US spy plane ALLIED1 circling above Iraq. whats going on?
US spy plane ALLIED1 circling above Iraq. whats going on?
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That's where Jeffrey Epstein will start his new life via the Witness Protection Program. He (now she) underwent sexual reassignment surgery and will continue her as a high class escort doing intelligence regarding members of the Arab Elite. Trust me, I'm an insider.
That is one ugly bitch!
Rut roe...shits about to HAPPEN.
nigger whats the fucking update on this for fuck sakes
still there
Do you know what Iraq used to be called?
Arab Persia.
The meme about Iranians being half Arab is true... In Iraq, not Iran. Iran has mountains.
keep us updated ffs
>the exact coordinates of a US military plane would be on a public website in real time
there are multiple above
It's called OSINT look into it.
Quit changing the subject away from Epstein, ShareBlue shill
Jeff is flying the plane to freedom
ssshhhhh memeflag, we're having a decent thread here, dont fuck it up with your boomerposting, nigger.
i know what it is. does it also transmit spec ops planes? drones?
IRGC is entrenched in Iraq through shia militias. ALLIED 1 dindu nuffin.
This might be a HAPPENING used to divert attention away from epstine, im interested to see if this is the route they take.
kys faggot
Iran is smarter than you.
Teeheehee Saudi bro is so Saudi....
>Spy plane
>ADS-B turned on
Btw you aren't lying, Shia run Iraq now and they also populate the parts of KSA that have oil.
You've been bullying the Shia in KSA for long enough. They're gonna rape you, one day.
Shia have been on the Saudi oil field land for a long time... KSA is a brutal regime.
And I hate the Mullahs btw.
Carpet Bomb
Iraq is 'murican clay since 2001, what's the news here
The jew shill rises to cry out as he strikes you.
America handed the Shia Iraq after defeating Saddam in order to spread sectarianism, this allowed Iran to easily influence the Shia dominated Iraqi government.
Absolutely. If you want another redpill look into the "supreme council" or whatever of Iraq that Shia started back in the 80s.
The Islamic Revolution itself in 1979 was a plan from Brezinski and Kissinger to give a base of operations to Soviet "-stan" countries and their Shia population.
In 1980 as Iran was broke and getting invaded by Saddam they printed millions of Korans for Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Tajikistan, etc.
There are Farsi speaking people all the way towards China.
"The great game" isn't about Iran as much as it is about Greater Iran, the old borders.
Oh shiiiiia
Yes, the Ayatollah was suppose to be a Western backed puppet dictator but it backfired on the West when he decided to just do his own thing.
Did he really go rogue? Hard to tell sometimes.
They always need an enemy, look at how they built up USSR or China...
Same thing with Iran IMHO
I would much prefer secular or Zoroastrian Iran but I don't see it happening.
Also the Shah did everything they asked of him except some Jewish mafia stuff. He didn't want to make arms deal payments to the Israeli broker.
He thought it was an attempt to blackmail him.
Otherwise Shah did everything he was asked to do, he was perfect puppet and yet they deposed him. Why?
Because he had cancer and became critical of Jewish influence, perhaps.
Thanks for clearing that up!
I hope Iran Israel and SA, and even turkey, mutually destroy themselves.
They are vehemently opposed to Pissrael.
The West would never tolerate a sovereign state that is this hostile to the Zionists even if it helps them achieve their goals.
Secularism is incapable of defending a country against Western subversion.
Only ultra nationalism or religious theocracies can do that.
Obviously spying. Spy planes tend to do that.
>US spy plane over Iraq
Nothing is happening
The Shah was their bitch.
But he wanted to renegotiate oil deals near the end of his rule.
Lol, you incels are fucking idiots. how does a roz works whats in an 8 line, 9 line, or how a stack is set up or the level of planning involved in assembling a strike package. In all fairness thou its not only you keyboard warriors but many country's entire military's, to include the germans, are just LARPing.
I suspect Israel itself, the Ehud Barak/Epstein faction, help keep Iran afloat.
You saw Obama's handiwork at their command.
CIA too has a huge presence, allegedly, in Iran.
holy smokes Batman, look at these digits!
Kek literally typing this out of my traditional tent in the backyard of our house.
>bullying shia
Wrong. They’re full citizens just like me. Perhaps you’re confusing iran’s treatment of Sunnis and other minorities?
Also, living in the vicinity of an oil field does not entitle to jack shit. This isn’t Texas. And not that it makes a difference, but there’s other, more prominent tribes living in the area before shia Islam was even a thing. And Fuck your government too (except trump, pompeo, and Bolton.) rest can choke on a mullah dick.
I don't see how international Jewry can reap any benefits from the existence of a regime so hostile to it.
It would better to turn every country in the region into a US vassal or client state.
It would them to essentially rule over them by proxy.
That is a nice tent. I bully because I am jealous...
I've heard the Shia there are bullied. Wasn't there some big attack there in the late 70s early 80s?
