Notice it's a little shilly in here today? I'll just leave this here.
Remember to link the court docs as often as you can.
Today's Shareblue talking points
What is ROLCON?
>the shills are gattacking your based ::DD gandidadde Zognald goyim, you should go back to supporting him annnd alt-gike since we gglearly oppose dem XDDDD
zzzz, hire new people Qushner. this is getting stale
Also remember there are no victims, only teenage whores who knew exactly what they were doing
You're probably the shill, spamming fake documents everywhere.
Shareblue's budget doesn't make sense if that is what they're up to.
ROLCON: 'Role playing as a conservative'
this. the spamming of this has been over the top. they always accuse others of ROLCON when they're doing the biggest, constant ROLCON.
that's not it. it's an acronym. Role playing as a conservative is a given.
They are following this exact guide right now all over Jow Forums and it's obvious as fuck.
Its a bunch of skinny neckbeard liberal neet cucks probably with piercings and tattoos, with pictures of anarchism on their walls, who're spreading this bullshit. Literally retards like Vaush or Destiny.
They're literally nigger tier fedposting retards. THIS is the diversion people keep talking about. How have you people not realized it yet? Everyones on the look-out for a massive diversion / coverup to sweep the epstine shit under the rug but everyone's giving this shit a pass?
Try harder you glowniggers. THIS is the actual diversion.
stalwarts btfo
Shills keep shilling this like it's real.
It's a word some Jow Forumsack typed up when they opened Word and started typing this "email"
It's Shareblue themselves who typed it up and have been mass spamming it here to make us look like retards to pushing a fake email.
these are awesome. not since the protocals of zion has fake but accurate been so much fun.
This nigger gets it.
court docs check
Imagine being paid to shill for a dead convicted pedophile.
Is anyone REALLY stupid enough to get caught up in this role play? Its pathetic.
6 days bridge.
Completely agree with you leaf. Jow Forums is acting suspicious today. Lots of slide threads, lots of shills.
it's afraid.
These dumb sluts are why you must be 18+ to consent.
>tfw the only one making sense itt is a leaf
Mossad memo to all Kushner and Trump squads!
Someone leaked a memo to our MAGA shills (pic related).
Make sure not to repost it and not bump any thread where it has been posted or we have to withraw your access to the MIGA bond.
Call anyone Jews and post the image labeled Trump_defense_bingo.jpg from drive 12 and rename it as per protocol 54c if you see anyone post it on reddít, Jow Forums, twitter and facebook.
Why would 2 Trump related topics that are virtually identical in aim and form be 20 "talking points" removed?
>can't even change their name in years of exposure
how retarded do you think we are user?
>Labor Day
Is this when they plan to stage another mass shooting?
Reminder Twitter also just changed 'Clinton body count' to 'Trumps body count' on trending
Look, there is simply no possibility of foul play. Epstein should be excused of his potential crimes and I doubt the possibility of his guilt. Here is a trustworthy source about the current court documents:
While I sympathize with the potential victims of Epstein, I must remind you that there are prior allegations against President Trump. Trump has prior quotes regarding Epstein and they have proven interactions together. Reminder: the President of the United States has a lot of power compared to members of the public.
you're not the only one who's (((noticing))) things.
they'll eventually realize that we notice them, and they'll start changing up their tactics soon.
Then what is it? Don't just say what it isn't.
Also, it's not an acronym. Things like defcon, opsec, sigint aren't acronyms, neither is rolcon. roleplay conservative makes perfect sense.
Squirm you fucking worms.
He's only a pedo by definition if they hadn't gone through puberty yet.
Who sits down and fabricates this dumb crap to troll you
Are you ironic LARPING or is that hyperbole? I can't tell. Too much glowniggerdry on Jow Forums right now.
I'm kinda confused.
Wouldn't "Trump killed Eppy because we all KNOW Trump is a big pussy-hound and friends with Eppy, etc, etc".
It makes more sense that Trump, still being very much "a thing" VS old, busted and just waiting to die Bill and Hillary, would be the one to actually wack Eppy.
OK, it really makes more sense that Mossad did it.
Makes even MORE sense that Mossad faked his death, and all Eppy's Blackmail remains in effect against US targets.
But why the Jew-Left not pushing "bad orange man" on this?
You fuckers can't even help yourselves replying to that, can you?
Holy shit, the kike shills are on full damage control today. Especially on twitter.
Like one of Alex Jewnes' white papers
Still your fake and gay shit somewhere else, your orange nigger sucks kike cock
I'm just following the instructions and hoping that I get contacted by shareblue to get paid to shitpost of Jow Forums all day
>why the Jew-Left not pushing "bad orange man" on this?
Congress is calling for a full investigation into it. AOC demands answers. this is going to make "russia" look like a small short term thing. they just got handed all their material for 2020 and beyond.
>your orange nigger
Thanks for proving the OP is correct.
wait, aren't you OP?
jesus christ that tweet
really want to get paid, huh, shabbos goy?, I get the joke, but holy shit, I think we're surrounded by actual fedposters. Usually Jow Forums is right about this kinda shit.
Ironic shitposting to fit in is a clear sign of kikery though.
I don't need shareblue or who the fuck ever to tell me Trumps is a pathetic kike puppet. Trump is doing an outstanding job of that all alone
>really want to get paid, huh, shabbos goy?
No, I'm just fucking around. Relax.
Please just give up shills you are like the Nazis who kept fighting after the Normandy landing. Except the nazi cause was just you are shilling for literal vampires who use children as a drug and a food source. Give it a fucking rest.
>I can't tell.
The Onion is real life.
Yes. OP means opening post or opening poster.
Look at the pics this faggot chooses to upload to show us he's not a shill
>They literally gave instructions to go “what about muh Trump!!!”
Holy shit I hope this is real because it explains so much.
>3.Link to the current court documents regarding Epstein or use them in constructing your argument
>3. Remind people of Trump's prior quotes regarding Epstein and their proven interactions together (Talk Subject 34 -live article, currently bare bones)
Jow Forums right now, the greentext