Invaded 0 countries in the last 30 years

>invaded 0 countries in the last 30 years

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iran hasn't invaded another country in 300 years but somehow they're the bad guys.

>what is Tibet

They focus on making China better instead of fighting wars for Israel.

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Probably has to do with seizing an embassy like the cavemen they are

They invade via debt faggot

The government is too busy trying to occupy and oppress China.

what a bunch of pussies

much le ze ju

>Buy land in other countries
>Invasion without invading

>is literally an empire
>as an empire they literally are a collection of subdued countries
>people are not allowed to leave or self-determine
>strange 30 year timeline... did something happen 30 years ago?
Why do u lie man

>invades your economy and destroys your manufacturing jobs by pushing cheap garbage that brokefags won’t live without

He really is just a silly old bear.

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>tibet invades china and takes their land
>China invades


They're scheming it and planning the process. These insectoids believe the idea that whole world is originated from the Chinese kingdom and they should conquer it. Only America is standing their way.

>arab nations invade israel and take their land
>isreal invades

>Conveniently choose a cut off date that ignores Vietnam, Tibet, Korea, and the civil war.

China have been doing some Sun Tzu shit for the last century by appearing weak and not getting into unwinnable wars

They let Europe walk all over them, but barely lost any land permanently - most was just leased out and given back.

Instead, they've built up quietly, and will one day unleash hellish vengeance on us all

We deserve it to be fair

>Be chinese

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Both sides are shit desu.

The Dalai Lama is literally an agent of the CIA lol

That sounds like exaggerated bollocks to me

Shut your pie hole Nigel,your the reason the opium wars went the way they did. We had a pretty good time trading with the Qing.

Chinese do nothing in half measures. It's always full speed or full retard, sometimes both.

the lost of Mongolia is a pretty big blow

There are more methods of invasion than tanks and millitary.
Just look at how the Jews started the invasion of today's Israel.
They legally bought the land from under the Arabs.
Then look at what China is doing in Africa(the entire continent),Brazil, Colombia, Iraq etc and tell me there's no invasion.

What are 99 year leases on vast swaths of land in Veitnam

a province of China

>Chinese are the Niggers of the 21st century
Says the man who is currently having his country overrun by actual niggers. We'll see if you still prefer real niggers over Chinese in a few decades.

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What happened on the Korean Peninsula?

Yep, times used to be better.

>makes their own people suicidal
you should move there if you love it so much

>hong kong
>would invade Taiwan if they could

I honestly don't care about Chinese citizens and business. It's Xi and his happy little clique I want to see thrown off a bridge. Xi is gonna ruin his chance at unfucking China before they get stuck as a middle income failure.

Thats not quite true, they’ve invaded multiple african countries, they have built new bases, and they have continued building fucking islands in the south china sea.

I mean come on, when is the last time yhe U.S. built an island?

They tried to engineer regime change throughout the Muslim world immediately after the 1979 revolution, which caused everyone in the region to turn on them. The Ayatollah explicitly stated their goal was to set up “real” theocracies in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc.

How's that any different from spreading "Freedom and Democracy"?

Netherlands calling others niggers when their capital is filled with whores and cokes out inbreds.


Aren't you going to tax it extra or something then? Bring the bread manufacturers back to burgerland


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Cant become a world power*

Does not have the logistical capabilities to do so.

Xi is responsible for all of China's development in the past several years. He's not a bad leader. The only downside of Xi's reign is that he's extremely conservative and freedoms have gotten worse in China recently.

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Reset the clock!

Obama level gymnastics.


Both races are easy to spot and thus easy to kill. Both are very much welcome to come and eat lead.

To answer your query; I'd rather take Niggers than Chinks. Chinese think they can run the place and will do so given the chance. They have resources, manpower and a history of domination. Niggers never achieved shit, ever and can only survive in white countries if they get government gibs. They have the slave mindset and just wreck anything that's being handed to them. They can easily be deported back to Africa.

>How's that any different from spreading "Freedom and Democracy"?
Oh gee you're right Islamo-fascism and freedom and democracy are totally the same things.

being invited is not invasion mutt

user has a point.

>I'd rather take Niggers than Chinks.
God, you're ether the biggest faggot or a nigger yourself. At least Asians work hard and don't want to destroy your society.

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This and friendly reminder that Xinjang ist not Chinese

fuck all chinks

>Rightful land

P.S. if you love China so much.
Then you should go back yellow men

Yup. America should just let the Chinese steal all of their tech and business and let them become the most powerful. Makes sense (unless it's the Taiwan part of China that wants arms).

