America is a wasteland third world cunt

America is a wasteland third world cunt.
Deutschland should annex the german parts of amerika and then unite as DEUTSCH AMERIKA the constitution will be adobted from america and then our united cunt will be 95% white pure german.

lets do it

Attached: deutsch amerika.jpg (218x231, 21K)

I'm in.

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Pennsylvania Dutch rise up!

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What a waste of a thread.

this is the real map

Attached: Germania.jpg (1779x1076, 309K)

you can't be american if you're not Anglo
you're just a larp

lmao that will not work out

the mentality of us in those states is far different than how you deutschers run your country

it will not be an easy integration process

too bad yellowston'es bout to blow her load all offer new germania

Americans be named Max Frederick and think they're fully German.

>you can't be american if you're not Anglo
piss off dude, this place is my home

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Might as well use this thread.
Does anyone know what the name of this particular German military march, where they sing about how the devil laughs (and even mimic his "ha ha ha ha"), is?
Can't seem to find it on youtube anymore, not sure if not using the proper terms of if all the videos containing it got deleted.

Heard that germans are giving a hard time to immigrant russians. At least verbally telling them the hell they want everything right now and for free. Good job germans. I think german blood made America great. Only anglos would allow russian to suppress the sexually.

Hoosier Reich when?

Irish potato niggers are not Germans, stop larping and kill yourself tranny drump supporters.

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SS marschiert in Feindesland

but its probaly bannend everywhere

your lease is up wog scum

more white than you muhumud, my family is ex nazis who fled from the nuremburg trials. i still have my Opa's and oma's NSDAP membership papers

Attached: heritage family tree.png (1604x1098, 356K)


Alright Merkel bring back Hitler maybe well talk

back to south america where wog scum like you belong

stay out of minnesota ahmed

>Parents are blue eyed, blonde haired, light skin while their parents are literal shitskins
Makes perfect sense. Quintessentially mutt tier logic.

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Freistaat Nordamerika jetzt!

Attached: AmerikanerBund2.jpg (2000x1474, 465K)

>implying German is even a coherent ethnicity
Southern Germans are more Celtic than Germanic

Attached: dje3BAt.png (1218x665, 208K)

Why would I want a bunch of beta males who gave up all their rights because of Le holohoax to be in charge of the based Midwest?

Colorado as a german area. Now THATS a big doubt from me. Have you even been there?

mostly East

Attached: german-americans-map.jpg (750x390, 156K)