How many 20-25 year old women are there who are worth marrying?
How many 20-25 year old women are there who are worth marrying?
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They are all riding the bbc train sorry
women sleep around, get over it. dont be jealous you couldnt get it while the getting was good. sure you dont wana think about it, but theres no reason you cant go get laid by one of em and please, for the love of yourself, dont act like you are above and beyond it or your gonna have some mighty tired hands
11 percentage
No one cares. The only people who care are 30 something hags who find no man wants to settle with them because they ran 100 miles of cock through every orifice sleeping around in their prime years. That's good news for homeless cats, so it's not all bad.
>women sleep around, get over it
this. leave the thots to their thotting ways. acquire currency, then have designer babies in china
Still no excuse for accepting one with a niglet.
Ill say this much. i think there is some almost hysteria level idea that women, especially white women, are like obsessed with black dudes. why? bc every one here watches so much fuckin porn and reality tv. 1. porn, the actresses are PAID, hell, so are the actors and they get paid MORE for black dudes. 2, reality tv thots go to where the money is, similar to porn, which is either a old white dudes b young black athletes/stars or c same as b but young white guys who are literally fags/cucks/pedos. Think back to highschool, hell, maybe even college, were there really THAT many mixed relationships? when every one was more or less socioeconomically equal? cmon. its an elitist trend and everyone else is the 99% so have faith
maybe 4
Jealousy has nothing to do with it. It's about creating good families.
1 in 3,000,000,000,000.
What’s with bbc on everyones brain?
I watch BBC every morning at 6 a.m.
why are you assuming that bc a girl fucks someone that wouldnt make them a good mom? If you wana argue that they start having too many kids out of wedlock do drugs etc dont work ok fine, but theres birth control out the ass and its cheap and effective. just bc you had sex a lot literally means nothing other than in the mind of the person looking to marry the girl. If it bothers you that much, maybe you have a separate issue you gotta find another graph for
probably half a dozen from Europe and the US combined
Tits or gtfo.
Because, retard, the well researched and compiled evidence does not support that promiscuous women make good mothers.
And being a "good mother" is only part of it. There's also a man in the picture who also matters. Most intelligent men, meaning those most likely to be able to support a family, DO NOT want a woman who sleeps around for a wife, because these women have destroyed their ability to pair bond with others
They aren't able to pair bond with the man or the children he has with her. They do not make good wives OR good mothers, they are a disaster in a family setting.
not only this, white men who watch sports, cheer to black athletes.
and they listen to black music from black artists or try to imitate rap
a woman with value isn't sleeping around
>theres birth control out the ass
birth control causes mental insanity. how do you think the left ended up in the state it is in today?
only desperate plebs would even consider wifeing a ho that has been on that shit before
honestly all this is just sad
I know some here gloat about how unhappy they will be when they hit 30
I know others say whatever, just fuck them
Others use it for demorolization threads about black men fucking white girls
But the truth is this sort of cancer comes from feminism and jews and is destroying the west
Reality is very simple - if those girls stayed virgins, meaning no blow jobs too, until marriage, they would have a happy life and raise balanced children
Letting them go wild destroys western society
So what do we do? Especially as - for now - women are allowed to vote.
Man, their daddies must be so proud.
This perfectly explains my hatred for football both Eruo and American, baseball, basketball and many others. Plus it irks me that the only thing these men have accomplished is taking a childs game to the steroid fueled extreme and get paid handsomely for it. Fuck pro sports.
All you need is one and if you do not think there is even one then you're a retard so why does it matter?
This is true, especially rap music.
Decent white men who wouldn't think about living near niggers then let their daughter grow up listening to their foul music and wonder why she lets tyrone plow her and ruin her for life when she is 18
please post this gif, I'm ready to watch a man die inside
I am 32, and I've slept with 71 different girls so far in my life. I could have slept with more but I was picky about it. Am I not good husband material because of that? I think not, and I'd be a great father someday when I decide I want to settle down.
So in my opinion it does not matter too much how many a girl has been with. There is way more important factors one should look at.