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Yeah, the neoliberal boot is so much better than the "islamo-fascist" boot. I'm sure those Afghan goat herders were glad and thankful that it was Obongo and not the Ayatolla who was bombing their livelyhood to kingdom come

Not physically but cyber invaded EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY and stole IP, tools, everything.

Chinese tourists are so unpleasant one may as well consider them an invasion force.

>Lacks the military capacities to even defend their own country
Imagine a cucked shithole like china trying to invade another country. Poos could conquer the south of china if they would like more poverty

Lol try harder

Sadly the truth. This is because Amsterdam is a Jewish Dominated City State, not representative for the Real Dutch who left it behind decades ago because Jews took over and implemented their multicultural propaganda bullshit. All true Dutch hate Amsterdam and laugh at its inhabitants and their retarded policies. It will serve as a lesson for future generations to never let Jews rule your country.

Lol Yuan, you are funny. Chinks want to take over and do so through insidious ways. They will continue the course of this hellish society without a second thought. Most sleepwalking whites won't really mind, as long as they get their money. When you import niggers, they will destroy, waking people up.

Confused here. Are Xinjiang and Tibet allowed to take back their rightful land or not?

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Interesting and refreshing thread. Really makes me not think about Epstein anymore.

Ok, enjoy your niggers, toothpaste.

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plz elaborate. genuinely ignorant burger scum here.

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This is more of a budgetary limitation than anything else. Notice op used 30 years? They did invade Vietnam, and they absolutely would invade sk, Japan, and any non compliant se Asian country, including India.

*except for the philippines on many occasions

>invaded 0 countries

Tech giants
Land purchases

Tried to invade Vietnam's territorial waters just a few days ago but got chased off by the Vietnam navy.

They did not invade, why should they??

but they are buying africa and makes slaves (Angola for example)

What is Tibet? What is Hong Kong?

That is honestly mostly chinese capital flight, not central committee trying to invade. Nevertheless, china is a shithole and chinese owned assets should be confiscated

How about Tibet?

What's with all these low effort China threads being spammed all over the catalog?

China literally hires millions of people to shit post all over the internet for them. If you see someone praising China, it's almost certainly a Chinese shill.

oh, you are the market researcher. Go back chang

Lies. They built a military base on spratley islands which means that they invaded, and are occupying a different country

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I travel to China regularly. Behind their great firewall they have forums for shilling, mostly places that speak English. Most of them aren't even passworded and open for viewing. They don't even care or they're just that incompetent.

I regularly try to warn Jow Forums when a thread is going to be shilled by the Chinese, because I visit their forums on my personal VPN in China. No one believes me. I've taken screen shots, but none of you fags know how to read Chinese.

>invaded 0 countries in the last 30 years

does Hong Kong count?

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Did you know that Tibet had a slavery before the Chinese communists intervened

znasz chinski?
powiedz cos wiecej o tych forach. adresy podaj.

And? Reveal flag small dong and take your internal cannibalizing somewhere else. Balkanize already insectoid

Not being capable of something bad you want to do doesn't make you good.

>China hires an army of shills to shitpost about China on Jow Forums
OK memeflag Pajeet

glowniggers are not even trying anymore at this point

Yeah they do. Last we knew they hired just over 2 million people to shitpost all over the internet for them.

>I've taken screen shots
pics or it didnt happen

a bunch of nobodies shilling for China, is nothing compared what the CIA and USSOCOM have done

They're not nobodies, they're CCP members. Shilling for China is required to work your way up the party. These are mostly people who in the future will be part of the Chinese government.

They do a lot more than just shilling though. Notice how you see nonstop news about Trumps border camps and how they're concentration camps, but you hear almost nothing about the million+ people in Chinese concentration camps?
Chinese shills threaten or bribe for negative news about them to vanish and have on several occasions even been caught buying positive news articles about China (in the US no less).

>invaded 0 countries in the last 30 years
They do it when nobody is looking.

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Vietnam, Inda and nepal excluded

you're an embarrassment to my nation you fucking paki

user, you're making the bug posters uncomfortable.
Don't worry, I'll distract them!
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志
Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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>They're not nobodies, they're CCP members. Shilling for China is required to work your way up the party. These are mostly people who in the future will be part of the Chinese government.

This is true to an extent. If you notice, Chinese take A LOT OF selfies with people, especially when they travel. Every business meeting, they want a selfie with you, because it increases their social status.

They'll even take random selfies with some random white guy because they'll claim it's someone important. This shit happens all the time.

A lot of them are losers, yes. But the shilling occurs anyways because it increases their social standing.

This post made me freedom everywhere

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