Did the CIA Blow Up Chernobyl? There are no definitive answers on what caused a Soviet nuclear reactor to explode at Chernobyl in 1986. It really smells like sabotage.
Did the CIA Blow Up Chernobyl...
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Theres a show about it, watch it u fuckin fag
The CIA and MI6 slipped the subhuman slavs the intel on the RBMK reactors, without telling them about the fatal flaw that makes it go boom.
So in essence yes, but technically no, they just let the low IQ subhumans run their course and ended up blowing themselves up as planned.
Fuck commieboos.
Fuck slavboos.
That is all.
>Trusting Netflix
Found the pedo fag
I've heard the same. It helped to cause USSR collapse.
This makes sense.
the Soviets are not incompetent?
> It helped to cause USSR collapse.
yeah and it wasnt the first time the US sabotaged nuclear plants of its enemies. Remember when the USA nearly exploded a irnanian nuclear plant with the stux net virus? seems familar.
Or we could go with the absolute truth of the situation: Russians are horrible engineers that are unable to make a reliable car, chances are they fail so hard they can't build a safe reactor.
>Russians are horrible engineers
>Top engineers school in Soviet time.
>First man in space.
USA fags as always subhumans.
Not even on Netflix you fuckin scizo
The reactor design was flawed. Every nuclear scientist on earth agrees with this.
Your tinfoil hat may be causing your brain to overheat.
Yeah, and 98% of scientists agree that our climate has seven genders. Next.
mutt education strikes again
Why do you hate America so much?
Wrong design of reactor, the temperature sensor was ot top of fuel block but on bottom was much more hot, when they retract control roads the temp power, when reactor kick started from poisoned core status it rocketed pressure and power pump was offline and there was no cooling to take this energy out. positiv feedback loop the reactor went into avalanche power output. When they pushed button to drop control rods which should stop reaction by eliminating neutrons from core., the top of them was from graphite,,, this works in some conditions the power increase, in this scenario power jumped so fast, that all water win reactor core was turned int steam and whole top cover and that s it just stupid people and cutting corners in design resulted in this.
nuclear engineer =/= climate science
>There are no definitive answers
Here you go OP
Doesn't matter who. Matters that pereztroyka money went into "fixing" this thing. It's definitely part of a reason of collapse.
Proper link
It was a satanic ritual.
Leave it to a German to come up with a really retarded (redshield)conspiracy theory!
Leave it up to an Amerimutt to not realize that the world leaders are satanist pedophiles with an extreme blood thirst.
Another shorter video just on Chernobyl
It was on HBO
what have the soviets built without stolen technology? only shitty cars
>Did the CIA Blow Up Chernobyl?
This is remotely plausible, until you consider the 100 year history of Russians ass-blasting themselves with the technology they stole from us and barely understand. Thieves getting their dumb asses BTFO. Karma, man.
Where you from originally, your English is amazing
>There are no definitive answers on what caused a Soviet nuclear reactor to explode at Chernobyl in 1986.
There are charts on what happened to the fucking core back to the houndreth of a second
Not sure if this is also a slide thread.