Shit m8, your enter key just earned a purple heart.
They hysteria is manufactured by the opposition of racially conscious white men. It's not about weather its true or not. It's pushed so much to to demoralize.
More than 50%
Chad is nothing but a male roastie. Don't know why he's portrayed as glamorous on.
The anti-social ones.
Why isn't there any corresponding data for men? Why am I supposed to believe a man that's had multiple women could settle down with one and not cheat on them?
the difference is you didn't have to be jacked up on hormones that destroy your mind and body to do it while wasting away your healthy fertile years
How can you not understand that there is an inherent difference between a man having a lot of sex before marriage, and a woman having a lot of sex before marriage? A woman is always acted upon in regards to sex. They are having something done to them. The man is imparting his will onto the woman, the woman does not impart their will onto the man. A woman that chooses to have many sexual partners shows that she does not have the wherewithal to protect her limited resources.
Because getting laid by tons of girls actually takes skill. Not just anyone can go and do it. Meanwhile any chick who isn’t 800 pounds can fuck hundreds of guys with zero effort.
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Women are allergic to these graphs. It makes them swirl like sprinkling salt on a slug.
You must be from ate chan. Welcome. It's been like this since 2016
>inherent difference between a man having a lot of sex before marriage, and a woman having a lot of sex before marriage
Who is that man having sex with, then? Let’s hear it!
Not really, unless you count lying to and fooling women a skill. That's all game is really. That's why you see Jow Forumsfags who can't get laid and some charming semi fatfucks who have zero problems. They both use different variations of the same exploit. Namely, that women are stupid, gullible and generally have low self-esteem, the last usually due to their own peers rather than anything any man has ever done to them. The guys who are successful just play to their own strengths. Simple, if you're not a complete fucking autist.
Surely you mean a-social.
They are usually ugly though, often times lacking a mentum prominulum and don't have small maxillas.
Reminds me of this
Read the graphs idiot, this has been studied.
Promiscuous women make terrible families.
No one is assuming that sluts don't make good mothers, that's just what the data says. I'm sure it's possible for a single slut to be a good mother, like an anomaly, but we know sluts are more likely to break families and we know broken families are bad for children and society at large. So sluts are bad for children and society at large.
Sluts ;)
None. I met my fiance when I was 20 and she was 17. 5 years later and she's engaged to me, has only had me as a sexual partner her whole life (I know this because I deflowered her our first time), and she wants a domestic lifestyle because she never had her "independent woman" college days to poison her head with feminism.
Women in the age group of 22-35 y/o right now are the most insufferable and miserable people in the US. They are a lost cause.
It's because it gets in the way of their narrative that they can sleep around when they're younger and then settle down when they're older
Doesn't work that way in real life
Idk im 32, so these women are out of my comfort range. But my gf is 18 and loves me to death so in that region there's still hope.
did you even consider the fact that women could just be lying about the amount of ppl they have slept w too? there is a dual standard in society when it comes to sex, and i as a man have had sex w plenty of women and you could make the same argument that i would be unable to pair w a woman or whatever but at the end of the day life is short and ppl are gonna sleep around. youll just have to settle or be smart n dont get married period.
22 here, someone send me a visa
id rather a girl w experinence than a girl that bites my dick
Jesus, the black half of the Spy vs. Spy really let himself go.
zero in the west anyway
Nigger and cuckold
pipe down you literal whore
Women who had sex with more than one man made it abundantly clear they will not be good mothers.
white and have slept w more women in the past month than you will in the next year
Literal nigger. You are absolutely disgusting and you should rope yourself now. You would be a horrific father.
Is there anything that can change the female zeitgeist that having a 200+ body count is good?
Typically when you insult someone you try to make yourself sound better than them, not worse. Bragging that you are a filthy whore and I am monogamous is backwards. Get your insults right.
oh yea i forgot sleeping w women is a bad thing. whos the cuck again?
Met my fiance whem she was 21 but took 6 years of faithfulness before I asked her to Marry. There are lots of good women out there. Unfortunately, if you're a loser or autistic, you're probably not going to find them.