How the FUCK do you even refute this?
Also look at the likes this tweet got. Everyone fucking agrees except Trumpshills.
How the FUCK do you even refute this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bernie trying to banter
No one cares about the socialist who doesn't pay taxes and turned over his donations to hillary.
Climate change is a hoax. Climate change exists but either no one knows how the fuck it works or scientists are paid to not know how it works and tell everyone that the world will be fucked if we dont buy their government sponsored eco friendly products.
When a bunch of government officials begin to beat the war drum over a perceived issue in order to tax the fuck out of the populace, it begins to look like a hoax.
My favorite part of the climate data is where it lists tropical islands as being 0 degrees year-round
Anyone got that smuggie of Bernie that's like
>I am the most anti establishment candidate in the Democratic party. Whoops guess I bent the knee to the establishment there goes all your donations.
This is a bot
>climate change amirite guys
climate change is real but it's not from humans it's from the zeta reticulans who occupy the centre of the earth trying to expand their living space. during the day parts of the earth are getting closer to the sun and at night it's farther away eventually people will live on a giant boat that circles the antarctic to escape the heat
It's funny that people keep saying other candidates would do bad thing here or bad thing there, while Trump did ALL of those things you hate
>More money to Israel
>More visas
>More illegals
>Gun grabbing
>Didn't lock her up
>More money for the rich, less for the poor/middle class
>Wants censorship of the web
>Wrong think not allowed
>Pay your Carbon Taxes GOYIM!
Also who was responsible for keeping Epstein fucking secured? It's not Trump or Barr, noooo...It's their fault the pedophile died without croaking the names first. Be it Clinton or whoever was on the list, he didn't name anyone because TRUMP, The current President, FAILED. I wonder why he was so careless....
They always conflate Climate change with man made climate change. Just like the conflate illegal immigration with legal.
It is completely intentional and it is a scam, just like the rest of the leftist ideology.
Herrrr durrrr. Pay tax goyium.
Here’s all the “people” who liked that
Then why hasn't the fucking climate changed you commie oven dodging kike? Al Gore's promised me dead polar bears, acid rain, skin cancer and a fucking hole in the ozone layer. IT IS A FUCKING SCAM.
>yeah well the climate data is wrong!
>they manipulate it!
Based on what study? People like ?
Even right wingers know Bernie is always right and has good policies. They just hate that Democrats like people who aren't white.
Left-wing conspiracy theorists are digging their own graves on this stuff, they've been proved wrong over and over in recent decades and are the biggest blockade to the change they want. Just because they all fellate each other while pretending to be victims, doesn't make them right.
>Then why hasn't the fucking climate changed
Nigger people are already being displaced by rising sea levels and melting permafrost. It's happening RIGHT NOW as we speak.
>post random image of some small roof
>"see climate change isn't real brooooo"
>my local weather station said it wasn't going to rain today.
>it's raining outside rn
>trusting these people to predict the climate using computer models, using flawed data, over the next 50-100 years
There is climate change; there always has been and always will be. But it's 99.999% driven by the Sun's activity. Human activity is insignificant. When Mount Pinaturbo blew it put more pollutants into the atmosphere than the entire industrial revolution from 1800 to this day. Not a big deal.
The Paris Accords are a filthy globalist scam to rip us off for trillions.
Climate is the path to NWO.
The joke is that Trump is becoming more and more anti white. At this point it feels like the fervent Trump shills are having stockholm syndrome and keep using 578459d chess as a way to cope. Soon Trumpo will invite more immigrants, will pass anti-white laws and retard supporters will say it's all part of the plan!
Moron spoiled it for the dems or is it 8y dems and 8y reps?
>manmade climate change is a hoax
>trump can be an idiot sometimes
Nothing to refute
>Nigger people are already being displaced by rising sea levels and melting permafrost. It's happening RIGHT NOW as we speak.
Machine gun their escape boats then.
>Man mistakes tweets for candidacy
They're not sending their best.
got em
>Also look at the likes this tweet got. Everyone fucking agrees except Trumpshills.
>less than 1% of US Pop
>on an international, global platform of 3 billion users
It can be 500 billion and they'd still be fucktarded.
"dems were unfair in their primary!"
Meanwhile, Republicans have made it so they don't even need primaries anymore. That way people like McConnell don't have to worry about getting primaried out and their GOP base isn't going to vote for one of those nasty SATANIST COMMUNO PEDO SCUM DEMONRATS.
Holy shit! You mean that the population of a small east coast city among the entire Twitter user base will agree with anyone who hates trump? This is a new development that simply cannot be ignored.
>I’m carryin Marrianne now!
