes middle easterners and jews. America is already minority white
>180 million Spics/chinks/poos in US invaded since 1998
YUGE undercounting you got there
post-1965'ers are atleast 130 million of the population
in 90s, there were 220 million in US, about 85% were Whites who traced ancestry to pre-1965
Now there are over 350 million in US
Native population growth was negative since the 90s
so atleast 130 million foreign shitskins since the 90s
There are over 170 million shitskins smuggled into the US over the last 3 decades
Demographics of US:
1950: 90% White
1990: 85% White
2019: 40% White
100 million Latinos
60 million Africans (includes Haitians/Jamaicans)
30 million Asians
20 million Multiracial
10 million Middle Easterners
10 million Jews
1 million Gypsies
= 230 million in US
it's alot worse. White non-hispanics are: arabs, poos, north african, gypsies, uzbeks etc...
Bush destroyed the demographics of this country
we have over 50 million of them
We imported over 70 million Hispanics and 30 million Asian into our country because racism bad and now no one can afford a house.
The US people would only be around 220-230 million people if the 1964 immigration law hadn’t been signed. Now we have 350 million + and 500 million by 2050 because of Mexicans, Hispanics and Asian immigrants