>over 400lbs
>'knee problems'
>has a job but has been on disability for years
>somehow still affords to stay this huge
Something doesn't add up.
Over 400lbs
1 dollar borgars
But how is she GETTING them if bitch can barely walk? How is she affording gas, car, insurance, etc?
These aren't trailer trash cows, they exist in cities and urban area and aren't limited to white people. How can you be this fat and be considered poverty?
maybe she just eats all the bread
A burger has like 500-700 calories. I eat them and shitty fast food once or twice a week and I've a former /fat/ass down from 255 lbs to 172.
The amount of fucking food you have to shovel down your throat to get and let alone stay fat in insane, 3500+ calories every single day with minimal exercise. When I started losing weight I ate 2800 calories a day and it started melting off.
>A burger has like 500-700 calories
A singular cheeseburger from McDonald's has 300cal. She probably needs 5k cal a day to maintain that weight
Fat people are lazy greedy pigs that also tell lies. It's always amusing when they tell tales of exercise that even in shape people don't do.
She's pretty.
>The amount of fucking food you have to shovel down your throat to get and let alone stay fat in insane, 3500+ calories every single day
This is easy to do. A McDonald's mcdouble burger, which is literally a buck in the US, contains 390 calories, is delicious and pretty damned small. I can eat three in one sitting as a near snack. Eating nine in a day is a cinch, and that would put me 50% over the calories I need to maintain my weight (of 170 lbs at 6ft). And I'd still have plenty of room for fries, cake, soda, etc. It's super easy to get fat in America. Ergo the crisis.
At least she's happy.
Healthy at every size! :)
every women on the planet has beta men around them who pay for everything
they have enablers.
went to mcdonalds yesterday
thats the same price like here in Germany.
I always thought fastfood is cheaper in the US.
Answer me this: how the fuck do you get so fat? I'm struggling with weight issues now that i got older but i never lose control and actually try to fast and eat half of what i normally eat. Sure, I'm hungry every night but i don't want to become a fat blob.
I worked in the food service industry for many years. Out of my regulars, the people who ordered the most food were always fat. The people who ordered the least were always healthier. I could tell you all manner of horror stories regarding the fattest customers, most of which were female.
Stop taking drugs.
She is not healthy and is only hiding her shame behind a fake smile.
Beta men need to be deprogrammed or killed. Sadly this will never happen.
I don't but a decent burger is 4 dollars +. I guess women are just winning so hard now they all are getting great jobs and can afford to be really stupid with money. They'll learn someday maybe. Apparently I'm only good enough for 15 an hour with over 130 iq but sally queefs a lot whos as dumb as rocks gets to make spread sheets for 30 dollars an hour. Diversity is our strength.
They compulsively eat shit tier food.
>I could tell you all manner of horror stories regarding the fattest customers, most of which were female
Please tell comfy stories.
Has been active {yes/no}
But why? Don't they care about their health or appearance? When i was slightly overweight i was ashamed of going out. I was disgusted. Don't they have dignity or self respect?
It's a compulsion. They eat their feelings. They have very poor impulse control and should probably seek counseling and medical help.
fuck no, shit can be expensive. only actually retarded people continue to eat all that fast food... hmmm, l wonder why the vast majority of fat retards skyrocketing out obesity statistics are ethnic minorities
>Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.
They are in that space where they lose all confidence and barely have a will to live anymore. It's really sad. Usually starts when they get rejected by chad or have some pretty unlucky things happen and then their self worth spirals downward and then they just make bad decisions intentionally because they hate themselves. Usually this is all subconscious but some people can bring it to the conscious mind.
O.o I have none. Only horror stories. Like the fat woman crying as she stuffed her face with an entire LARGE pizza.
...or my fat roommate (who I honestly felt bad for) who ate half a cake and hid the other half in her closet along with several large bottles of alcohol, a fleshlight, and several vibrators.
Ah come on, you can do better than that.
Based and fatpilled.
it's an addiction and mental illness. i've fucked my life up with drugs and alcohol in the past and really want to get better yet yesterday the only things i consumed were beer, whiskey, and water. on the bright side i'm not fat, but that shit's no different from an addiction perspective.
I had a DM for D&D that would eat whole buckets of KFC as a "snack". I would bribe him with pizzas to get cool shit for my characters. He was a good person and a good DM, but very bad at controlling his gluttony. He once had an entire plate of KFC...like 2 buckets worth piled on a plate. He asked me if I wanted some. I said yes. He then directed me to the kitchen and said more was in there. I opened the fridge and saw probably about 5 more KFC buckets. I ate two breasts and he kept eyeing my food hungrily while eating his.
I see. USA doesn't seem to be nice place to live. Obesity everywhere, mass shootings, political circus.... something is very very wrong with your country.
>I ate two breasts and he kept eyeing my food hungrily while eating his.
Fat people confirmed abused canines.
she cute
Unhealthy food costs 1/4 what healthy food costs here in the US, enabling even the poorest of us to develop their own gravitational field. Thanks, international corporations owned by Jews!
At least we dont have Merkel lol
Still better off than you m8
that's actually not true, there's plenty of cheap healthy options people are just too lazy to cook, and i get it but it's easier to not eat when you're feeling lazy then it is to go to a store and also pay for garbage.
Enablers. The same men who are willing to marry anything but a virgin.
how are all those immigrants you're overrun with doing? they still raping your women at insane rates?
the whole world is fucked, all governments are shit need to be taken down and restructured.
It's mostly the carbs. Keto diets are best. Most chunkers won't go keto though. They love their breads.
keto makes people smell terrible.
Stop taking drugs.
Take a shower in the morning and a hot bath at night. Scrub your stink pits.
All our money goes to niggers who dont work.
And the politicians keep giving gibs for more votes.
It was beautiful when I was growing up during the turn of the century. But now it feels so isolated and no one really gives a shit about anything but getting pussy or if you are a girl getting big black dick and making a whole bunch of stupid money and then spending on stupid things like overpriced unreliable cars, cheap chinese clothes, and electronics that become obsolete in 1 year. Women are so incredibly entitled and mean spirited here. Men are so cucked and white knighty it's unbelievable. The 20 somethings here all think open borders and full on socialism is great. Bullies aren't even cool here. Bullies aren't even proper here. Instead of taking the piss out of kids and knocking them down a peg while still being friends with the beta males, they just generally do evil mean spirted things and play mind games so that the weaklings never actually learn anything or figure out their role. The women would rather sleep with short drug dealer guys rather than a guy that would actually be able to defend her and provide for her because he's "Bad". I could really just keep going on but this place is total shite, most of the good people I meet are over 40 years old, men and women included.
Why do fat women do this
i do clean myself, i also don't eat like that, but people who are on it their breath and shit smells too. most people are a bit blind to the way they smell.