And Sanders is the fuckin idiot that claimed at one of 2016 debates that “climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism.”
theres literally nothing in common between these 2 but i get ur point
BULLSHIT. Why are waterfront mansions in Cape Cod, Maui, South FL etc only going UP in value!? In landlocked USA flood planes are taken into account for every real estate purchase. The sea isn't fucking rising, please show me the helpless coastal niggers that are being displaced, show me you stupid fucking kike.
>kike living in a white country trying to promote racism to white people calling others stupid
Bernie sanders wants to fight climate change by importing a million more consumers. And by cutting down forests to pay for it.
>Mount Pinaturbo
>Human activity is insignificant. When Mount Pinaturbo blew it put more pollutants into the atmosphere than the entire industrial revolution from 1800 to this day
It blew about 42 million tonnes of CO2
THAT YEAR ALONE (1991) humans added 23 BILLION tones of CO2. From 1751 to now, we added 337 billion tons of co2
Even if you take in all the volcanos and how much they produce in a year, it's still not even close.
It also released 20 million metric tons of SO2
That year alone we released almost as much.
See or have you not actually looked at the dataset all the studies are using and just reading headlines that say it's settled?
Takes 120 kWh to compress CO2 to a liquid. More energy to build the compressors. More energy to build the storage. Much more energy to break it into carbon and O2.
There is nothing to be done about Climate change.
What specific maps and data are you referring to? You sure you didn't mix it up when it says "difference" between a set of dates?
>How the FUCK do you even refute this?
When a thread like this is made, read the replies that refute man made climate change..
a-user, that is from leddit. are you ok?
Bernie Sanders is irrelevant because he cucked spectacularly to HRC in 2016 and abandoned his economic nationalism and sanity for cultural marxism and identity politics.
Fuck Bernie.
>"How the FUCK do you even refute this?"
>climate change will cause mass starvation by 1975. Quick raise taxes!!
>the rainforests will be gone by 1995. Quick raise taxes!!
>there will be mass extinction by 1995. Quick raise taxes!!
>theres gonna be an ice age by 2000. Quick raise taxes!!
>theres gonna be massive warming by 2000. Quick raise taxes!!
>nations will be wiped off the earth by 2000. Quick raise taxes!!
>we have 10 years left to live ~ (Al Gore 2006). Quick raise taxes!!
>the world will end in 8 months
In waht way is it smarter?
Cool climate change is real and we are going to a global extinction event.
The only rational solution is to mass genocide Asia as the are the biggest culprits.
Unless anyone has any better suggestions?
It's not a hoax but it literally doesn't matter to anyone in a first world country except slightly more shitskins will try to come here.
Go to Mars.
>Half a gorillion likes
Mega Fug it’s over for drumpht fans
When you have a hornest nest in your backyard- you burn the nest.
>what to do about China when they're no longer useful
>nuclear destruction
>Everyone fucking agrees except Trumpshills.
USA has over 327 million people living in it
Did Orange Faggot recently comment about climate change or something?
lmfao, based
THEY'RE RUSSIAN BOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody believes climate change is fake, the planets history is full of changing climate. Like well before human beings stepped foot on it.
The dispute isn't on if climate change is real, the dispute is on the cause of it. But like everything else, the jmedia twist it.
Since the formation of Earth's climate, the climate has been changing. We're in the middle of an ice age.
Trump has become a joke, but that doesn't mean I'm going to vote for an actual Bolshevik kike.
Oy vey! We're all going to die when acid rain kill our crops, and when the poles' magnetism reverses, and when the hole in the ozone gets bigger and we're all sucked into space.
I'm setting up a charity to combat all these threats. Please donate, for all the children.
only retards push climate change
This, I'm just here for the keks.
>German Twitter.
Take care of your fucking shit and stop obsessing over what the first world is up to.
I majored in physics. I've read the papers, it's real. Go back to your fucking swamp you're a dumbass redneck.
>Also who was responsible for keeping Epstein fucking secured?
>TRUMP, The current President, FAILED. I wonder why he was so careless....
Holy shit today’s batch of trannies is horrible at this. Take your Prozac and estrogen faggot, and fuck off back to plebbit
>I majored in physics. I've read the papers, it's real
LOL. Well I guess it’s settled. Some anonymous cockgobbler attempting to raid the chins said so.
Fucking mentally ill parasites
unfortunately pal, they were caught lying with their pants down
It's great, there's no way Trump is losing this. Look how much attention all the bat shit crazy people get in their party. When they screw bernie out of the nomination because they know this guy isn't electable his base is going to be pissed and won't vote again.
No they aren't you filthy lying kike
You refute a hoax with facts...
Is this really the thread that we're going to do right now?