It's a pretext for American military footprint in the region. In my humble opinion.
The only minorities Iran suppresses are the CIA nigger ones like Balochistan.
Afaik Iranian Kurds don't co-op with CIA.
Not sure about Arabstan.
The smaller ethnic groups are not targeted except for maybe Afghan refugees.
Azeris are just as Iranian as Persians.
Good Lord..
Will you shill your fabricated sectarian conflict elsewhere, kike?
They need a reason to keep the KSA and gulf states afraid.
>Afaik Iranian Kurds don't co-op with CIA.
Kurds outside Iran are America's bitch though.
And they actively fight the Iranians.
Actually any plane with a transponder YOU LITERAL RETARD
I agree the sectarian meme is mostly new... Shia and Sunni did not have this type or gang or militia violence until Iraq 2.0.
Squawking 'Allied 1' transponder, probably an IDF AWACS or ECM bird. The boychiks were stonking the sand niggers in outback iraq this morning.
But Israel is more important than the Gulf states.
And those oil monkeys don't really feel threatened by Iran, it's all just theater.
They are using this Iran shit as a pretext to execute the will of their mutt overlords and co-operate more with Pissrael.
Yes they're also Communist.
Kurds inside Iran seem to like Mullahs maybe because the Mullahs have a strong socialist platform.
At the end of the day it is about Lockheed Martin etc, selling weapons.
Furthermore the Iranian threat allowed Mossad/IDF to cozy up with KSA.
The KSA/Israel thing has nothing to do with Iran, it's just a pretext.
Salman has plans that require US approval and in order to get that, he has to suck Israel's cock.
They're afraid of them more economically and in terms of education... KSA is paying off American Universities to bring programs to them for "cleantech" meanwhile Iran has more engineers per capita than anywhere (or in the top 3)
As much as I hate the Mullahs gangster pedos they did invest heavily in education and there is a lot of brain power in Iran.
Opening it up to the west (or China) without nuking it would be a huge source of economic productivity.
Russian hackers, Russian engineers, etc are similar to Iranian hackers and engineers.
But their cooperation goes way beyond MBS, probably since the mid 90s. Maybe longer.
Also doesn't Salman translate to Solomon? Almonds activated.
They can't do much with all the money they make, the whole region is infested with mutt bases, they could deal with the oil niggers fairly easily should they ever become a problem.
As for the Mullahs, you are probably right.
If Iran were to ever liberalize, it would end up under America's boot.
Since liberals are utterly incapable of resisting subversion.
Yes, but it has intensified now more than ever.
>spy plane
>literally anyone with an internet connection can know it's exact location
Is this really the fabled American stealth technology that burgers like to brag about so much?
epstein is visiting saddam hussein
Small rotor planes?
Reminds of of Colombians smuggling cocaine.
Rotos move slower than jets. Slow can be advantageous sometimes.
It used to be called Asshuristan.
They can fly really low.
pre-Islamic... Based
Something doing an orbit at 18k? It’s a UAS doing surevelance.
So it's another drone itching to get shot down?
can you link this i can find it in searches
these threads are kind of pointlesss. if they were doing some supa sekrit shit, why wouldn't they just turn off the trabspondetr?
Why the fuck would a spy plane show up on publicly available flight tracking software?
OSINT just means open source Intel
Signaling. They want another party to know.
>Why the fuck would a spy plane show up on publicly available flight tracking software?
To blend in with the crowd... Of course. KEK
on joogle maps it looks like a completely desolate area of mountains with no signs of life at all.
might be some terrorist niggers hiding there
i c
are b350s used as spy planes?
Sectarianism was not a thing in KSA or the broader ME before the Ayatoilets chimped out in 1979. You could literally trace nearly every single sectarian conflict to that cursed "revolution." I wish this dumb shit would die it, but the mullahs aren't letting up.
>US spy plane ALLIED1 circling above Iraq. whats going on?
Trying to make a tornado.
The circled area in pic related has a water course and is near a road, while also being in a valley to help shield from indirect fire. it is anything but desolate or without signs of life. It's one of the more livable spots in the area. They would just have to wait for someone to pause for a sec on the side of the road with their cellphone shared in order to shitpost on here.
Look up the MC12. There’s also a ton of COCO planes going open source stuff like LIDAR terrain mapping, etc. not all B350s over there are doing ISR. Especially that far southeast. Especially with the transponder on
It takes two to tango
And a mysterious force pulling strings
Blame mi6 and CIA
looks cool
So basically, OP is someone who has zero idea about what’s going on in the ME, how ISR works, what kind of assets the US has, what their capabilities are, why they are where they are, pretty much anything. Yet he chooses to make a LE HABBEDING thread because he is completely oblivious to the way the world works but decided to look at Iraq with the flight radar app
A persian arab shill with a Brazil Flag via VPN just died.
Press S.
Don't tread on
Some guy probably tied a transponder to a goat or something for a giggle.